First Kick

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"Are you gonna kick for your daddy today? He's going to be so excited to finally touch you and he'd be even more excited if you'd kick for him." Alice rubs her stomach and feels Chic nudging against her hand. "Let's take a picture for daddy, okay?" She reaches for her Polaroid camera and lifts her shirt up to expose her baby bump.

She snaps a picture of it and waits for it to fully develop. As she waits she takes a picture of herself like FP had asked for.

"Look how big your getting." Alice coos as she looks at the picture of her bump. "Look how big your making me get." Her bump is hideable under loose shirts and sweaters but it's definitely prominent.


She's escorted to the visitors room, FP had been asking for weeks to be allowed visitation and they finally agreed.

She looks around the room at everyone being reunited with their loved ones. There's a little girl that catches her attention. "Daddy!" She runs into the man's arms and he hugs her tight. "I missed you."

Alice's heart aches, that's what it's going to be like for Chic. Only getting to see FP on visitors day and through a glass window. It's so unfair.

The door opening is what breaks her out of her thoughts and she looks over to the door to see FP coming in. He smiles at her as the guard uncuffs him.

He walks over to her, picking up speed the closer he gets. She meets him halfway and throw her arms around him, never wanting to let go. "God, I missed you so much, Al. You have no fucking idea how much I missed you." He hugs her tights and breathes her in. He takes her face in his hands and kisses her long and slow, wanting it to last forever.

"I missed you. I've missed being able to touch you."

"I know, I have too." He kneels down and presses his hands on her bump. She wore a tighter fitting shirt to proudly show off their growing baby boy.

He pushes it up just enough to place his hands on her bare skin. "Hey there baby boy, it's daddy. I lo-" he stops mid sentence when he feels a hard nudge against his hand. He looks up at Alice who has the same shocked expression on her face. "Was that-"

"I think so. Keep talking to him."

"I love you, buddy. I love you so much already. You're gonna be the most adorable baby boy in the whole wide world and I can't wait to finally meet you." He's awarded with another hard nudge and this time both he and Alice know for sure what it was. "He's kicking!"

Alice nods and he can see tears filling her eyes. "Hey, hey baby." He stands up and wipes the tears from her cheeks. "Don't cry. What's wrong? Did him kicking hurt you?" He pulls her into him and she clings onto him as she cries into his shoulder.

"No, it's just... my hormones are crazy and I was hoping he'd kick for you today. He's been moving around and nudging me lightly but I was hoping he would kick for the first time when we finally got to see you and he did."

"That's my boy, kicking for daddy." He presses his hand back to her stomach and doesn't feel him kicking anymore. "Wait no don't stop! Keep kicking!"

Alice laughs and takes his hand in hers, moving it across her stomach. "He moved over here, honey."

Sure enough he feels Chic kicking again and he grins. "That's my boy. I didn't know he could move around that much. How did he end up over here?"

"He does little somersaults in there, it's pretty roomy right now since he's still so little. Pretty soon he won't have as much room to be travelling around."

FP guides her back over to the table she was at and helps her back into her seat. He pulls his own chair close to her ignoring the guard's disapproving stare.

He places his hand back on her stomach, letting Alice take it and guide it wherever the baby is. He follows the baby's movements with his hand every time, completely mesmerized by the life growing inside of her. Half him, half Alice.

"How have you been gorgeous?"

"Hungry. He's definitely your kid because he's making me hungry all the time."

FP laughs. What is he making you eat?"

"Cheeseburgers. Lots and lots of cheeseburgers. And onion rings are another thing he's craving."

"Normally you don't like onion rings."

"Well I don't exactly have a say in what I eat anymore, your child owns me and my diet."

FP smiles. "Besides being hungry all the time how are you?"

"Good. I sent in my application to Berkeley!"

"You did?" He smiles excitedly.

"Yeah, I just gotta pray they like it."

"They're gonna love it, they'd be lucky to have you go to their school." He kisses her cheek and she leans her head on his shoulder. "I want you to tell me as soon as you hear."

"I will." She promises. "Maybe if they accept me then we could have a little celebration?" She raises her head off of his shoulder and he raises a confused eyebrow at her.

"Al, in case you forgot, I'm in prison. I don't think we can exactly celebrate in the way you're thinking, as much as I'd like to."

"Actually there's thing called conjugal visits."

"Oh I've heard of those, don't you have to married though?"

Alice shakes her head. "I looked into it and as long as you and your partner have been together for at least six months then we're good to go. Plus, I'm having your baby, I think they should understand it's a need for both of us."

He chuckles. "You've been looking into conjugal visits, babe?" Her cheeks turn a few shade of pink. "Any particular reason?"

"My hormones are all over the place. I want you so badly it's so frustrating." She groans and leans into him, he laughs and strokes her hair.

"I know, baby. I'll ask about a conjugal visit." He kisses her head. "We can still do it with the baby and all?"

"Yeah, it's not going to hurt him or anything. Besides, I'm eating for him all the time, I deserve a little treat myself."

"And I'm your choice of treat?"

"Of course you are." She presses a soft kiss to his lips. "Oh! I almost forgot! I took these pictures for you." She hands him the Polaroids from her pocket and watches as his face lights up.

He stares at the photo of her in awe. "Gonna have to hide this one for my eyes only. Don't need other guys looking at my girl." She laughs and he flips to the photo of her baby bump. "Gosh, I wish I could be there to see your belly grow in person. I want to be there, Al. So badly. I'm going to treasure this one."

"I'll take a picture for you every time he grows noticeably." She leans her head on his shoulder and lays her hand atop his on her bump. "I wish you were there to see him grow too... I tell him every night how much you love him, how much you love us both. That's when he starts moving the most."

He wipes at his eyes, trying to be discreet and Alice gives him a sad smile. "Never let him forget that, Al. Make sure he always knows how much I love him."

She nods and hugs him tight. "I will, baby. I promise."

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