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Alice and FP walk in the school, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. The minute they turn down the hallway all eyes land on her. People are whispering and staring and FP wraps his arm around her tighter. "Why are they all staring?" Alice wonders.

"I have no clue." He's just as curious as her.

Hermione and Fred come running up to them. "Oh my gosh, you're here!" Hermione exclaims.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Rumour has it you got arrested."

"What? How did people find out about that?"

Hermione and Fred's eyes grow wide and she gasps. "You mean it's true?"

"Yeah but only FP and a couple of other's know. Hell, my parents don't even know!"

They all walk down the hall to her locker and see everyone crowding around her locker. Alice shoves past everyone to get to her locker.

Her locker is plastered in copies of her mugshot, phrases like "drug mule" and "Serpent slut" written across it.

"Baby-" FP starts but she quickly turns, the anger clear on her face.

"Penny fucking Peabody!" Alice seethes and then she's off in search of Penny.

FP follows quickly behind her. "Babe, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Where are you going?"

"To give that viperous bitch a taste of her own medicine." She sees Penny leaning against the bleacher.

Alice storms up to her. "Alice, you look nice for a recently released jailbird." Penny smiles at her and Alice delivers a hard punch to her face.

Penny scoffs and spits blood out onto the ground, turning back to Alice. "Well, prison made your right hook better."

Alice goes to swing at her again and FP pulls her back with an arm around her waist. He steps between the two of them. "Penny, get the hell out of here." With a roll of her eyes she storms off.

"What the hell, FP?" Alice yells.

"Al, you just got out of prison, you really want to go back for assault?" She looks up at him with glossy eyes and shakes her head. He cups her cheek with his hand and kisses her forehead. She smiles softly up at him and takes his hand in her own.

"Let's go to class." She sighs.

"I can take you home, Al. We can just hang out, maybe get some extra sleep or something?"

She shakes her head. "Who am I if I hide from this? That's not me. I'm facing this head on. Now," She takes his hand in hers and starts towards the school's doors again. "let's go. I'm alright, I promise."

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