"Wannabe Serpent"

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A few weeks later FP and Alice are hanging out at the Whyte Wyrm, a usual thing, a favourite hangout spot of theirs.

That is until Penny shows up and ruins it, which happens quite often.

"Scotch on the rocks." Penny orders, and then she turns, faking shock as she locks eyes with Alice who is sitting next to FP. "Alice! Hi, long time no see."

"Not in the mood, Penny." Alice says, tipping her head back to finish a tequila shot.

"Mood for what? I just want to talk."

"You never just want to talk, you always have some ulterior motive."

"No, not today. Besides I don't interact with non-Serpents."

"She is a Serpent, Penny." FP says.

"Well sure she did the dance and all, but where's the tattoo? The thing that shows your true loyalty to us. You're nothing until you get it."

"Just go away, Penny." Alice says, visibly annoyed and not in the mood to deal with Penny and certainly not wanting to have to prove anything to her.

"See FP here," She cocks an eyebrow and smiles devilishly, turning to FP, eyes still locked with Alice's. "He has his tattoo, we all know it. We've all seen it." She runs her hand down FP's chest and Alice's jaw tenses. "But none of us have seen yours so that leads me to believe its nonexistent."

"Get your grimy little hands off my boyfriend, Penny." She swats Penny's hand away and shoots her a glare. "And not that I have to prove anything to you, but I do have my tattoo. Just got it a few weeks ago."

"Well none of us have seen it."

"It's there."

"Then how come none of us have seen it?"

"It's not somewhere that's visible."

"Oh, I see. But why so shy now? I mean you had no issues stripping for the entire bar when you did your initiation, what's got you so shy now."

"Leave her alone, Penny."

"Shut it, FP."

"I'm not going to show you anything, I don't have to prove anything to you."

"You're nothing but a Southside wannabe until you have that snake inked on your skin."

"I told you, I have it."

"Penny back off, she has it. I've seen it, I was there when she got it."

"Of course you'll back her up, FP. She's fucking you. If you don't vouch for her she'll leave you for some Northside boy." She turns her head to Alice. "Isn't that right? I heard Hal Cooper is eagerly awaiting your inevitable break up."

"Shut the hell up, Penny!"

"Why? Scared FP will get mad and run away again?"

"How did you-"

"I see everything in this town, I hear everything, I can make your life a living hell, don't think I won't." She steps closer to Alice, face to face, so close they could claw each other eyes out.

"I'm not afraid of you, Penny."

"No but you should be."

"I will never, ever be afraid of you Penny."

"You sure about that?"

"Positive." She glares at Penny once more as FP stands up, taking her hand to try and get her to leave the building.

He leads her out of the building with his hands on her shoulders. When they're out in the parking lot he spins her around to face him.

"What the hell was that, Alice?" He shouts.

"I'm sick and tired of her belittling me and thinking she can just flirt with you all the time."

"I know, I hate it too but you're going to get yourself hurt."

"I'm not scared of her, FP." She starts to walk away from him but he grabs her wrist.

"I know you aren't, but I am." She turns to him and sees his being honest. "You don't know what she's capable of, Alice. And if anything happens to you I don't know what I would do with myself."

"FP-" She starts but he shushes her and she knows he's not done.

"I love how fearless you are, and don't get me wrong I always find it amusing when you call Penny out. But I've seen some horrible things here and I don't want anything to happen to you. So please just promise me that you will be more careful."

"I promise." She steps closer into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his middle and burying her head in his chest. "I just hate seeing her all over you. It really pissed me off. And calling me a wannabe Serpent? The girl knows how to push my buttons."

"That she does. Not like it's hard." He quips and she swats at him, causing him to laugh. "I'm kidding." He leans back and brushes her hair out of her face. "I love you."

"I know." She says, leaning up to kiss him. "I love you too."

"Now do you think we can go back in there or are we going to need to go find another bar?"

"I'll be fine." She says, taking his hand and walking back towards the entrance of the Whyte Wyrm. "But if she lays another hand on you she's done for."

"I wouldn't expect anything less, honey."

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