Late Dinner

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Alice wakes up as Chic kicks her stomach hard and repeatedly. "Go back to sleep." She mumbles as if that has any effect. She tries to ignore his kicking but then he starts pressing against her bladder and she tiredly gets out of bed to use the bathroom.

She takes a quick shower to wake herself up and brushes her teeth, it's Sunday after all, which means she gets to visit FP, gets to touch him.

She gets dressed, opting for a more tight fitting shirt to proudly show off their growing baby to him. "Listen you, you're making me eat so many burgers my pants aren't fitting very well anymore." She rubs her stomach and Chic rewards her with a kick. "We get to go see daddy, though by how much you're kicking I feel like you somehow knew that. He's gonna love on you so much today, he hasn't seen you in a little while."


She waits anxiously for FP, it's been a couple of weeks since she last saw him without the glass to separate them.

She hears the door open and he gets led in. He has the biggest smile on his face as the officer removes his handcuffs and as soon as they're gone he rushes over to her. He envelops her in his arms and holds her so close. "My God, Ive missed you so much. You smell so good, you look so beautiful, wow."

She laughs and holds him even tighter. "I've missed you," She pulls back from his hug and gives him a long kiss. "we both have."

He smiles as he looks down at her stomach, placing his hand on her ever growing bump. "He's getting so big."

She smiles and leads him over to the table she's at so she can sit down. He pulls a chair over, once again ignoring the glare from the guard for doing such a thing. His hand immediately returns to her bump and he leans down to pepper it in kisses. "Hey there baby boy, it's daddy. I've missed you so, so much." He kicks against FP's hand and Alice watches as his smile gets even bigger. "I'll never get tired of feeling him kick."

"Yeah well it's not so fun when he starts kicking my bladder at three in the morning."

"Yeah that doesn't sound very enjoyable." He leans over and pecks a kiss to her cheek. "I wish I could be there. God, Al, I would love to sleep beside you and keep my hand on your stomach all night, just feeling him move around and grow in there. It's so crazy to me that we made him."

"It's crazy to me too. He helps me feel not so alone."

"You feel alone?" He pouts at her.

"Well I mean, I know I'm not literally alone, I have Fred and Hermione and... uh, Hal. But it's not the same without you there."

"I get it. It's not the same without you either, I mean there's hundreds of people here but you're the only one who ever matters."

"Stop." He laughs as he watches her fight back tears. "You know you can't say cute stuff like that to me right now, my hormones are crazy."

"I'm sorry, babe." He draws her in for a hug and kisses her head.

They make small talk for a little bit, both avoiding the one question she knows is dwelling on his mind; Hal.

"So um... how's Hal?" He questions, his hand drifting to her stomach again.

"He's good."

"That's pretty vague. Come on, Al, I told you to move on you don't have to hide the details from me. I want to make sure he's treating you good."

"He is. Nothing too serious, just a few dates... a kiss or two." Her cheeks flush. "Your son hates him."

"Well, like father like son."


"Babe, I'm kidding. Look I think it's clear that I'm not Cooper's number one fan but if he makes my girl happy than he's alright in my books. Just as long as he's treating you right."

She sighs. "He's not you."

"I know but I can't be there right now, I wish I could, I wish it more than anything but I can't. I'm just glad you found someone who's making you happy, and I'm also glad that Chic here is watching out for his mama." He pats her stomach and she smiles. "That's my boy."


She gets a phone call as she's laying in her bed reading a book and she expects it to be FP calling from the prison. But when she answers the phone it's Hal on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Alice. I was wondering if you want to go to Pop's for a late dinner?"

Just the mere idea of burgers makes her mouth water. "Yeah, that sounds great."

"Great. I'll pick you up in about twenty minutes, is that alright?"

"That's perfect. See you then!"

She quickly gets changed out of the tighter fitting shirt and into an old sweater of FP's, it hides her bump perfectly.

"Listen mister, I know you don't like Hal but you're getting a burger out of this so be a good boy. Don't go making me get sick."

Hal picks her up in twenty minutes as promised and takes her to Pop's Chocklit Shoppe.

"I actually had a reason for asking you out tonight, not just so we can get some food, though that is a plus." She laughs at that and he smiles, reaching for her hand. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to make things... official between us?" Her mouth falls open slightly. "I know it's really soon and I understand if you don't-"

"No! I mean, yes."

"Yes to what?"

"Yes to making things official." She answers and is rewarded with a gigantic smile from Hal.

"You don't think it's too soon?"

"Maybe... but I think sometimes the things that happen too soon can turn out to be a blessing in disguise." She rubs her hand across her belly underneath the table and feels Chic nudge against her fingertips.

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