"Tell me about him?"

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The doorbell rings as Alice is home alone and she reluctantly gets up to see who it is. "What the fuck do you want?" She hisses as she sees Hal standing there.

"I just want to talk, Alice. Please."

She sighs and steps aside for him to come in. "Thought you might want to come hit me again."

"Believe me I feel terrible for doing that."

"Yeah my cheek felt pretty terrible too, especially with a pretty blue bruise on it."

"Shit. I'm sorry, Alice. I was a jerk. I just... I wanted you and your son to have her best life possible and then you started talking about FP and you having sex and I just... I got jealous."

She laughs. "That's not an excuse to hit me!"

He steps closer to her, expecting her to flinch but she stays still as his hands come to her shoulders. "I'll never forgive myself for hurting you like that. I love you, Alice."

Her eyes grow wide at the confession. "You do?"

He nods. "So much. I don't expect you to say it back but I wanted you to know."

"I..." she stops and opts to hug him instead.

He holds her tight. "You're so beautiful, Alice. I don't deserve you."

"You're a good man, Hal." She surprises him with the statement as she pulls away from the hug. "You've made some mistakes and said some horrible stuff but you're a good man."

"I know it may be a little soon and I understand if you don't want to but would you like to come to dinner on Saturday?"

She smiles. "I'd like that."

"Fantastic. I'll pick you up at 5?"

"That's perfect." She pecks a kiss to his cheek and he flashed a smile as he walks back outside.

The phone rings before she even has a chance to think about everything that just happened with him.


"An inmate from Shankshaw Prison is attempting to contact you, if you'd like to accept, press 1"

Alice's heart skips a beat. She presses 1 and waits anxiously to be connected.


"FP, God you have no idea how amazing it is to hear your voice again." She sighs in relief.

"I'm sorry I haven't called in a few days, I just... I needed some time to process everything."

"It's okay!"

"It's not okay. I was a total asshole to you and you don't deserve that. Fred came and visited and told me about how Cooper manipulated you and hurt you. When I get out of here I'm gonna kick his ass for laying a hand on you."


"Alice, don't even try to stick up for him or say that it's okay. It's not. I was mad at you but I didn't hit you. You don't deserve that shit. You deserve the world, fuck him if he doesn't realize that."

"I love you."

She can practically hear him smile. "I love you too." He's silent for a minute. "Will you tell me about him?"

"He was perfect. Looked just like you, had your big brown eyes and had a mop of dark hair like you. I knew he would be your mini me."

"I bet he was perfect, though I was hoping he'd get your eyes, they're gorgeous."

"I'm sorry you didn't get to meet him."

"Don't apologize, babe, I understand. Just... just tell me about him. Was he a good baby?"

"The best." She smiles as she tells him all about their son.

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