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"Party at my place tonight, starts at 10, be there." Hermione says as she walks up to the group, entwining her arm with Fred's.

FP and Alice share a look and agree to come. "We'll be there!" FP says, on both he and Alice's behalf.

"Yay!" Hermione squeals, excitedly. "How about you, Fred?" She asks, even though she already knows the answer.

"You know it." He leans down to kiss her softly as they all make their way to the cafeteria.

They get their lunch and sit down at their regular table with their trays.

Mary walks up shortly after and sits down beside Hermione.

"Hey, what are we talking about?" She asks.

"Nothing in particular." Hermione answers.

"But I'm having a party tonight, you coming?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"Great, starts at 10. Do you want to help me set up beforehand?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Good, it's exhausting doing it by myself."

"I can help too." Fred says.

"I want you to save your energy for tonight." Hermione says and Fred's eyes grow so wide they look like they'll nearly pop out of his head.


The last bell of the day rings out and FP walks to his locker, grabbing his backpack before hurrying down the hall to Alice.

She doesn't notice he's approaching her so she lets out a loud gasp when he reaches for her hips. She spins around and hits his shoulder, playfully.

"You scared me."

"Not my fault you weren't paying attention." He chuckles, she rolls her eyes and smiles as she turns back to her locker.

He kisses her cheek and moves down, placing multiple kisses down her neck as far as he can reach from behind her.

"Save it for when we get back to your place." She says, stepping back to close her locker, in turn making FP step back a little.

She slings her backpack over her shoulder and starts walking down the hall. When FP doesn't follow right away she turns to him with a grin.

"You coming, Jones?" He nods and follows her quickly. Out in the school parking lot he opens the passenger side door and gestures for her to get in.

She does so and he closes the door before walking over to the other side and getting in himself.


When they get back to his trailer they immediately raid the liquor cabinet. Taking the half empty bottles of booze he steals from the Whyte Wyrm and shoving them into a backpack.

Hermione never specifically said to 'bring your own booze' and they could've guessed their would be plenty to go around, but it's better to be safe then sorry.

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