Baby Jones

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She starts to panic, her door is locked and she's read enough baby books to know that once her water breaks the baby's going to be coming soon.

She pounds on the door, hoping someone will hear her. But nobody comes.

She settles down onto the floor, clutching her stomach and crying out in pain. She yells for someone, anyone to come help her. She can't deliver this baby on her own, she has no idea what to do.

It's an hour and half later, though to Alice it feels like longer, when someone finally walks by. "Help! Wait, help me!" She screams for the woman. She unlocks the door and looks at Alice sobbing in pain. "My baby's coming."

"Okay, stay calm dear." She walks over and takes Alice hand to help her up. "Let's get you on the bed." She helps her lay down and rushes over to the door, calling out for help.

It all happens so quickly and soon there are multiple of the Sisters in her room, a supply of towels and hot water with them.

Sister Whitely, the one who's been helping Alice throughout her pregnancy, kneels in front of her bed. "Alice, dear, you need to push."

"No, we need to go to a hospital." She whines.

"There's no time, you're crowing. We need to get the baby out right now." Alice whimpers and sits up a little. "Alright, push."

Alice screams as she pushes, clutching a pillow as hard as she can. She wishes FP were there to hold her hand through, hell she wishes anyone was there to hold her hand through it, but especially FP.

"Push, Miss Smith."

"I can't!" It feels like it's going on for hours.

"Yes you can, your baby is almost here."

"It hurts." She whines.

"I know, but you have to keep pushing, do it for your baby." She groans but does as she's told. She pushes as hard as she can. "Good girl, I can see the head, keep going."

She lets her mind drift to happier thoughts. Thoughts of how it'll be when Chic is born, when she can go visit FP with him. She can't wait to see the smile on his face when he finally meets his baby boy.

Her thoughts are punctured by the sounds of a baby crying and she looks down to see her baby boy in Sister Whitley's arms.

"It's a boy." She smiles, cleaning him off. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Alice is in disbelief as she stares at Chic. That's her baby, that's her and FP's baby.

"Here you go," she coos to the baby boy who's still wailing. "here's your mommy." She places Chic on Alice's chest and his crying stops instantly.

"Hi baby, I'm your mommy." She sniffles as she presses a kiss to his head. "God you're so perfect, you're everything I imagined and more."


The next few hours Alice spends just staring at Chic, completely in awe of how much she loves him.

Sister Whitely comes in. "Oh good, you're here! He's been pretty fussy, I think he's hungry but I just don't exactly know how to breastfeed him so-"

"Miss Smith, I was reading over your file... I'm here to take the baby."

Alice's eyes grow wide and she holds Chic closer to her. "What? Why?"

Sister Whitely looks at her confused. "In your file it says you arranged for a closed adoption."

"What? No, I never arranged for that! I planned on keeping him, my boyfriend and I were keeping him."

"But your file says-"

"I don't care what my file says! I didn't consent to this, you're not taking my baby away from me."

"Well, I guess if you didn't consent to it then there must have been a mistake. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"That's alright, just as long as you know I'm not putting him up for adoption."

"Yes, Miss Smith. Now, let's get this little one fed."

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