Drunken Kisses

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Everyone at the dance leaves to attend Hermione's after dance party.

Alice is halfway through a bottle of tequila and she's on her way to achieving her goal: getting drunk enough that she forgets about how shitty this, supposed to be perfect, night became.

Hermione is playing hostess downstairs and dancing, Mary is nursing a drink Hermione made for her, Fred is off somewhere looking for FP, and FP is god only knows where.

Alice walks upstairs, tipsy enough that she stumbles a bit but not tipsy enough to be unaware of her actions.

She walks into Hermione's bedroom for a moment of piece and quiet, and shuts the door partly behind her.

She sits on the end of her bed and runs her fingers through her hair, the bottle of tequila in her other hand.

She sighs heavily as she thinks about FP and she realizes she'd rather be looking for him and making sure he's okay rather than getting drunk at some party.

But right as she's about to leave someone walks into the room. She rolls her eyes with a heavy sigh when she sees Hal.

"Alice? Can we talk for a moment?"

"Haven't you done enough? Punching my boyfriend, causing him to leave without telling anyone where he's going."

"That's what I wanted to talk about, I'm sorry for all of that."

"You should be." She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at him. "Now is that all? Because I have to go look for my boyfriend."

"Alice, come on, be realistic. You're destined for greatness, I can tell. You're not going to get anywhere dating a guy like him."

"A guy like him? You mean someone who actually loves and cares about me? He may be from the Southside but you can get it out of your head that we're all bad, we're not." She practically yells back at him.

"Alright, alright, fine. You're not all bad... I'm sorry, just calm down." He places his hand on her arm and she shoves it away.

"Don't touch me."

"Sorry," he says, putting his hands up in defence. "I really am, Alice. For everything... fighting FP and in turn making you sad." She raises an eyebrow at him, not buying his apology entirely. "Where is FP anyway?"

"He and I got in a bit of a fight after you and your dumbass friends got in his head. He told me to go back inside and stop wasting my time with him, when I refused he walked off."

"Well that's not very nice."

"I get it though, he's upset."

"Still, he shouldn't have just left you, that's not what a good boyfriend would do. You deserve someone who will always stay with you, always take care of you, never ditch you..."

She stares at him with a weird expression on her face and before she can even comprehend what's happening, before she can stop it, he's leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.

She can taste the alcohol on his breath as he slips his tongue between her lips and it makes her sick.

She places her hands on his chest to shove him away but before she can the sound of a familiar voice cuts through the room.

"What the hell is going on in here?"

She jerks her head back quickly to look over at the door where FP is standing, watching the two of them angrily.

"FP! It's not what I look like I swear!" She pushes away from Hal and rushes over to the doorway.

FP just sighs and walks away, she goes to chase after him but Hal stops her.

"Alice don't, he's not-"

"Back the hell away, Hal." And with that she shoves him away and rushes off in the direction of FP.

When she makes it downstairs she hears the door slam and a stunned Fred stands at the bottom of the staircase.

"What the hell happened up there?"

"No time to explain I have to catch up to him, I'll tell you later!" She grabs her coat from the closet and leans up to kiss Fred's cheek.

"Thanks for finding him."

He smiles at her in response as she disappears out the door.


She catches up to him eventually as they get closer to his trailer.

"FP!" She calls but he ignores her. "Jesus, would you just slow down and talk to me." She says as she grabs his arms and turns him to look at her.

"Talk about what, Alice? About how Fred came and found me and told me that you were upset and brought me to Hermione's party to find you." He walks up the steps to his trailer door, Alice hot on his heels. "Or how about when I did find you and I saw you kissing Hal Cooper?" She walks in the door behind him and slams it shut to gather his attention.

"You're impossible you know that?" She yells at him.

"I'm impossible?"

"Mhm, I'm trying to talk to you reasonably about all of this but all you want to do is yell."

"What am I supposed to do, Alice? Hal and his jackass friends got in my head and I said some shit I didn't mean to you, I wanted to find you and apologize but instead I find you drunk at a party."

"Look I was mad at you, and I got drunk and I made a mistake that wasn't even my fault. How come your the only one who's allowed to screw up, huh?"

"You just had to kiss that Cooper kid didn't you? You know the torch he carries for you, what were you trying to do hurt me?"

"No you idiot, I love you. I know how it looked but I swear it wasn't what it looked like, he kissed me."

"Lamest excuse in the book, Alice."

"I'm telling you the truth, FP. You saw how tipsy he was at the dance he's way past drunk now and he kissed me before I could stop him."

"Whatever, maybe you would be better off with Northside royalty like him."

"Are you kidding me? You think I want to be with him? I can't stand him. I want you, FP. I love you."

"Well you had a funny way of showing it tonight."

"Jesus, I fucked up alright? I can admit that."

"Damn right."

"Oh my god, you know what? I'm done fighting with you. I made a mistake, and I'm willing to work past it with you, because I love you and want to be with you and only you." She stares at him, looking for any sign of regret on his face. "But if you can't accept that or even try to talk through it with me then maybe we should just take a break."

"A break?"

"Yep." She says as she pulls on her jacket. "Call me when you get over yourself." And with that she walks out of his trailer, slamming the door behind her.

He's too stubborn to chase after her even though that's what he wants to do, but he knows that's exactly what she wants.

She's too stubborn to turn back and get him to talk to her, but they both know they can't go on for long without each other and hopefully they'll realize it soon.

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