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"How are you?" Hal asks as he sits with her on her bed. She's been in the Sisters for a few weeks now and he's been her only visitor. He told everyone that she was visiting a relative and that's why she wouldn't be at school.

"I'm alright. It's kind of lonely here."

"That's why I've been coming to visit you, for company."

"I know, and I appreciate that but it's still lonely. I miss Fred, hell, I even miss Hermione."

"Oh Alice, I would tell them to come visit you but you know they'd probably just blab to everyone about where you are."

"I don't think I care."

He looks taken aback. "But they'd know about the baby?"

"I'm not ashamed, Yeah it wasn't exactly planned but he's my baby."

"Well-" a knock on the door interrupts them.

"Visiting time is over." One of the Sisters informs him.

"I'll see you in a couple days." He leans over to kiss her forehead and then is escorted out by the Sister.

Alice sighs and leans back on the bed, rubbing her stomach and feeling Chic nudge against her fingertips.

A while later one of the Sisters comes by to give her her prenatal vitamins and she gets an idea.

"Sister?" The woman turns to Alice, urging her to continue. "Am I able to send a letter to someone?"

"Well I don't know, who would you be sending it to?"

"My parents. Just want them to know how Im doing."

"Well, I guess there's no harm in that, it's nice that you want to keep in contact with your parents. Tell you what, I'll bring you some paper and a pen and you can write a letter to them."

"Great, thank you!"

As promised she brings Alice some paper and a pen. She sits down in a chair by Alice's bed as she waits for her to finish writing.

Alice writes a letter to Fred instead, telling him when he can come visit. Thursday's Hal has football practice and can't come see her so she deems that the perfect time for Fred to visit.

She's desperate to see a friendly face, someone other than Hal. She loves when he visits her but it's a bit tiresome.

The Sister takes the letter from her once she finishes writing it and promises to mail it straight away much to Alice's content.


On Thursday she counts down the hours until visitors can come, she hopes that Fred will come, she has a good feeling he will but who knows.

"Miss Smith?" A Sister knocks on the door.


"You have a visitor, would you like me to send him in?"

"Yes please!" She hopes it's Fred.

And sure enough it is. He smiles at her as he walks into her room and she rushes over to hug him. "I've missed you so much, thank God you're here."

"I missed you too. It's not the same without you and FP."

"Try being stuck here all alone every day."

"I still don't get why you're here, Alice. I mean you just say the word and I'll get you the hell out of this place."

"It'll be good for me. That's what Hal says at least."

"Alice, do you really think he has your best interest at heart? He just doesn't want people knowing his girlfriend is having someone else's baby."

"Fred I didn't tell you to come visit just so you could berate me."

"Sorry." He sits down on her bed and she joins him. "Kinda drab, huh?"

"Yeah not the fanciest of rooms but it works."

"Well, I may have brought something to help liven up this joint."

"Fred if you have pot in your pocket I'll kill you."

He chuckles. "No, not that. I mean, I brought you something." He digs into his coat pocket and hands her an envelope.

She raises an eyebrow at him but opens it. "Oh Fred..." inside is the sonogram of Chic and a polaroid photo she took of FP.

"I thought you would want to have those, help make the next few months a little easier."

"Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me." She hugs him tight. "I'm sorry, that sounds so dramatic and I'm crying but I'm just-"

"I get it, you're pregnant, you have hormones and stuff." She nods and wipes the tears from her cheeks. "So, am I allowed to come visit you again or is this just like a one time thing?"

"No, you can come again! But come on Thursdays only, Hal would be mad if he found out you were visiting. He already doesn't want anyone coming to visit me."

"What about your parents? Aren't they allowed to see you?"

"Yeah but he doesn't want anyone who goes to our school or even anyone who knows who he or I am to come visit, he doesn't want my location to get out."

"Sounds like he's got you under some weird protection program."

"Sometimes it feels that way." She sighs.

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