Fight Club

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She knocks back the tequila shot in front of her and looks down at FP. He squeezes at her hip as he sips the last of his beer.

She fuses their lips together when he sets his drink down and her fingers rake against the back of his neck.

When she pulls away she bites at his bottom lip softly. "I'll go get us another drink." When she moves a little in his lap a devilish smirk crawls upon her lips and she leans down to whisper in his ear. "Might want to hide that." She runs her hand over his jeans just to really make known what she's talking about.

"Can't help it, you're hot, baby." She runs her lips across his neck as he speaks and then she stands up, smoothing out her tight skirt. "And you're a tease." He grabs at her butt as she walks away, flashing him a smile before walking out of his sight.

He isn't alone for long as Penny takes Alice's absence as a cue to cause trouble.

She walks over to him and places her hands on his shoulders, running them down his chest, raking her bitten down nails across him.

He catches her hands on his, instantly knowing it's not Alice. For one, he didn't feel the long claw like scratch of Alice's nails, he was oh so used to. And two, he knew Penny was always leaping onto him when Alice wasn't around.

"How's it going bad boy?" She whispers, seductively, in his ear.

"Go away, Penny." He snarls, releasing her hands and jerking away from her touch.

"Don't you want some company?" She says, moving so she's leaning against the table, facing him.

"Not from you."

"Oh come on, FP," She swings a leg over him and settles herself fully onto his lap. "you're clearly very hot and bothered, I can help with that."

"Please Penny, if anything you're making it want to fall off."

She tries to hide the flash of anger she gets from his comment but he sees it anyway. He also sees Alice coming their way and they exchange a look that Penny misses.

She opens her mouth to say something but before she can she feels the sharp dig of Alice's nails into her shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" Alice spits. "Get off of my boyfriend."

She gets up from FP's lap and turns to face Alice. "Alice, always a pleasure." She fakes a smile and Alice glares at her in return.

"Penny, always a bother."

"Ouch, I'm so hurt." She steps closer to Alice and shares her glare. "Losing your edge Alice? Got nothing worse to say to me?"

"I'm not doing this tonight, Penny. FP and I were having a good time until now, so if you could kindly fuck off that would be great." Penny rolls her eyes at that and laughs.

"You think you're so special don't you, Alice? Just because you're dating FP? Think you're all in love and shit, think it's going to last forever? Well don't forget that I was with him too and we know how that turned out."

"Well you're a conniving bitch so it makes sense."

"Like you're any better?" Alice bites on her bottom lip, trying to keep some composure when she wants nothing more than to slap Penny silly.

But instead of violence she resorts to using her words, and they cut Penny like a knife.

"You're nothing to him. He couldn't give two shits about you. I'm shocked he ever dated you in the first place."

Penny knows what she's doing. Trying to get a rise out of her. Hit her where it hurts since Alice knows she's still bitter over her and FP's breakup. So instead of cowering away she gives Alice a taste of her own medicine, forms her words to specifically trigger a part of Alice; her jealous streak.

"Oh but he did. You wanna hear about it Alice? Wanna hear about how he would kiss me, mark my body with hickies the way he does to you, kiss every inch of my body. How he would fuck me senseless-" anything else that could have came out of her mouth is muted when Alice slaps her. The sound of the hit echoing across the room.

A few noticeable gasps fall from the people watching.

She's not nearly as drunk as she should be when she slaps Penny, she's hardly even buzzed, but yet here she is.

"Oh, she hits." Penny snarls as she rubs at her cheek.

"Like I said, I'm not doing this tonight. So go away and leave us alone."

Penny does the exact opposite. Instead, she slaps Alice back.

"What the hell Penny?" Alice exclaims as she rubs at her cheek, FP shoots a glare in Penny's direction.

"Hey don't get mad, you hit first." A smug smile comes upon Penny's lips and Alice cliches her fists.

"I had just caught you straddling my boyfriend and then you proceeded to taunt me about your relationship with him. At least you deserved it."

"Whatever, we all know that this is just a casual little fling. You two will be done and over soon and you'll run off to the first Northside boy you can find and become that perfect little Stepford-"

Anything else that Penny was going to say is cut off when Alice punches her. She stumbles backwards and wipes the blood from her nose as she glares up at Alice.

FP is up from his seat in a second, coming up behind Alice and grabbing her shoulder to keep her there. "Come on, lets go." He says, firmly, taking her hand and pulling her with him.

They don't get far as Penny grabs Alice's shoulder, turning her back to face her, and punches her, hard.

FP catches her as she falls backwards, the force of the hit nearly knocking her out. When Alice tries to get at her again FP wraps his arms around her middle to restrain her.

Tallboy grabs ahold of Penny. "Get her out of here before things get any worse." He says, gesturing towards Alice.

FP nods and takes her hand. "Alright, Rocky, lets go."

So like clearly I can't write a fight scene but you get the gist of it.
Also, thank you so much for 10k reads, it means so much to me. ❤️

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