Phana POV
I take off my sunglasses relaxing now the sun had started to set. My sensitivity to the light is annoying; I hope it doesn't last long. I see Yo sending messages on his phone as I drive. I'm always aware of him and sometimes it's like I can tell how he feels. Maybe I'm overthinking.
"I have to change my secretary?" I ask, getting back to the topic.
"It's best to have someone who knows what you are."
I finally managed to land a nice lady who didn't try to date me and life had been easier. I've been thinking a lot the past few days; this might be the best time to bring it up. I take a deep breath and say it.
"I want to keep my apartment Yo."
His fingers stop typing as he listens; I keep my eyes on the road.
"I need some time...I want to know..." I try to explain.
"How much the turning is responsible for." He finishes softly.
He knows. I can't deny it, I have feelings for him, but I need to know if they are really mine. He stays still a few moments before agreeing. There are so many questions in my mind and I need answers. The best place to start would be with me before I can ask him and listen to what he has to say. The scariest one, who was the person he had been waiting for and why didn't he turn him before?
We stay silent the rest of the time, lost in our own thoughts. I don't know how he managed it but Yo got the apartment opposite mine. It's a great location, the rent is reasonable and an opening never comes up, Kit, Beam and I left our details on the off chance they get an opening. They actually did have a list, I got lucky when they called me, but now I wonder.
We stop in the middle of the hall between our doors; he hesitates before moving towards his apartment but stops to look at me.
"Rest well, Beloved."
Why are you smiling Yo, when it looks like I'm breaking your heart? An ache starts deep in my chest when he doesn't look back, opens the lock, turns the handle and walks inside. I see it in slow motion, the door close after him, my chest getting tight. I'm being sensible and it's not long, I'll see him tomorrow.
I glare at the ceiling that I was happy to get back to seeing; I rip the blanket as I straighten my leg, swearing and sitting up, looking around the empty room. I wanted a little time to myself in a familiar place, to understand my feelings, it didn't take long to realise, they are deeper than I thought.
I have never been a romantic, I think its lies, until two beautiful eyes looking at me shook the world I thought I knew. I may be going insane but I had one answer, I want Yo.
I grab my head as a sharp pain pierces it again, why was this happing? This wasn't a normal turning thing, so is it like the past? I feel trapped, alone, tired...empty. I get up and make my way out of the apartment, crossing the large hall and knock on the door. It isn't even 2 seconds and the door opens, Yo looking at me worried.
"Can I sleep over Yo?"
He looks surprised but smiles and lets me in, just being near him everything calms. It's his scent, warm and crisp and a more scary word comes to mind. Home. I lay on the bed, my eyes heavy with sleep and I recognise he's doing it again. His head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat, a contented sigh leaving his lips. How can he love me so?
"Yo..." I call yawning, he isn't in bed.
I can't help the inhale as he walks out of the other room, fully dressed in a three-piece suit with a tie, straightening his cufflinks. Did he always look that...gorgeous? Yes, he was wearing a suit the first time I saw him, but he didn't look like this!

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...