Faster! I had to move faster and find him quickly. Why was he doing this again? Why was he running from me? I could smell the sea air, hear the waves hit the shore.
There is a strange restlessness, I feel on edge and my blood feels like it's on fire. I move with speed until I reach the sunken valley and then use the trees in the wooded area jumping from one to the next. Anything to make it faster, anything to see him a second sooner. I reach the edge of the incline and the small cabin comes into view, my heart calms as I catch a glimpse of him through the window.
He was running from me, but no matter where he went I would follow. The waiting had been much harder when I knew he was born and I was still waiting to turn him. I watch him move around the room but it's not enough, I want to touch him. It seems I will not need to wait that long. I stand in the shadow of the trees, watching as he leaves hurrying across the gardens and towards the cliff.
Why did he choose this place? The water still seemed to have a strange hold on us. Even after all this time. I follow him, when he reaches the cliffs, he goes to the very edge before stopping. Oh my foolish boy, what are you planning?
I move before he takes another step, and get to the cliff just as he jumps off. I'm much faster, I have him in my arms before we hit the water. I turn us as the sharp rock bed comes closer, I don't want him hurt. I wince as the rocks hit my back and quickly push away, heading for the surface.
I swim with him to the shoreline, pulling him to the beach. He coughs trying to take in needed air before relaxing. He looks perfect, bathed in the moonlight.
My beautiful boy.
He shivers from the cold night air, his lips turning blue. I carry him back to the house; I have to get him warm. I sit and watch him as he sleeps, naked in my bed, his lower half covered barely by a thin sheet. His skin is flushed, his body warm, his heartbeat quickens, I can hear it. He wakes gasping for breath and begins to panic when he finds his hand tied above his head.
"Be still or you will hurt yourself."
My voice breaks the silence and he stills, I get up and walk closer, he whimpers when he sees me.
"Foolish thing to try my sweet. Did you think I wouldn't be watching?"
"Please, let me go."
"I would, but you will do something foolish and run again."
I walk slowly around the large bed, sitting on the edge to touch his skin. I trace the ink on his chest, to his shoulders.
"I do not find such marks becoming, but anything on your skin is beautiful my sweet."
"I'm not yours." He snaps.
"But you are my sweet." I say moving closer. "Do you know how many years I have waited for you to be reborn?"
"You're crazy."
"No more running."
"I'm not like you. I'm human, I have a family..."
"Ah yes, your family. Should I visit them perhaps?"
"No! You stay away from my brothers."
"Please don't hurt them, I'm begging you P'Yo."
"My beautiful Nong Pha, I like you begging better in other ways. This is not your first time in my bed."
He flushes remembering. I wasn't his first, it still irks me that anyone but me had touched him but I was still glad to have found him. I gently turn his head and place soft kisses on his face, everywhere but his lips.
"Please..." He whimpers.
"What did you want my sweet?"
"I...I... P'Yo"
"Do you want me to let you go, or bind you to myself more?"
"My beautiful Nong Pha, if your mouth could be a little more honest, like your heart."
"Why do you want me so badly?" He whispers.
"You are mine Pha."
"You could have anyone..."
"I only want you, my beautiful boy. Only you will ever do."
"You're going to kill me."
"Never Beloved, I want to make you mine, for eternity."
"If I let you, I'll never see my family or my home. I'll belong..." I hear the pain in his voice.
"To the night like me, would that be so bad?" I could hear the longing in my question. "To be mine for all nights."
"I'm scared."
"I'll never let harm come to you, I have waited and now I can never let you go. Don't ask me..."
"P'Yo please..."
I kiss him to silence his words, I will take that as his permission. The pain of waiting so many years alone to find him, I can never bear it again. I will be cruel if I must, but I will have my Nong Pha.
I let my eyes shift, my fangs slowly emerge, I end the kiss and plunge deep into the softness of his neck. He screams, but I don't stop. He is mine and I will never let him go again.
I sit at the table sending messages and making arrangements. I didn't come prepared to turn him but his dangerous actions forced my hand. A hopeless fear I thought I could never feel again took hold.
My hands tremble as memories from long ago try to flood in again, but I push them back and finish my task. He is here, he is alive. The words becoming a chanting in my head.
Humans need more time to understand, to accept, I was holding back but plans didn't always work out. When my need to taste him had taken hold, I let my teeth sink in as he slept in my arms and it didn't take long for him to question things. I tried to explain but he ran from me.
I read the replies when my phone chimes, things will be taken care of without problems and I can focus on him. The clouds move across the moon and as the light bathes the bed once more, I see the blankets move, as my Beloved stirs beneath. They slip a little and more of his chest comes into view.
He whimpers my name, I move swiftly to his side, the change is taking hold. The next nine days will be crucial and when he wakes on the 10th night his eyes will shift, and he will be turned. I kiss his lips gently, as I whisper words to calm him, tell him I am near. He slowly calms and sleeps again.
This pain will pass my sweet, and I will be near, always. I watch him sleep, smiling as I realise I'm doing it again, tracing the ink on his chest. I never knew I had a liking for such things, but his tattoos are enticing. I wonder if he realises what the random patterns really mean.
I kiss his cheek murmuring softly when he groans again. Did I turn him too soon? If I didn't do this now the fear I may not get the chance tomorrow took my breath away. My hands shake remembering seeing him jump, I could have lost him. No. No. No matter what tomorrow may bring, even if I had to fight the heavens to keep him, I would. He was finally mine.

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanficI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...