Why was the universe set against me? Wasn't last night enough having to deal with Beam so Pha could go home and be lovey-dovey with his cutie, but now this? Its 5 am, do people not look at the clocks before they call? The bloody mobiles have numbers, its time!
"What?" I snap answering.
"Is that any way to speak to your mother?"
"Whose mother?"
"Yours, you little...Kit!"
"Mum? Look at the time, will you?"
"I'm too stressed, I haven't even slept yet Kit." She sighs. "I need you home early afternoon on Friday, don't be late."
"Fine." I sigh, eyes still closed. "Wait what?"
"Ohm's engagement dear."
Ohm? As in my older brother Ohm? He was getting engaged? Since when?
"Mother, you're too young to go senile."
"How dare you!" She snaps.
"Call me late..."
"Listen Kit, it's important." She shouts before I can hang up. "The engagement is on Friday night; the wedding is on Sunday afternoon. We will do a proper reception next month once I book a big hall, but for now, its family only."
"Are you drunk?"
"I wish I was." She snaps. "Min is pregnant, her grandparents want her married asap, her father's leaving for a year abroad for business in 5 weeks, the priest at the temple said this weekend is an auspicious time. It's now or wait 7 months...your brother is refusing, Min has been crying, your father ordered your brother to man up. On the plus side, we can borrow the big tent from your uncle Pete."
"You're all insane." I tell her. "I can't get time off that quickly."
"Find a way, tell Pha and Beam too, it would be nice to see them." She adds quickly. "Mummy loves her little angel, okay bye baby."
"Don't you..." And she's hung up, mothers.
It's too early to think, why was my family so complicated? Screw it, I'm going to sleep. I pick up the phone when it rings a few minutes later, apparently more people don't want me to sleep.
"You're not coming to my wedding?" P'Ohm shouts.
"Your mother only gave me 4 days' notice." I snap back. "I thought you didn't even want to get married."
"She's your mother too." He shouts. "And I..."
I look at the phone with blurry eyes, I might need to wake up, did he hang up on me? I pick up when it rings again.
"Did say we can wait, but Min refuses. She doesn't want to be showing in her wedding dress." He carries on. "She didn't say no when I said I didn't have protection, but now it's all my fault when I say we can plan it calmly and wait 7..."
It cut off, he calls back.
"What is with your phone?" I yell interrupting.
"Tunnel I'm driving and I may have dropped it, anyway, being pregnant is no reason to rush everything, it happens nowadays...learn to drive you freak...and now everyone's on my case..."
It goes off, he calls again.
"If you knock someone up, they want to get married." I say answering.

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...