I had time before my afternoon patients, I went to check on Pha. He's back to his normal crazy routine but its different then before, he is different. He doesn't look as tired, he's more focused and most of all he looks happy, even the nurses have been talking about it.
Beam needs to stop teasing him about going home early to his wife, it just makes Pha smile happily and he gets annoyed and sulks. Stupid Beam, then I have to hear his rant about betrayal and how I can never elope. It makes me want to just to annoy him.
Growing up the way we did, I didn't think this could happen to one of us. They both laughed at me for being a romantic but I couldn't help it, I always wanted just one person to be mine and one person to belong to. I was happy for Pha, seeing him gave me hope.
"Doctor Kit."
I head for the nurse's station, smiling at nurse aunty who called me. She is one of the senior nurses, kind and always helpful, the others under her supervision, they greet me happily, am I imagining it or are they dressed up?
"Your secretary/assistant, I forget which one is on today, isn't at the desk, again." Nurse aunty tells me. "I took the delivery for your parcel and the hospital records for your afternoon patients. You need to check with MRI, they have a problem with one of the requests."
"Thank you." I sigh. "I'm sorry for the trouble."
"Next time don't let Doctor Beam hire someone for you." She smiles.
I was busy and asked him to help, he went for looks damn him and now I had to deal with all this crap. I should ask Pha for help, Monty was good!
"Would you like to work for me?" I ask sweetly.
"As charming as your dimples are." She laughs. "I already have enough to do."
We stop talking as the nurse's station goes quiet, they all turn like meercats in one go when a bell dings, I turn wanting to see what has their attention. Yo and Ming walk out of the lift, both deep in conversation over something they are looking at in their hands.
"He is so cute!"
"How can he be sooo freaking hot!"
"Can you see how tight that shirt is?"
"I want to squeeze his cheeks so bad."
"He could kill you with a look."
"I'd die happy."
They giggle...The cute one is definitely Yo, good thing Pha isn't hearing any of this. I didn't think he was the possessive type, I mean how was I to know, until that night when he wouldn't let Ming hug Yo. Speaking of Ming...his shirt is a little too tight and nearly see through, do you want to be treated like a piece of meat? Wear something underneath! Wait why do I care?
"I wouldn't mind being sandwiched between them."
"Stop drooling girl."
"Look at me...fall for me..."
Ladies! You are in a hospital! Wait...two of the nurses are guys... maybe I should warn them, Yo was family now and Ming...he was...
I want to glare but that guy, when will he listen? He's smiling and waving at me as they walk by. I quickly put my hand down when Yo smiles too, realising I'm waving back. Stupid hand! I feel a tingling on the back of my neck and a need to flee.

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...