CH 12 - Chaos

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Wayo POV

It takes a few moments for Beam to get over his shock before he and Kit greet me, both looking me over and grinning at each other. I take off my jacket watching Phana speak with Beam, but he keeps giving me side glances, is something wrong?

"You look better in real life."

I see Kit smiling as he watches me, I did hear comments about someone taking a picture of me, they must have seen it.

"Did I disturb you?"

"No, we wanted to meet the person Pha is dating." He reassures me. "Didn't think you would also be the new CEO."

"I was surprised too, Pha working at Heart Memorial."

"You were destined to meet."

He has no idea how long I waited for that meeting, but his smiles is warm and his eyes friendly as he keeps looking between me and Pha, glaring at Beam. Even though he is trying to be quiet I can hear them talking.

"I was going to ask his intention, but I can't." Beam whispers. "I thought he nabbed you cause you're a doctor, but he's richer than you."

"Shut up Beam." Pha looks annoyed.

"You eloped with the boss!"


Kit sighs and walks over; I look around the apartment, noticing the differences from mine. I kept the bare necessities in mine, most of the important things stored in the house until they were needed.

This place was full of memories from his life, a wall covered with pictures with his brothers and I'm assuming friends. I feel an ache in my chest seeing him change in them, growing up, times I missed. I wasn't even in one. Why didn't she let me find him sooner?

His scent was rich but it's from before, the one I didn't know. It changed after I turned him, much sweeter, mixed with mine. I watch the three standing together, why wasn't I apart of that? Why did I feel so far away all of a sudden?

I head for the door when I hear it, my hand is covered and the door pushed back before I can open it.

"Don't go Yo..."

"No, I... it seems I also have company."

He hears the noise and opens it for me.

"Why are you there? I was sure you lived here." Ming looks confused. "Did you move?"

"I don't care, where am I putting this stuff?" Forth is carrying bags and a box. "Why can't you carry things?"

"Wherever Yo is." Ming glares walking across and into Pha's apartment. "I'm the cook, I have delicate hands."

"What about mine?" Forth is annoyed.

"You're used to manual labor." Ming heads for the kitchen. "You wanted to see Yo too, stop complaining."

"You get more annoying on a daily basis." Forth drops everything on the counter.

"Careful! That one has strawberries, and..."

"Why the hell are you here?" Beam snaps.

Ming and Forth turn to the voice.

"If you're here...Kitty." Ming yells and runs for Kit who was trying to hide behind a plant.

"It's Kit." He corrects. "You know them Yo?"

"So you're Pha?" Forth asks walking towards him, but Beam stands in the way.

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