"Beam for the last time." Pha snapped. "NO."
"I was trying to help you." Beam glares. "What if Yo wants that weird chicken again?"
"It's a parrot." Pha points to the pile on the table. "Yo and I will have the final say on the invitations."
This is what happens when you say you want help choosing wedding invitations. Pha meant, hey we are going to have a look tonight you want to tag along but Beam took it as, you chose the one you like.
"Is that card...sticky...?"
"It's lickable, they make interactive invitations now." Beam defends. "It's pink and cute, Yo will like it."
They were officially engaged and in two weeks they would be married, I thought Pha would be scared, but he was counting down the days.
"Let me see Pha." I look at the ring ignoring Beam. "I think they are real diamonds."
"Real black diamond?" Beam looks as well. "Shit!"
"Yo chose it." Pha grins happily. "Anything would be perfect."
"You're a disgrace to single men Pha, completely whipped." Beam shakes his head. "And for your information, Kit and I are romantic too..."
I kick Beam before he can say anymore, he glares at me but gets back to his favourite topic, for now.
"Back to the cards, this is still my favourite..."
"It has a real frill Beam." I stare at it.
"Use it when you marry Forth". Pha gets up. "I have a busy afternoon, you come with us Kit. Beam if you're busy, its okay..."
"I'm coming Pha!"
I look down when I see movement, how did this kid always manage sneak in? I pull Bas out from under the table, who giggles happily trying to eat an invitation.
"Why is the hugging midget back?" Beam pulls the half left invitation from his hands.
"The plaster came off today Doc Beamie." Lam smiles walking in and stretching his leg. "Look, I can bend it."
"Take your octopus and go home..."
"I heard from Forth." Lam smiles. "Congratulations Doc, I wish you every happiness."
Pha smiles and shakes his hand.
"I got your text doc Beamie, I gave it to her." Lam tells Beam. "Oh and a heads up, Bee isn't happy with you."
"Bas found your secret stash." Lam shakes his head. "I had to cover his eyes, Doc..."
"What? I had that in a great place." Beam looks at Bas annoyed who's trying to eat another card. "Why was the midget in my apartment?"
"We needed to move." Lam tells us. "Forth said we could have it, since you are now living with him."
"You stole my apartment!"
"It's ours now." Lam smiles. "We gave Bas your old room, he loves it."
"He will drool all over it..." Beams horrified. "What did you do with the stuff...?"
"Bee binned everything." Lam looks sad.
"What text?" I ask Lam while Beams having a tug of war with Bas.
"His Black Book, I gave it to Nami like you asked." Lam blushes. "Do the staples mean what I think they mean? Good thing Bee didn't see that..."
"You gave her what?" Beam stands yelling. "Why? Whhhyyy?"

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...