CH 27 - Mirror

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I splash water on my face, look at my red cheeks in the mirror and splash more. Why did I agree to let him come to my room? Because he smiled and asked and I couldn't say no when he made that face. And I liked him smiling at me, damn it.

BUT I don't think I can be alone with Ming after what happened. It did help prove it wasn't just thinking but I like, like Ming but him being so close is making me have palpitations. Out of all the times for my brother to disappear with a bridesmaid, I hope she leaves you hanging P'Korn!

I should have just packed and left already as I planned, why did I agree to have breakfast with my family? Why? Wait...I could. I could say I had an emergency and had to go tonight, that's it! I start packing, when Ming gets here, I'll tell him the same thing. I jump when there is a knock on the door, I count to 10 to calm down before opening it to a smiling Ming.

"I got us food." He says walking in with bags. "They fed us so long ago I'm...KitKat why are you packing?"

"I got a call, emergency." I say going back to shoving things in my bag. "I need to go"

My heart pounds as he stays silent, he's never this quiet for this long. Was he angry? Did he leave? I turn to look...he's looking through my phone? How did he even know the pin?


"I don't see any messages." He says handing my phone back when I try to grab it. "Or any calls from the hospital."

"That...well..." Shit, I didn't think he would check.


"My mum will get upset when I go and my brothers will hug me and cry." I tell him quickly. "I wanted to avoid family drama in the morning so..."

That sounded reasonable, even to me. Beam would be proud.

"You will miss them too, I saw you hugging your mum a lot." He has a strange look. "Don't worry KitKat, I won't let you be lonely. I was invited to breakfast by your mother and I will drive back with you."

"What...?" Honestly, mother, I should have known she had taken a liking to him when she kept giving him food.

"P'Korn left with that bridesmaid, right? Don't worry I'll stay the night here too."

" don't have to..." oh god no, my heart couldn't handle it.

"But I want to." He says moving way to close. "We couldn't do anything today, and I've been thinking of kissing you more."

Before I can say anything, he kisses me, his hands on my waist pulling me closer. I don't think my heart was going to survive this night.


Phana POV

My feet slip on the small pebbles, I pull my coat around me tighter from the cold air. I think I can hear waves in the distance. It was my idea not to wait until morning and come tonight but as we neared the place, I was getting nervous. Yo said there would be payment, what would she ask of me in return for answering my questions?

I take Yo's hand as the entrance appears, following the lanterns deeper into the mountain. The minute we step into the large room carved into the mountain it gets colder, the light from the centre of the room drawing my attention.

I look around as we make our way to the pedestal, the large coloured glass windows...are they moving? I look back when I see movement, a cloaked figure, face covered by a large hood stands near the light.

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