Beam POV
I curse when after 10 minutes of trying I can't pick the lock with my credit card, stupid misleading films. I could try a hairpin but let's be real, why would I have one? I check my phone again, still no signal.
I head for the bathroom, I don't care if it gets me out, I just don't have to tell Pha I used this method. I put the lid down, stand on the toilet seat, but it's locked, the window doesn't even rattle. Damn it all to hell!
I go back into the main room and sit in a chair, why was this happening to me? I bet it was that squirrel sending me bad karma. No, it was Nami, she's the one who sent the text, now I'm kidnapped and locked in a room, where anything could happen to me. People are insane.
I should have stayed with the weirdo angels, why did I have to drive back alone from Grandpa's? I didn't want them being sick in my car. Out of all the days, why did I go to my apartment today to get more clothes? Did anyone even know I was gone? I'm hungry Forth.
14 hours earlier.
Beam POV
I ignore the text. The weather is warm, I open my window before leaning back in my chair and drink my ice tea. This is bliss; this is how life should be. Me, calm and no Nami or her stupid tree! I managed to escape all yesterday I will do it again, she was not getting me anywhere near that dammed monster!
Actually, this was for her own good, she had to learn she couldn't always get what she wanted, especially when it wasn't what I wanted and I damn well didn't want to take her! Should I reply? will she be mad? What did the or else mean?
I sit up in shock as the door to my office bangs open, the suicidal zombie running in, bending over to breathe. Shit, I spilled my drink, I would have him hung upside down!
"Doc...that a car...drove away..."
"The cookie vampire!" Yut shouts standing. "He kidnapped Nami!"
Nami POV
"Yes?" He smiled.
I was trying to be calm with him, he brought me fresh baked cookies every morning but I reached my limit.
"If you don't drive faster than 10mph, I will lose my temper."
"But Nami." He said worriedly. "You're a human. What if something happens and I don't want you to get hurt...this is safe..."
"George." I look at him seriously. "If you don't get me to my grandparents, in the next 20 minutes. I will tell P'Yo to revoke your permission to stay in this territory."
His eyes go huge before he puts his foot down...20mph. I sigh. I grab him by the collar, shake him till he pulls to the side and gets out of the car. I throw him out of the driving seat; he barely manages to put his seatbelt on when I really put my foot down. Practically everyone drove before they could officially; it was a rite of passage.
"Don't worry." I reassure him. "I have a motorcycle license."
They made that legal at 15 in Thailand; I should try borrowing P'Forth's. Well, he was dating P'Beam, I should get privileges. [A/N: Don't follow Nami's example guys, wait till you have had a few lessons, or you might end up reversing into your neighbor's hedge T.T]

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanficI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...