A/N: Hello you lovely lot, sorry for confusing you in the last chapter but in my defence, its sleep deprivation >.< Bad I can't sleep, but it also gave me an idea for a new 2Moons fanfiction, as this story heads towards its ending, another will start :D
Basically, Kong and Arthith story is book 2 of the Beloved series. That was always my plan, I wanted to write about them in a modern setting :D I have made the cover, do you want to see?
And the next 2Moons will be *drumroll*....comment to this if you want to know :D
Beam POV
"Listen here you." I glare at the offending party. "Why can't you keep that octopus child of yours under control?"
"Come on doc Beamie." Lam smiles. "Bas is a baby and he loves Forth..."
I want to shoot this guy! People finally left and it was quiet, I wanted to go home and sleep but my shift still wasn't done. Did Forth wait? No, he went home to sleep, leaving me to deal with this! Stupid Vampire!
"I forbid it." I snap. "I forbid him loving or hugging Forth. And why the hell are you back in the hospital with a broken leg?"
"Things...happened." Lam sighs.
"What kind of place do you work at for this to happen again so soon? Or are you one of those weirdos who likes to be in casts?"
"There are people like that?" Monty doesn't look convinced.
"A woman married a horse on YouTube." I inform him. "Anything can happen."
"When do you get time to watch all this stuff doc?" Elie laughs.
"Send us links." The twins sing song.
"Do you lot ever work?" I glare at the annoyances. "Why are you still here? Go home!"
"Free food." They all say together.
There are a few gift baskets with get well cards and food from a very expensive restaurant, thanks to Georges grandfather. If I had this much free time, I would stay here too. I bet they finished everything before Nami got back from her scan.
"Lam, I found him." Yut smiles coming in with the... octopus.
Bee took him home, why was the kid back? This guy and his kid had been freeloading around this place so long, everyone knew that octopus was his. The nurses had a locker with baby supplies just for Bas, he was here that often. Why did Forth like the little octopus so much? He lets the little thing hug him more than me! I had to find a way to get that kid banned!
"He gets that from his mother." Lam smiles. "You have no idea how I had to chase that woman..."
"How did you break it this time?" I turn to Lam.
He looks anywhere but me, I wonder if they ganged up and beat him. should I tell Forth?
"In an interesting...way." Yut laughs.
Wasn't it at work? The only two cases of broken legs in emergence, one was from work the other was from...
"Are you the one who broke his leg trying a new sex position?"
Silence and then the angels are in hysterics, it was nice when it wasn't aimed at me. I was an emergency doctor, I had seen worse.
"It not what you think..." Lam's face is red. "It's not! I slipped in the bath..."

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...