Godt POV
"After all this time you still haven't changed." P'Himi sighed.
"What did you expect?"
"I don't know." P'Himi answered. "I thought you would be sorry..."
"He's an idiot." Dad whispered next to me. "I told him to beg for forgiveness!"
I roll my eyes, P'Himi never listened. Dad shushed Bas when he made a noise still watching, he really wanted the two to be friends again. When he went home for holidays he wanted P'Yut to be there like old times and be happy again too.
I found Bas trying to sneak out of the hospital using the staff lift and was taking him back to his mum when I saw dad spying on P'Himi and P'Yut. I wanted to know what was going on so I stayed to listen to.
"I'm busy." P'Yut tries to leave.
"No, don't let him go." Dad's whispering. "Tell him you missed him, tell him you're sorry damn it!"
"You can't blame me Yut." P'Himi stood in his way. "You were the only one I told where Godt was going that day."
"OMG..." Dad looks ready to bang his head on a wall.
"Even I know that was the wrong thing to say."
Dad and I turn to see P'Bee looking at the pair talking, when did she get here? I didn't see her.
"Why?" Dad asks.
I think he means why is she listening with us? Right Bas?
"Why not?" P'Bee answers.
"Even if you accidentally, told someone." P'Himi carries on. "Let's forget it and move on..."
"Idiot." Dad and P'Bee say together while Bas and I facepalm.
"Foot in mouth at its best."
"They should class it as a disease."
"Isn't that what happened to cows in Europe?" I ask.
"That was foot and mouth dear." P'Bee patted my shoulder. "This is foot in mouth. When you talk without letting your brain think first, it can cause wars."
I see. I should be careful what I say and... but I get distracted when I see Bas trying to put his foot in his mouth. He's cute but he shouldn't do that, I know where his foots been.
We watch as the situation goes from worse, to terrible to something even ice-cream will not fix. When P'Himi tries to stop P'Yut again he gets punched in the stomach. We all sigh, Bas facepalms again.
"I have no words." Dad sighs. "I need to call your father, don't run Godt."
"That's one couple who won't be having a wedding anytime soon." P'Bee shakes her head. "I have to go pick up my dress and my new camera."
"Are you going to P'Yo's wedding?" I ask. "I'm going too."
"Forth invited us." P'Bee smiles. "Two parties in one night, I'm looking forward to it."
"Bas there you are, I was looking for you... hello sweetie." P'Lam smiles at his wife, who gives him a look.
"Godt, since you're going." P'Bee turns to me. "You're the official babysitter for Bas at the wedding."
"I am?" I ask happily.
I really liked playing with Bas, it was fun.
"What about me?" P'Lam asked.

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...