A/N: Hello you awesome readers. Just wanted to say, thank you for reading and all the wonderful comments and votes I read every one. I think half the views are me reading and re-reading the comments :D
Forth POV
"Why do I still have to stay here?"
"Safer for you." I tell Lam as I watch Bas lye on his belly and shimmy his way off the bed.
"I know they think I saw something but you know I didn't see anything, so does it really matter if they don't know, that I don't know anything?"
"Stop talking."
"But Forth..." He whines. "I want to go home."
"Why are you complaining?" Beam snaps arriving with flare. "Free bed, free 5* food, and nurses to fulfill every wish."
"That would be great if I was single." Lam snickers. "But my beautiful wife would remove something precious if I tried, and that's a big IF because I'm the loyal type and even though she may look scary, my Bee is a sweetheart and I wouldn't want anyone but her."
"She isn't hiding around the corner, no need to say it." Beam shakes his head. "I checked."
"I was declaring my love, Doc Beamie, you're so rude!" Lam glares. "Forth, make your boyfriend be nicer to me, I'm your best friend."
"I told you to stop calling me that." Beam glares back. "Not boyfriend..."
"But it suits you, you're like a ray of sunshine." Lam smiles. "And seriously, only boyfriends should do what you do in the stairs, good thing I covered Bas's eyes..."
"Learn to use the lift, like normal patients!"
"But I need to stay healthy." Lam grins, unashamedly. "Watch Bas, I need the little boy's room."
I pick up the giggling baby before he can make a run for it, giving him my best glare but he just hugs me.
"Both father and son are the same." Beam glares at Bas. "Being overfriendly with things belonging to others."
Did he mean me? Bas just turns and blows a raspberry at Beam, who watches shocked as Bas hugs me again. Before he can say anything his phone rings, he picks up still glaring at Bas as he walks away. I have no words.
I turn when I feel it, the cold seeping in, the Five. The girl was insane! Ming arrives nearly a second later, he watches as shocked as me as Nami hugs one of the most dangerous men in the country. The angel's peak over a desk, ready to run, they knew the truth about the Five.
"Stop laughing Bright." P'Knott sighed.
It didn't deter the gang member, he kept pointing at Nami and dissolving into a fit of laughter after only managing a few breaths. In all my years I had never seen P'Bright act this way, he was always serious and overbearing.
"I will show you to P'Yo's office." Nami says cheerfully.
"I will." Ming and I move forward.
It was safer if we took them, P'Arthit looked a little shocked and didn't say anything but if he lost his temper...it could be a repeat of the other night. We had plans to expand this place not turn the hospital to rubble.
"You already have company." She raises an eyebrow.
I look down to see Bas still clinging to me, why was he here? Lam...damn that guy. Bas giggles and hugs me again, yawning innocently. I hand him over to Nami, they both protest but roll their eyes when I glare. Was no on afraid of me anymore?

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...