CH 34 - Hunters

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Phana POV

"Is there anything else anyone needs to confess?" Beam stops banging his head to ask. "Say it now, I can't take this slow reveal."

"I borrowed your favourite pillow for the squirrel babies because they were cold." Nami tells Beam.

"I knew it!" Beam yells. "I told you both but you wouldn't believe me."

"It was time to let it go." Kit says annoyed. "You were too old to have a comfort pillow."

"You hate being called Kitty a little too much." Beam looks Kit over. "Tell me the truth, are you secretly a cat alien...ouch...why hit me Kit?"

"Did you know Yo?" I ask ignoring Beam.

"Not until recently." He answers. "I was going to explain but I didn't know how to bring it up."

My family were vampire hunter, what did that mean for us?

Would they hurt my Yo?

I can't help feeling anxious, the voice was right, would they do anything to him?

"I won't let them hurt you Yo." I hug him.

"We have a peace treaty with the vampires P'Pha." Nami's voice cuts in slowly. "Considering who P'Yo is no one would dare touch him."

Who Yo was?

"What do you mean Nami?" Kit asks before me.

"Quick lesson for you guys in vampire heresy." Nami puts her cup down. "Starting from the bottom, workers, normal turned, thralls, master/young master turned, young masters, masters, and the supreme master who we know as Dracula."

"Dracula was real." Beams shocked. "I knew it."

"P'Yo is a young master, he's vampire royalty."

We all turn to stare at Yo, he was royalty? But he was so normal, well for a vampire but I didn't know that many but still my Yo was so...perfect!

"I knew there was something about him when I saw him drinking tea." Beam whispers. "Only royalty is that poised."

"It doesn't matter on this side." Yo says quickly. "I'm normal here..."

"You could never be normal P'Yo." Nami smiles. "You started Heart Memorial, that's a great thing to do."

"Wait...Yo was his ancestor who did that?" Beams looks confused before glaring at Nami. "Why do you know so much?"

"I read things." Nami smiles. "Oh, give me a lift P'Beam, I start work today."

"Go with Pha."

"My first day working in emergency as your assistant P'Beam, I'm so looking forward to it."

"Wait...what? my emergency???" Beam wheezes.

Beam slowly turn to Yo as Nami leaves the room to get her bag.

"If she burns down the place, you can't blame me!"


Beam POV

"I can't deal with her Kit, she is driving me insane!" I whisper hiding behind the counter.

"Did she mess up?" Kit asks.

"No, that's the point, she's good at everything." I snap. "We had a hell baby that wouldn't stop crying, she sang him to sleep. The crabbiest grandpa, she had him laughing, I didn't think his muscles would ever move in that direction. The evil moustache, the head nurse gave her job after job, she didn't complain and did everything."

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