Korn POV
"Don't think I don't know you're involved you little shit."
"Don't think your invincible Korn." Ken tries to hit me but misses. "I can report you."
"Try and see what I do to you, you little weasel." I grab his wrist, twisting it behind his back. "I want to know every place you know about that belongs to them."
"I can't." He spits. "They are scary people."
The moron had no idea he was dealing with vampires and an underground rogue group at that. I managed to track him down before he ran for, he was packing his things into his car when I caught up to him.
"The ones I know are scarier." I twist his arm more. "I know they put 2 mill in your account. Start talking or I start breaking things."
"You're a cop Korn. You can't touch me."
"I'm off duty. And you went after family, the normal rules don't apply."
If anything happened to the cookie eating little monster, I was putting him behind bars. I was so angry right now, I would have let the vampires deal with him but I knew it would upset mom. He was family after all, so I had to give the bastard a chance. Stupid moral compass.
It isn't long before he starts talking; some I already know about two are new. I thought vampires and nightclubs with private memberships only happened in films but apparently, it happened in real life too. He runs the minute I loosen my grip.
"Why did you let him go?" My partner asks looking annoyed. "I wanted to hit him!"
"Where have you been?"
"Getting information like you wanted." Fei rolls her eyes. "This Pringles girl is a bitch, no one liked her. She was all high and mighty, preparing to be a doctor's wife. Get this, she even had a wedding dress and tux made, for her wedding. No one even proposed to her..."
"Any idea where she is now?"
"I checked a few of her last posts on social media and found an address."
I take the paper, it matches one that Ken just told me. Better deal with this problem before we leave, I take out my phone, sending a few files before making a call. I know the best person to deal with him, let his hell begin. I head for my partner, finishing the call.
"Let me introduce you to a whole new world." I put my arm around her shoulders, heading for my car.
"In your car?" She heaves a sigh. "We will be lucky if we get to the end of the street..."
Nami POV
It had been a few hours, the delusional one returned three times to shout I knew nothing about how it worked before demanding I call P'Pha. She screamed when he didn't answer and stormed out. Of course he wouldn't, I blocked his phone to make sure he wouldn't even get the call.
I listen at the door, hearing nothing I walk towards the wall with the lightbulb. I stand on the small table, using a folded handkerchief to unscrew the bulb, inserting the small metal square into the socket before replacing it.
The bulb lights up, that means the connection is good and the chip will be able to send a signal out. P'New designed it; let's hope it worked without a network handy because we needed to get out. My head was hurting and there was a slight complication.

2Moons - Dark Moons
FanfictionI have waited for him for many human lifetimes, waited so long for him to fulfil his promise, waited for him to come back to me. I kept walking in the dark, in the cold, alone. "The soul can not die, his soul will return." But there are secrets and...