Their Phone Numbers...

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Soon enough it was time for your row to go up and meet BTS. You stood up, grabbed a bag with presents for BTS and followed behind Lily. "Ahhh! I can't wait!!" Lily said looking as if she would blow up anytime now because of excitement. You laughed, "Calm down Lily!" You said patting her head, "I can't! Why did I have to choose the second to last seat!! I want to meet Suga now!!" Lily said as she clenched her fist in anger but she was smiling in excitement. You shrugged, "You can wait," you said watching the first person get on stage and they started freaking out. Lily was impatiently waiting to go on the stage and meet Yoongi, you on the other hand didn't care how long it took, because either way you were gonna meet them. After awhile it was time for Lily to get on the stage and meet Namjoon. She seemed as if she had been waiting a year for this, she dashed onto the stage and kneel down in front of Namjoon. "Hi Oppa," she said as she placed her notebook onto the table, "Hello, how are you?" He asked and Lily smiled, "I'm doing just fine because I'm here at my favorite boy band fan meet!" She stated smiling brightly. Namjoon chuckled and signed her notebook, Namjoon and Lily both talked for a while before her 5 minutes was up. You got onto the stage and kneel in front of Namjoon, he was looking down but when he lift his head, his eyes widened. "Hello Oppa," you said rather expressionless and Namjoon immediately started stuttering, "H-Hey... H-Ho-How ar-are you?" He asked as he stared at you, "What's wrong...?" You asked confused. "Sorry it's just you're so pretty..." he said, you stared at him expressionless and shrugged, "Thanks I guess," you said. Namjoon stared at you, "It's not like I've been told that multiple times," you said trying to help him understand you've heard it all before and he nodded. "Is that so... Guess I'm just unoriginal," Namjoon said smiling awkwardly, you handed him your notebook. You opened it to an empty page for him and Namjoon signed it, he looked around and wrote something else down. Your five minutes was up and you gave Namjoon the present you got him, "Bye," you said waving at him and he waved back. You looked at your notebook as you moved to Jin, you then realized he put a phone number underneath his signature.

~After a few minutes later~

You finished talking to Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin, you also handed them the presents you had gotten them. They all had secretly wrote their phone numbers in your notebook underneath their autograph. You stared at the letters along with the numbers as you moved on to Taehyung. Taehyung smiled brightly as you approached him, "Hello~," he said in an energetic tone. You couldn't help but smile at his energetic mode, "I like your scarf," he said pointing at your flannel scarf. You smiled brightly, "Thank you," you said, "Your smile is pretty," Taehyung complimented before looking down at your notebook to sign it. He noticed the phone numbers, "Yah... My hyungs are being sneaky," Taehyung said before signing. "I'll also secretly write my number," Taehyung said as he grabbed a marker, looked around as if there were cameras everywhere as he made a weird face every time he turned his head, and then started writing his number but in a sillier form. You giggled when he finished, "Yah hyungs why you giving this girl your phone numbers," Taehyung half shouted, Namjoon looked at him, "What are you talking about?" Yoongi asked trying to play it off. "Oh... I get it, it's because she's pretty isn't it!" Taehyung said and Jimin covered his mouth, "Taehyung we're at a fan meet!" Jimin whispered. "Sorry," Taehyung mumbled through Jimins hand, "Better be," Jimin said before removing his hand. "I'm sorry, I tried making them confess," Taehyung said and you laughed, "You're funny," you said as you covered your mouth while you laughed. "Your five minutes is up miss," a staff said signaling you to move on to Jungkook, Taehyung pushed your notebook to Jungkook. Before you moved to Jungkook, you gave Taehyung his present, and Taehyung gave you a quick pat on the head. You couldn't help but smile before looking at Jungkook. "Please tell me you're my noona," Jungkook blurted out, "Last time I checked... I should be older than you," you told him and his face lit up. He grabbed a pen and immediately signed his autograph, and of course along with his phone number. "Noona, did anyone tell you that you literally look like a goddess?" Jungkook said as he looked at you dreamily, "Multiple times," you told Jungkook. You didn't notice but Taehyung was going down the table, asking for his hyungs signature, and he had just finished with Jimin. He tapped your shoulder, "Excuse me it's my turn," Taehyung said and you looked at him. You smiled, gave Jungkook his present before getting up and started walking back to you seat.

"Hyung! I was talking to noona!" Jungkook said angrily because Taehyung made you leave. "I'm prettier than her," Taehyung joked, "Geez... Why did you have to do it at the worst moment. I wanted to talk to her," Jungkook said as he crossed his arms like a child. "Listen Jungkook-ah either you sign this paper or you'll never get to talk to her anymore," Taehyung said flapping the piece of paper in Jungkooks face. Jungkook looked at Taehyung unconvinced but he still grabbed the paper and signed it. "Okay next row!" Taehyung shouted into the mic excited while turning around before he signaled the next row to come up on stage.

~After 1 hour and 30 minutes later~

The fan meet finally ended, you couldn't help but think about how the members of BTS snuck their phone numbers into your notebook. But they must have only done it because you were pretty, you sighed as you watched the members of BTS disappear from the stage. Lily stood up and started stretching, "That was fun! Right Y/N?" Lily asked. "Yup that was," you said as you stood up and smiled at her, and you grabbed your mini backpack. Just then a staff came up to you, "Excuse me, BTS would like to meet you in private," the staff told you. You looked at the staff confused, but then you looked over to Lily. Lily's face had completely lit up from excitement, "If you will please follow me this way," the staff said as they motioned Lily and you to follow them. Lily grabbed your arm and started dragging you as she followed behind the staff in complete and utter excitement.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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