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~A month later~

~Taehyung's P.O.V.~

I was browsing through Twitter. A smile appeared on my face at all the approval from my fans. They kept telling me how happy they were. Just then, there was a DM. I opened it. "Hello, Kim Taehyung. I heard about your relationship with Y/F/N. I'm hoping you'll let me do an interview with you about the relationship. I will be thrilled to hear a reply from you. Please reply as fast as you can." When I finished reading that, I immediately texted back. "I am interested in having this interview. If you don't mind, I would like to bring my lovely girlfriend as well," and sent.

~Your P.O.V.~

You were working, like always. But then Taehyung ran over to you with a smile on his face. "Guess what, someone just asked to interview us. They want to know about our relationship," he said. "What, really?" you asked. He nodded, "They DM me through Twitter! We'll do the interview tomorrow." "Twitter, and DM?" you asked yourself. You felt the need to be suspicious. Normally when someone wants to interview BTS, they would more or less email the you- the assistant manager. They normally don't get any interview request from their social media. "You replied to this person?" you asked. He nodded, "I got overly excited so I immediately texted them back." "So, then this is a fan?" you asked. He looked at you, unsure. "I guess so, they don't have a verified sign," he showed you. Your eyes were immediately drawn to the profile. Their profile was Taehyung. "I told them that you're coming with me so you can't say no!" he smiled, brightly. He seemed really thrilled to have this meeting take place. You continued to have your suspicion but agreed to go.

~The next day~

Another thing you forgot to think about was how they requested the interview to be the very next day. "Here we are, Miss Y/N," Eun said. "Thank you," you bowed. Taehyung also thanked him. The both of you stepped out. You looked at the apartment building, something about this place gave you the chills. "Come on, we can't keep them waiting forever!" Taehyung tugged you. You didn't know why he wasn't being suspicious. After all, you were. "Is he just too excited to even note that all of this doesn't fall into place?" you asked. When you and Taehyung found the room, he knocked on the door. The door immediately opened, like they were patiently waiting near it. A smile appeared on their face when they saw him. But when they notice you, their smile faded. The four of you traded greetings. Then you were invited in. You looked around, it was empty, not a single furniture. Your suspicions grew larger. They sat you down. There was two of them, they were both foreign but they spoke perfect Korean. "Let's get started," Monique smiled. She motioned Taylor to start the camera. Then she started asking questions, Taylor added in later. It seemed like a normal interview. Plus, Taehyung seemed really happy each time he answered. Whenever he asked you to elaborate, you got a death glare from both females. When you turned it back to Taehyung, they listened intently. "So when the rumor about you dating was going around, were the both of you actually just friends?" Taylor asked. "Of course we were, we were nothing more than that," Taehyung answered. Not that it really mattered, you're dating him 'now.' They continued asking questions. When they were doing so, you noticed something. They kept rubbing their thighs together. It was like they were nervous or something.

Soon, you and Taehyung were given a drink. Earlier today, before you left your house, you drank a lot of water. That means your bladder has been piling. "Where's the bathroom?" you asked. They pointed you to the bathroom. You thanked them, and made your way to the bathroom. When you were washing your hands, you looked up at yourself in the mirror. "Could I really be wrong? Am I just imagining things?" you thought. The entire time it was like a normal interview, minus the fact that they kept giving you a displeased face. "Okay, I'll stop being suspicious then," you thought. When you dried your hand, you went back to the room. But once you were back in that room, everyone was gone. You rushed over and noticed the chairs were moved differently. "Signs of struggle," you thought. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted those two. If only I talked some sense into Taehyung... he just seemed too happy for me to ruin it. This is my fault," you pulled out your phone and called Mark. "Hello?" he answered. "Mark, Taehyung has been kidnapped. I need you to look through the surveillance cameras of xxxx apartment residence," you said. "On it," then the call ended. You called Lily. When she answered, you were quick to explain. "Things like that shouldn't have been trusted in the first place," she said. "I know, but I didn't want to be the jerk that ruined his mood. He seemed really excited," you replied. "You said they were foreigners, right?" Josh asked. "Yeah, that's right," you answered. "Then that means that they don't know the place too well. They must have scoped out a place nearby that they can hide in," he said. "How do you know?" you asked. "It's just a normal thing with kidnappers. If they don't know the place too well, they'll find a place that is 'good enough.' That's normally nearby the location of the kidnap," he explained. "Look at you, being all smart. That's my boyfriend," Lily said. "I'm your husband," he corrected. "Husband, right," she corrected herself. "Don't go anywhere, we're on our way," she said.

~After a while~

When Lily and Josh arrived, you allowed them in. "Thanks to Mark, we were able to pin down some locations. Through the surveillance cameras, he figured out that they took a left," you informed. "Okay," Josh started look through the all locations. "There's an abandoned building able five blocks from here," he said. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go," Lily started walking. Josh pulled her back. "We need a plan," he said. He told you to call your other guards, and you did exactly that. Then the three of you started making your way to the building. Like that, you found them. Lily and Josh were quick to get them. They were unarmed and couldn't do anything. You called the police before releasing Taehyung. "You should have been suspicious," you said. "I know... but we haven't had any request so I got really excited," he apologized. "All of this just to brag about your relationship," you smiled.

~The next day~

"Hello, I would like to interview you and your relationship," Namjoon said. The entire room was bursting with laughter. "You look great, honey bun bun," Kim was trying to hold in her laughter. After all, he was wearing a wig and a dress. "Let's get this interview started," Jungkook clapped his hands, "I'm the leader now." "As if!" Namjoon said. The room was full of laughter. "Thank you, honey. You're the best," Taehyung said. You smiled, "It's no problem."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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