The Date Between Families

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~Two days later~

"Sweetie, how about we have a date with your boyfriend? You seem like you've been missing him lately. How about we plan something with him? So then I can meet his parents, and his parents can meet you," with your mom's question, your ice cream decided to slide off your spoon. "A date to meet his parents?" you asked out loud. She nodded, "It seems like a rather good idea. After all, Taehyung's parents can meet his girlfriend." She leaned against her hand. Although it seemed like a nice idea, the problem was his parents. "I'll try asking him," you returned to eating your ice cream. Just then, thoughts started to flood your mind, "What if his parents don't like me? I just realized that this is the first time I'm meeting his parents!" You maintained a normal state outside. But inside, you were freaking out at the thoughts your mind decided to bombard you with. While growing up, you were always taught that first impressions are very important. This was one of the reasons why you're freaking out, you want to make a good impression.

~After a while~

You waited patiently for Taehyung to answer his phone. Perhaps he was busy practicing, and he hasn't quite taken his break yet. But as that thought crossed your mind, the rings ended and you heard a voice. "Hello?" you heard. "You're not Taehyung," you said. "Thanks for pointing that out, I'm Patrick," Kim joked, making you laugh. "Where is Taehyung right now?" you asked. She was quiet, like she was trying to find him. "He's practicing right now," she informed. You sighed, "Can you tell him to call me back when he's done?" "Sure thing, how's your break?" she asked. "It's going well. I miss being an assistant manager though," you answered. After a while of talking to Kim, you ended the call and decided to work on some projects Mark sent out to you. You sighed as you stared at the bar graphs you were currently setting up, "July..." As you were setting up the graph for July, your phone started to ring. You flew towards it in a matter of seconds, thinking it was Taehyung. "Mark" was the caller ID, and you quickly answered either way. "Hello?" you asked. "Hello Miss Y/N, sorry if I'm disturbing you," Mark answered. "You're not distributing me. Is there a reason why you're calling me?" you asked. "I wanted to inform you that you have some papers piling up in your office at the moment. I didn't want to wait last minute to tell you, since I know how you hate filling out papers. So I decided to tell you before the pile grew as high as the ceiling," Mark explained, making you sigh. "Okay, thanks for telling me, Mark. I'll be there in a few minutes," you informed. You ended your call with Mark. "Working under my dad's business and as an assistant manager keeps me busy," you thought before getting off you bed.

You called your driver and asked him to pick you up, and drive you to your office. "Mom, I'm heading to my office. Do you want to come along?" you asked as you entered the dining room. Your mom was in the middle of stuffing her face with a donut. After she swallowed the bit, that she was chewing on, she smiled. "Sure. I'll love to see how it's been going at your office," she answered before stuffing the rest of the donut in her mouth. She quickly wiped her mouth before getting up. "Oh dear, I'll need to look presentable for my daughter," and like that your mom retreated to her room to change. You grabbed your phone from your back pocket. With a sigh, you stared at the screen, patiently waiting. Seconds passed and then minutes. Then your driver texted you, informing you that he's waiting outside. Your mom just left her room. She was wearing a rather fitted black dress. "Don't you think you dressed a little too formal?" you asked, curiously. She smiled before shaking her head side to side. "Of course not sweetie, this it how I casually dress. Unless I need to wear comfortable clothes," she answered. You slowly nodded. "My driver is here, let's get going. I still have a lot of work to do," you informed as you walked to the front door. Then you and your mom were heading to your office.

~Your office~

"Thank you for the ride," you bowed, and your mom did the same. "I'll be back in a while, please wait for me here," you informed, and your driver nodded. With that, you walked towards the building. "My, my, it's more bigger than I remember. Did you remodel it by any chance?" your mom asked. You looked up at the building. "Does it really look that different? It always been like this for a while," you asked while grabbing the door handle. "Really? My memory of this place must of faded then. I've been to a lot of business buildings. It's a shame I forgot the original size of this building," she said before thanking you, and entering the building. Like last time, people who were sitting stood up, and everyone bowed at your presence. "It's nice to have you back," they said, directly to your mom. She smiled before bowing back. "It's a pleasure to be back," she happily replied before standing up straight. Mark approached the both of you, "Good afternoon Miss Y/N, and Mrs. L/N. It's rather nice to see that you decided to visit us," he smiled. She patted his shoulder, "It's been a while now, hasn't it Mark? I haven't seen this place in ages! I didn't even remember the normal size of this building." "Well it has been a long time since you visited this building. It's not wrong if your memory had faded," Mark assured, making her smile. "You always do your best to make me feel a tad better about my age," she replied. "Miss Y/N," Mark said while facing you, "If you'll follow me this way to your office." You were about to tell him that you already knew where your office was. But then, you realized that he was trying to look like a good secretary in front of your mom (although he's already a good secretary in your opinion). With that thought, you smiled, "Lead the way."

Now you had all the papers in a bag. With a sigh, you placed it beside you in the car. As you were scrolling through the information Mark sent you, your phone started ringing. "Hello?" you answered after seeing that it was Taehyung's caller ID. "You called?" Taehyung asked. "Uh... yeah," you answered. "Who is it, sweetie?" your mom asked, curious. "Taehyung," you answered. "Oh really? Can I talk to him about that event we're setting up?" she asked, while holding her hand out to you. "H-Hang on, let me tell him first," you said. Your mom willingly nodded with patience. "So... you see Taehyung, my mom wants to have a date with you- I mean like date for you to get to know each other more. She also wants your parents to come, is that okay with you?" you asked. Taehyung stayed quiet. "It's okay of you don't-" he was quick to interrupt you. "Sounds like a plan! I'll fly them over, when is this date?" he asked. "I'll let my mom inform you about that," you said before quickly handing your phone to your mom.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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