An Assisant Manager

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"We're here Miss Y/N," your driver told you, you nodded as you stared at the big building in front of you. You exited the car and you turned to your driver, "Thank you for the ride," you told your driver as you bowed. "Not a problem Miss Y/N, I'll pick you up after you're done, please text me the time," your driver said and you nodded. Your driver drove off without another word, you sighed as you headed towards the door entrance. As you reached the door, you extended your arm, and grabbed the door handle. You pulled the door open, you walked in as you placed a hand behind you so you could ensure the door closed quietly behind you. People had turn their head to the sound of the door opening, people who were sitting stood up at your presence. Everyone bowed to you, "It's nice to have you here Miss Y/N," they all said in unison and you bowed back, "It's my pleasure," you said before standing up straight. You recognized a familiar figure as it approached you, "You haven't been your office in so long Miss Y/N," the figure said before bowing. "That's because I don't get called in everyday Mark," you told Mark and he laughed before standing up straight, "That's true, normally you'll have to do things that are related to work outside of your office. I mean you actually came today, are you ready to fill out some papers?" Mark asked in a joking tone and you rolled your eyes. "My dad wanted to meet me, I don't want to spend 500 hours filling out papers," you said as you exasperated the time it'll take you to fill out papers.

You stared at your secretary, Mark noticed that you were staring at him so he looked at you. As soon as he made eye contact with you he started having the redness spread across his face. "This way to your office Miss Y/N," Mark said quickly as he held his clipboard full on papers closed to his chest. "Mark you act like I don't know where my office is located," you told Mark as you followed behind him, "I'm sorry Miss Y/N... It's just I'm your secretary and this is how we do our jobs," Mark said. You sighed as you watched Mark look down at a paper that is your schedule, "So today you know that you have to meet your father, that will probably last about an hour," Mark said his eyes still glued to the schedule while he carefully made sure not to run into someone. "That will be all today," Mark said as he stopped looking at the paper, "Why would you assume that it'll take an hour?" You asked curiously. Mark and you had finally made it to your office, Mark grabbed the door handle, turned it and opened the door for you. "Thank you," you said as you walked in and sat down at your desk, "I assume it'll take an hour because you might not accept what your father has summoned you in for," Mark said closing the door behind him as he entered the room. "Is that so?" You asked while playing with a pen, "We'll need to use your laptop to contact your father," Mark instructed and you nodded as you grabbed your laptop.

Mark told you to message your dad, you did as told. Your dad didn't message back instead he requested a video chat, and you accepted it. "Hey dad," you greeted him, "Oh my! Who's this beautiful young lady?" He asked looking shocked. "Dad don't act like you didn't see me last year," you told your dad clearly not wanting to joke around. "Awe come on sweetheart, live a little bit," your dad said but you gave him "no" face. "Why'd you want to meet with me today?" You asked, "I know you really might not like this... But I need you to help these girls with theirs notes," Your dad told you as he turned the camera to three teenage girls. You shook your head in disagreement, you always hated singing to people especially strangers. The only two people who could convince you to sing was Lily and your dad. But in this case, your dad asking you to sing to complete strangers that were probably from your dads music industry, is a complete no for you. "Come on sweetie! They say that they're huge fans of you," your dad said and you rolled your eyes. Your dad probably made the girls listen to a song you did a cover on, the reason why your had to do the cover is because your dad asked you to. You sighed in defeat, you couldn't deny your dads request, "Fine," you grunted. The three girls and your dad cheered happily, you couldn't see it but Mark who was behind you, smiled brightly to finally be able to hear you sing. "Send me the lyrics and a cover," You instructed your dad, so you could be able to show the teenagers how to sing the notes. Your dad nodded and sent you the lyrics, and a cover. You then realized that the song was a song you had made when you were younger, "Seriously dad...?" You asked looking at the lyrics. "What it's a nice song," your dad said trying to defend himself. Well now you don't need to listen to the cover since you already know how to sing it. You took a deep breath and started singing the song.

After you finished singing the song, they clapped, "Your voice is so enchanting!" One girl shouts impressed. The other girls nodded in agreement at the girl's statement. You thanked them, "Okay so you guys understand how to do it now right," your dad asked and they nodded, "We'll try," the girls said. "We'll be sure to impress you!" A girl tells you before the three girls bowed and left the room. You turned to look at Mark, he seemed to be frozen, "Y/N we still need to talk about something..." your dad said which brung your attention back to your laptop screen. "What is it...?" You asked thinking it was something not serious, but your dads face said otherwise.

"I would like you to be an assistant manager for a popular Korean boy band, known as BTS," your dad said looking at you and your eyes widen in shock.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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