Dating Experts

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~Three months later~

You piled all your papers together. Then you got up. "I'm heading to my office, I'll see you in a bit," you informed. "What, you're leaving?" Taehyung asked. "Yes, I have some important things to do over at my office," you answered. He pouted, "I'll come with you." "Not a chance, Taehyung. I need to go on my own. There are a lot of people who work there," you explained. "I can disguise myself as a... a... a female friend!" he said. The whole room bursted out with laughter. "Do you really want to go that badly?" Yoongi asked. "Clearly he does, he's even willing to dress like a female," Jimin chuckled. "You have to admit, he would be a convincing female," Namjoon said. Taehyung childishly stomped his feet. "Let me come with you," he begged. "You know you can't," you said. "But, honey~," he continued. "Stop," you giggled. "We'll hold him back, Y/N. You go on ahead," Seokjin waved you off. "Thanks," you smiled. While Taehyung fought to chase after you, you left the room. "Oh, Y/N," the manager stopped you. "Hello, sir," you bowed. "Didn't I tell you to drop the formality?" he asked. "Sorry, you're right. It's just that it's been sometime since we talked," you apologized. "It's completely understandable. Did I tell you that I'm glad to have you back from your coma?" he asked. You slowly nodded. "If I remember correctly... you told me that when I returned," you pressed your lips together. "Ah, that's right. How's your relationship going?" he asked. "It's been good, sir," you answered. He patted your back as he walked past you. "You guys make a good couple," he said. Then he entered the practice room. On the way back to Seoul, three months ago, Taehyung explained about how he let the relationship slip. Well, not technically slip. It was his only ticket for him to go to you. Eun was patiently waiting for you outside. When you saw the car, you got in. "I got you something," he held up a bag. "You didn't have to," you grabbed it. "Of course I do, I'm like your guardian. Also, a long day at work means that you must be starving by now," he said. "Thank you," you smiled.

~At your office~

When you entered, everyone bowed like normal. They greeted you before returning to work. "You're here, Miss Y/N," Mark greeted you as well. Lately, he's been a happy person. Maybe it's because of that Ayeon girl that Lily told you about. "I finished all the paperwork. Now I have to submit them," you walked by a counter and handed them to the person. "You don't have to rush with the papers. Just make sure you get them labeled," you told her. "Okay," she smiled and got right to it. "Now, I need to manage some other things in my office," you headed to your office. Mark anxiously followed behind you. It was like he wanted to say something. When you walked in, you immediately got to work. It was a long silence. That was odd since Mark would always want to spark up a conversation. "Miss Y/N," he finally said. "You finally talked to me. I thought you were malfunctioning or something," you turned to look at him. His face turned completely red. "Are you coming down with a fever, Mark?" you went over to him before placing a hand over his head. He was steaming up. "No, it's not that. I need to ask you a favor," he said. "What is it?" you removed your hand. "I have a date-" you interrupted him. "You have a date?" you asked. He nodded. "Is it with Ayeon?" you asked again. This time, he turned a deeper red. You smiled, "I'm so proud of you!" "I-I was thinking that since you're dating Taehyung... you'll know what to do. S-So, I wanted you're help," he explained. "Oh no, Lily and Josh are the experts at dates. I'm no good at them. If you want help, then you should ask them. After all, they've been dating ever since high school," you said. He seemed hesitant by that. "I don't feel like bringing them into this..." "Huh, why not?" you asked. "Lily will make fun of me," he answered, his head started to lower. You chuckled. "She can be hard on you but she'll help. It's just her thing to make fun of her guy friends. Trust me, I know. You're her friend, she wouldn't turn you down," you assured.

~After a few minutes~

Lily was partially dying from laughter. "Hey, stop it, babe. Leave the poor guy alone," Josh said. "I'm sorry but that's just hysterical. Mark, you really were trying to hide all this," she laughed even harder. Mark was a blushing mess, all he wanted was help. "Ignore her. I can help you instead," Josh said. Just then, your phone went off. It was a call from Taehyung. "Hang on, I'll be right back," then you took the call. "Hello?" you answered. "Honey, where are you?" he asked, sort of whining. "Can you tell the others I won't be back until late? I have to help my secretary with something," you answered. "What, you're going to be gone?" he asked. "Yeah, sorry, I need to deal with this," you answered. After a while of talking, you ended the call. You joined back into the conversation. "It's your first date, right?" Josh asked. Mark nodded. "Where do you plan on bringing her?" he asked. "To a restaurant," Mark answered. "Do you know what you're wearing?" he asked. "This," Mark pointed to his uniform. "No way, that's your work clothes. I think we need to bring you shopping," Josh pulled Mark. "Y/N, you can get some flowers with Lily," Josh instructed. You nodded. Then he looked at Lily, "Babe, stop laughing and go help Y/N."

~The next day~

"You got this, Mark. Just be you," you said. "Yeah, just be you. You don't have to do anything fancy with your personality. She agreed to go on a date with you because she likes you the way you are," Josh was fixing up Mark's tie. "Yeah, don't be a d*****bag," Lily said. Mark was, admittedly, a cute stuttering mess. He was so tensed up, and his expression was priceless. His face was the brightest you've seen. Lily even took a picture of it and swore to print it out just for memories. But in the end, you cheered him on.

~The next day~

You got the news that they're now officially dating. This made you happy, he finally moved on from you.

I hoped you enjoyed!

Assistant Manager (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now