Halloween Special

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Hey, so it's Halloween. It also happens to be on Wednesday as well.

Anyways, Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that you all have a fun time getting cavities- I mean candies...

Anyways, I'm sure you guys can tell what this will be about. It's a Halloween special with BTS!

This will be the exact same as the Fourth of July one, I'm busy so I can't really provide for all the members... I'm sorry, but I hope you guys will be happy with this. :)

They say I'm too old for Trick-or-Treating, and I say "I look like I'm ten years old either way!"

Ahem, have fun today. This is a holiday that only happens once a year, so spend it the best you can! Unless you hate Halloween, then I guess you can just relax.

No matter how old you are, have fun today and don't mind the people who tell you that you're too old to be doing this. Dress up and be fabulous.

Happy Halloween! Have a wonderful, and don't forget to be spooky!

~The day before Christmas- I mean Halloween~

I walked happily on the sidewalk with my hands behind my back. Today BTS had promised me that they'll go Halloween shopping with me. Mostly for costumes and decorations. BTS and I were planning to just go Trick-or-Treating tomorrow and get a lot of candy, so then we can get fat. When I finally had the house in sight, I immediately ran to it. Then I was standing at the front door. A smile began to form on my face at the thought of how much fun I'll have shopping with them. I knocked on the door and waited. After a minute of no response, I knocked again. "Geez, did they head out without me?" I asked myself. The door still hasn't opened up. I knocked once more, louder this time. "Who is it?" I heard from within. It wasn't any of the voices I was familiar with. The voice was more soft and innocent. "It's Y/N," I said and then silence. "Who?" the voice asked. "Am I at the wrong house...? I don't know who this voice belongs to..." I thought as I started analyzing the house. It was definitely the correct house. "Babysitting?" I mumbled. "No... that makes no sense," I sighed. "Are you still there, Miss?" I heard from behind the door. "Who are you?" I asked in response. "Me? My mom says not to give out my name to strangers, you may be a kidnapper," the voice said. "So it is a kid... but why is a kid in the house...?" I stood there for a moment, thinking of possibilities. "Could you... open the door?" I asked. "What's the magic password?" another voice asked. This voice was more high pitched and happy. "Unicorns...?" I answered questionably. "How'd she know?" I heard little whispers between the two voices. "Should we let her in?" the happy one asked. "She got the password right..." and then there was a long silence. "But we don't know her," the other voice said. "Hmm... maybe she should ask her a question," the innocent voice asked. "Oh! Good idea! I know!" the happy one shouted. "Am I a boy or a girl?" the voice asked. "That's too easy!" the other one said. "You're a boy," I answered.

There were more tiny whispers, and then the door was unlocked. The door swung open, and there stood two little boys. "Wait," I stared at them for a little longer. "Seokjin and Hoseok?" I asked shocked. Their faces resembled their younger self so perfectly. "How do you know our names, Miss?" Seokjin asked with wide eyes. "Well, that's because we're friends..." I answered. "We are? We just met you today, Miss," Hoseok gave a confused face. I kneeled down and looked at the both of them. "What happened to you guys? I swear you guys were around your twenties yesterday," I stared at them. "Twenties? We're not that old yet!" Hoseok shouted. I continued to stare at them, "This is a prank isn't it?" and then I stood up. "Okay guys, come out. You guys got me, haha, hurry and come out," I started looking around. But there wasn't any movement. "Who are you talking to, Miss?" Seokjin asked with confusion. I looked down at them before crouching down. "So you guys are really BTS?" I asked as I started analyzing them again. "BTS? What's that?" Hoseok asked. I shook my head, "Never mind... where are the others?" "Others? Oh, they're in the living room," Seokjin motioned me to follow him. When I entered the living room, there was a mess. Taehyung and Jungkook were jumping on the couch while screaming at one another. Yoongi was laying sluggishly on the floor with his eyes closed, and once in a while he'll shout for everyone to tone it down. Namjoon was sitting at the living table, pencil in hand and writing words on a piece of paper (sloppy handwriting). Jimin was in the corner, his knees drawn to his chest, he seemed too afraid to interact with the others. "What is going on???" I demanded for answers, but there was no way to explain this.

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