This Feeling...

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You looked at Taehyung in shock, "What...?" You asked in shock that he asked you that question. "Is your family rich?" Taehyung repeated the question as if you didn't hear it in the first place, "Well..." you said. Seokjin immediately interrupted you, "Taehyung that's a little too personal, you shouldn't be asking people that. What if they don't feel comfortable with that?" Seokjin asked exiting the kitchen, he placed his hand on his hips and stared at Taehyung. "Is that so...? I'm sorry Y/N if I made any offense to you. That was actually my last question," Taehyung said apologetic, "You're fine, don't worry about it... I was sort of uncomfortable but don't worry about it," you laughed as you tried to reassure him. Taehyung and you sat on the couch in awkward silence, you decided to grab your phone from your backpack. You zipped back your backpack and reposition yourself before unlocking your phone. You tap on WEBTOON, tapped on "My", switched recents to subscribed and tapped on the newly updated comic. Taehyung was leaning in and looking at your screen, "I love that story!" Taehyung said as he scooted closer to you. You could feel his shoulder touching yours, you watched as he leaned a little forward to read. It seemed you read faster than him, although it was in Korean, "Y/N you're a fast reader!" Taehyung said as he tried to finish the previous part. You stared at him, "I can slow down if you want," you told him and he nodded. You watched as his eyes moved from the left then to the right, his hair peacefully falling down as he reads. You hadn't realized Taehyung finished reading, you were staring at him straight on and he noticed it. "I'm done reading this part Y/N," Taehyung said, your eyes widened as you felt your cheeks heat up, "A-Ah yes," you stuttered. As you scrolled down to the next part you felt your finger trembling, "What do you call this?" You thought as you kept glancing over at Taehyung. "Why is he always on my mind? Why can't I stop staring at him?" You asked as you tried focusing on the comic. "Maybe Lily will know," you thought, you didn't want to ruin her break but you needed answers.

~After awhile~

The both of you finished reading the comic, Taehyung had took your phone to see what other comics you were subscribed to. To both of your surprise you both liked the same things and subscribed to a lot of similar comics. "Whoa! That's amazing! I can't believe we're interested in the same genre and stories," Taehyung said gleaming with excitement. "Well I think that means I can relate to you the most from this knowledge, but maybe I'll still relate to the other members," you said, Taehyung nodded, "Probably Jungkook -ah or Seokjin hyung, who knows," Taehyung said looking up as he started thinking. "Well I'm going to call someone so I can talk to them," you said as you got up and Taehyung handed your phone back. "Okay, you can go ahead and take a shower first. I'll take a shower later," Taehyung said and you nodded, "I'll tell you when lunch is done!" Seokjin shouted from the kitchen, "Thank you Seokjin!" You shouted back in response. You started heading to your room, as you were doing so you were texting Lily.

Lily do you have time?
What's up Y/N?
Well I was wondering if you could video chat with me...
There's been something on my mind recently, and I wanted to get your opinion because I myself don't understand.

At this point you were standing in front of the the guest bedroom door, you grabbed the door handle before turning it and opening the door. You entered to room, closed it silently behind you and locked it. You walked over to the bed that still didn't have a bed sheet on it, you sat down before texting Lily again.

Sure thing!
Is it personal?
Well I kind of think it is...
Okay I'll go into another room so Josh doesn't hear our conversation.
Thanks Lily...
I'm so sorry if I ruined your break.
Don't worry about it! I'll do anything for you because you're my best friend!! ❤️😊
I'm glad I have such an amazing best friend like you... 😊😁
Can I call now?
Yep, I just closed the door.

You pressed on Lily's phone number and waited for her to pick up the video call. You didn't have to wait long until Lily's pretty face popped up on your phone screen, "Hey! What's up?" She asked as she adjusted her position. "I wanted to talk about something... Something that I've been confused about recently," you answered, "I'm all ears," Lily said. You nodded, "Well... The past few days, the times I was with BTS... I kept feeling something... Something I can't quite understand," you said, Lily nodded to signal that's she's listening to what you have to say. "But the thing is... This feeling doesn't go with all the BTS members but one..." you stated and Lily's face lit up, "You have a bias?!" Lily asked excitedly. You stared at her, your phone didn't show all the details as it would when you see her personally, "Is that what it is?" you asked kind of relieved. "Well it depends on what you're feeling," Lily said shrugging, "So continue," Lily added as she moved her hand in a circle, motioning you to continue and explain what you're feeling. "Every time I'm with one of the BTS member I feel my cheeks heat up, I think about him so much that I feel I could hate myself for doing so, I want to look at him and analyze his every movement... And... And I just keep staring at him when he's near me," you tried explaining but it was complicated to you, you were currently looking at the wall to the right of you as you talked. But when you turned your head to look back at Lily, her camera wasn't showing her face it was showing her ceiling. You couldn't hear it loudly, it was faint but it was a scream, "Lily?! Are you okay?!" You asked in concern. Then Lily pops back into the camera view, she was in a total fangirl mode, "Y/N!! You're starting to like him!!" Lily stated as she threw her fist into the air pumping them up and down in excitement. You stared at your phone blank and speechless, while Lily was on the other end squealing and happily jumping around.

"I like Taehyung?" you thought to yourself in disbelief.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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