Business Trip

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~About two weeks later~

"Really, you're leaving?" Taehyung asked as he sadly looked at you. You looked up from your pile of papers. "Yeah... I'm being pulled into a business trip. My mom wants me to experience things, since I'll be in control of my dad's company soon," you replied before returning to the papers. Kim stared at you. "So you'll be gone for a week?" she asked, and you slowly nodded. "Once I'm finished with these papers, I'll be at the airport and heading to the United States in no time," you replied in a sad tone. Even if this trip was only going to last a week, you were going to miss Taehyung so much. "Maybe... you could give me something so I can remember you," you said, shyly. You didn't want to seem weird for asking for something from him. He tilted his head as he thought of something to give you. "I have a hoodie in my bag right now, do you want?" he asked as he quickly got up from the chair. You slowly nodded, your attention completely glued to the papers. He was quick to leave and retrieve the hoodie. "He'll miss you as well. I hope you know that," Kim said, as if reading your expression. "You'll miss each other, so you should give him something that'll help him not cry over you all week," she suggested. You looked up. "Maybe I someone could pick something up for me," you thought as you zoned out.

~After a while~

You happily held Taehyung's hoodie to your chest as you walked to the exit. Once outside, you spotted a familiar car and faces. "I got you the stuffed animal you wanted me to get," Lily said as she held out the stuffed dinosaur. You smiled before happily taking it from her hands. "Thank you Lily, you're the best," you replied. "We're going to see you off," Mark informed. You nodded, already aware they want to see you off. "I'll be back," you said before quickly returning to the practice room in a few seconds. "Taehyung!" you shouted, grabbing his attention. Kim held up her hand to stop the music. You happily approached Taehyung before hanging him your stuffed dinosaur. "His name is Rawr. If you're ever miss me, just tightly hug him. He's been with me for the longest time, so please take care of him for me," you said. He happily took the dinosaur out of your hands. "I'm going to miss you everyday, so I'll have him with me everyday. I'll even have conversations with him," he happily spun around, making you smile. "Then I'll be off then," you said before turning to walk off. Once you took one step, Taehyung quickly turned you around and pulled you to him. With that, he kissed you and pulled away after a while. "I'll miss you. Be sure to call me, and don't forget about me," he smiled, and you nodded. "I'll never forget you," you reassured.


It sucked that Taehyung was too busy and couldn't see you off. But you had to be understanding; plus your friends are here to see you off. You started to hug your friends, telling them goodbye and ensuring that you'll get them souvenirs. Soon you were waving to your friends, as you followed behind your mom. While you were walking, you hung your head low and started thinking. "What's with the depressed mood?" your mom asked as she patted your back. "Nothing really... just thinking," you answered. She smiled before analyzing your expression, "It's only a week, sweetie. You'll be back here in no time." You nodded at her words. "You're right... it's just weird. It's the first time I actually leave Korea to go to another country," you said. She laughed lightly, "You normally don't leave this place,, do you? Well your dad is a afraid of the worst, so that explains a lot." "Even so, this is the perfect opportunity for you to get used to going on business trips. It'll be a nice experience," she added, and you nodded. Within a few minutes, you were on the plane and looking down at Seoul.

~United States~

"You have landed in Phoenix, Arizona," the captain said, making you open your eyes. Your mom stood up, and grabbed her bags. Then you quickly grabbed your bags. As you began analyzing your surrounding, you followed behind her. Once you stepped outside, you noticed a pair of hands. They were frantically flailing in the air while shouting your mom's name. Your mom was quick to head over there, where the hands were. "Oh, it's so wonderful to have you here Mrs. L/N!" the old woman shouted with a crooked smile. "Sweetie, this is Ms. Vanderwood. She's, one of many, devoted companions that I work with," your mom introduced. Ms. Vanderwood turned to look at you. Now that you looked closer, her makeup was showing her wrinkles quite vividly. Her blue eyeshadow was fading. "Hello, my name is Y/N," you said before politely holding out your hand. She smiled before taking ahold of it and shaking it. "My, my, what a beautiful young lady you are," she complimented, and you smiled. "Thank you," you replied, unsurely. Although she was old, she gave off such a weird vibe. She was dressed all fancy, and she had her, you would assume, butler by her side. This means that she clearly likes showing off her wealth. She has an exclusive scarf wrapped around her neck, she was wearing a tight fitting dress that showed off her small figure, and she had expensive high heels on. She carried an exquisite, and expensive, purse on her left arm, that probably contained belongings that anyone would die for. But what caught your eye the most, was the limo behind her. It shined brighter than any of the other cars located near it, putting all the cars to shame. "It's a pleasure to have you here in Phoenix, Arizona. Your presence has grace this place, Mrs. L/N," she said. Your mom smiled. "It's a pleasure to be here, we'll only be here for two days though. All our business will be done in two days," your mom replied. Ms. Vanderwood looked over to me, "It's really shocking to see you daughter here. After all, I heard she never left South Korea before." "This may be new for her, but I'm sure this will help her with any future business trip," your mom said. "But, her attire isn't quite suitable for a rich young lady. What is that, darling? Don't you understand that wearing expensive clothes will show off your wealth? Why would you simply wear a plain t-shirt and jeans?" she asked as she judged your clothing. "You're from a rich family for goodness sake. At least have some dignity to wear something more... appropriate for your status," you stared at her, not only did she like showing off but she was awfully rude and blunt. You were about to blow up and shout at her. But you kept your mouth shut, seeing that your mom was going to talk back for you.

"Ms. Vanderwood, I would prefer that you don't talk to my daughter in that manner. You're simply a business partner and you don't have the right to offend my daughter under any circumstance. After all, you run under my business," your mom said rather intimidating. "Right... I'm sorry about that. It just came out," Ms. Vanderwood quickly said in an apologetic tone. She turned to you before apologizing.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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