Her Dream

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~A week later~


"Where am I?" you looked around. The only thing you saw was pitch black. "Why is it so dark?" you got up. It felt weird, like you were flying. You looked down at your feet, there was no ground underneath you. "Whoa!" you shouted, and your voice echoed. "Anyone?" you started spinning in a circle, your arms swiftly moving with you. Everything felt so slow, and your movements were so smooth. The only sound you heard was the echo each time you talked. Then it'll become quiet. As you continued to look around, a bright light suddenly appeared. You stared at it, it felt like it was welcoming you. The light was drawing you in, and unknowingly, you were gravitating to the light. When it was too late to notice, you were sucked in. The light threw you into another place, almost like it helped you escape another universe. You started analyzing the room, it was a hospital room. "Why am I here?" you started wandering around. There were other figures in the room, but they were blurry. You heard murmurs, but they weren't clear enough for you to understand. "Excuse me," you started approaching them. When you were near one, the figure became less and less blurry. "T-Taehyung?" you were in shock. You weren't sure if you were dreaming. "Where are we-" when you tried to touch him, your hand went through him. "W-What's happening? Why can't I touch him? Am I dead?" you looked down at your hands, fear started building up in your body. You turned, and went to the other figures. "Melody?" you reached out for her. "Mom? Dad?" you tried to touch them, but you just went through them. "Byung-Hee? Mr. Kim?" you looked at the figures in the room. "Guys?" they didn't acknowledge your presence at all, meaning they didn't see you. You backed up into a wall, tears began forming in your eyes. Then you noticed something. In the bed, laid a person. You started making your way to the bed, tears ran down your face. As you approached the bed, it scared you. There in the bed, was you. "What's happening?" you shouted, and then everything started disappearing. You were stuck in that darkness again.

~Taehyung's P.O.V.~

"We'll be back Taehyung," Mrs. L/N waved to me. I smiled and nodded. The door softly closed behind Mrs. L/N. I turned my attention to Y/N. When seconds started to past, Y/N's heartbeat started going off irregularly. "Y/N?" I watched as the heart rate monitor started going crazy. I got up (almost immediately) from my chair, nearly tipping it over. I was quick to run out the door and search for help. As I was running, I noticed a nurse. "Miss!" I quickly clenched her wrist. She turned in shock. "My girlfriend!" I said, too scared to say anything more. She stared at me, waiting for more information. But I continued to stand there, I couldn't think of anything to say, especially in English. Luckily enough, she noticed my rushed expression. "Let me get a doctor," she rushed off.

~After a while~

"She's fine," the doctor shook his head. "I don't know how to explain what she was experiencing. She was probably having a dream, but it's unlikely when people are in a coma," he sighed. "Watch her carefully. I'm glad you immediately got help," he patted my shoulder. I slowly nodded. "Thank you," I said. I smiled, weakly. "If I didn't rush to get help, would I have lost her?" I thought. After a while, the room was cleared out. I stepped into the room, and went to Y/N. I stared at her. "You scared me," I sat down in relief. Then I started playing with her hand. As I was, I noticed something. From Y/N's eye, a tear manage its way out. I watched as it started to fall from her face. It slowly made its way to her cheek, and I quickly wiped it away. I stared at her, "What's wrong?" Of course, she didn't respond. I let out a sighed, and kissed her on the cheek.


For a week, I've been staying with Y/N at night and watching over her. Of course, her parents watched her in the morning so I could get rest. But if I was being honest, I haven't been able to sleep. I was too concerned about Y/N, and couldn't fall asleep. It was due to the thoughts of Y/N, and her being in a coma. As of tonight, I was moving in and out of sleep. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I turned to the door, no one visited this late. Not even that one guy. "Who is it?" I asked, I got up. I felt like I would pass out any minute now. "Open up," the voice was unclear, but sounded familiar. "I must be dreaming... maybe I fell asleep?" I opened the door. Surprisingly, it was my group members and Kim. "Definitely dreaming," I thought as I stared at them. I began squinting, blinking, and rubbing my eyes. "Hello, can we come in?" Namjoon asked. "You guys are actually here?" I asked, lost. "Of course we are," Jimin smiled. "I thought you guys were going to stay back and practice," I gave a confused face, I was convinced that I was dreaming. They didn't even inform me that they were coming. "Surprise! We're here," Jungkook said. "You look really tired," Seokjin gave a worried face. "Let me guess, too busy worrying about Y/N to sleep?" Kim asked. I slowly nodded. "It looks like you need rest, we'll take over," Hoseok insisted. They pushed their way past me and entered. "Hey Y/N," Kim quickly went over to my girlfriend with a smile. "You know she can't respond, right?" I closed the door and went to Kim's side. "I'm well aware. But you need to talk to her," she said. "How are you?" she continued to talk to her. I was sure that she was going crazy. "Why?" Yoongi asked, confused. I could tell the others were sure she was just being crazy. "You see, her pons is disconnected, so that's why she's in a coma. The pons, in her hindbrain (brainstem), main function is sleep arousal. In order to get her to wake up again, you need to talk to her. That'll give a message to the neurotransmitters, telling her to reconnect her pons and allow her to wake up. I learned this from psychology, and it's supposed to help. Although she won't respond, she can hear you, and it'll show your waiting for her. Even what you say might get her to wake up faster," Kim explained. I wished I knew that earlier, I would have talked to her nonstop. "That's my girlfriend," Namjoon proudly said, as if he was showing off a trophy he won for breaking everything.

"Y/N, hurry and wake up!"

I hoped you enjoyed!

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