Kind of Cute

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~The next day~

I woke up with the sun shining brightly in my face. "Yeah, she's in the hospital at the moment. I wanted to inform you guys, you seem really close to her after all," I heard a familiar voice say. "Well, I know you guys are already coming here. I just wanted to say so," I looked up to see Kim on the phone. The others were still asleep. "Alright, tell me when you're here. We have rooms for all of you," she said. I watched as she ended the call. She let out a yawn before turning, and then noticed that I was awake. "Oh, did I wake up?" Kim asked. I shook my head, "I woke up on my own." "Oh, well, it's still quite early," she said, "You should get more sleep, because you clearly haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately." "What time is it?" I asked. "It's currently..." she checked the time with her phone, "Six in the morning." I slowly nodded. I felt tired either way, so I started slowly drifting off. I didn't even get the chance to ask Kim who she was talking to. I immediately fell asleep. It just goes to show how tired I was.


You hear something, it sounded like a voice. A female voice, but you couldn't tell. It was faded and statically. "Is someone trying to talk to me?" you looked around you. No, it was impossible, you were stuck here alone. There was no way someone was here trying to talk to you. All it's been was darkness, nothing more. "How long will I be here? How long have I been here? What if I never leave?" you started questioning what will happen next, you were afraid. Then you heard the faded voice again, it was soft and comforting. The voice was the only thing that comfort you. After all, you've been stuck here for a long time, or so you think. The bright light appeared once again. You stared at the light. From within the light, you heard the voice. It sounded more louder. You got up, and started moving towards it. As you entered the light, you entered the hospital room once again. There were more figures in the room this time. You approached two figures. There were two figures near the hospital bed, the one you were laying on. "Kim?" you were sure she wasn't there when you last entered this room. As you continued to look around, the rest of the room was full of the BTS members. "Why are you guys here? What's going on?" you thought. Then the voice started surrounding you. You turned. Kim was talking to you- well the you on the bed. Her words were moving out of her body, they were blurry. As you started walking to her, you could read the words. "We're waiting for you to wake up," you stared at the words. "Am I just going crazy?" you thought. "You're worrying Taehyung," when you were eager to know more, you went back to that darkness. It was like your mind kicked you out, not wanting you to know anymore. Even so, you could hear Kim talking.


~Taehyung's P.O.V.~

I woke up to the noise of rustling. Kim was asleep in a chair next to me. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, that was the most sleep I've gotten this entire week. "You're awake," Hoseok noticed. "Yeah, what are you guys doing?" I noticed that five of the members were up. "We wanted to head out and get food, want to join?" Seokjin asked as he slipped on his jacket. I slowly nodded before getting up. "We'll leave these two. You know how they are. They get mad when you wake them up," Namjoon said. "It's like they're siblings or something," Jimin chuckled. "We might as well consider them as siblings," Taehyung added. "Can we get food? I'm starving!" Jungkook whined. I quickly put on my jacket and then we left.

~After thirty minutes~

~Byung-Hee's P.O.V.~

I walked to the door and opened it. Once I entered the hospital room, I noticed two unfamiliar figures. One a male, and the other a female. "Where's that one guy?" I was sure the male wasn't the guy I was going to punch the other day. "Why is there a female here?" she's definitely not the one who tried to kill me. I walked over to the female, she was asleep on the chair. "She's... kind of cute," I thought as I stared at her. "No," I turned to look at Y/N, "I can't like someone else. I'm only interested in Y/N." "Still..." I glanced over at the unknown female, "It never hurts to have two people that I like, right?" "Okay, now I'm just being straight out creepy," I sighed before sitting down in the chair next to both Y/N and the female. I kept taking glances at the female, I couldn't stop looking at her. Each time I glanced at her, she was getting more and more attractive. I didn't even know who she was. "Y/N has a boyfriend now so I should move on. Maybe when she wakes up, I can talk to her," I thought. The idea seemed perfect, having another person distract me from my heartbreak. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, the sun shined perfectly in her face. It was like a scene from a romantic movie. She looked so pretty, even though she just woke up. "Damn..." I thought to myself. "Huh, who are you?" she asked, she rubbed her eyes a complete of times. "U-uh, my name is Byung-Hee," I struggled to answer. "Why are you here?" she asked. "I'm one of Y/N's friend," I answered. "Oh, well, I'm Kim. I'm also her friend," she held out her hand to me. I stared at it and then at her face. "What, never shook a hand before?" Kim asked. "Oh, no... it's just that I never shook hands with someone so pretty like you," I replied. She stared at me, unimpressed. "Uh... okay, thanks? I guess...?" she smiled, faintly. "Did it not work?" I thought. Foolishly enough, I didn't take her hand and shake it. The door opened and she looked away, dropping her hand. Six males entered the room; one I was familiar with, while the others were unfamiliar to me. "You guys went out?" Kim asked. One male nodded, "We brought breakfast." "Great! Let me just brush my teeth first-" she paused. "I got you," another male tossed a toothbrush at her. "Thanks," she smiled and left the room. "Who are these people?" I thought, confused.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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