Break For Them

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You sat on your bed frozen, unable to say words. You were frozen to the point where your dad thought that the call ended, "Hello honey?" He asked. You could hear the sound in which your dad was checking if the call ended or not. You finally were able to make out words, "You want me to live in the BTS house for about a month?" You asked hoping you heard wrong. "Yes, I want you to live with BTS for about a month," your dad said repeating what he had told you earlier. "Why would you want me to do such thing?" You asked freaking out. "I mean since you are their assistant manager, I wanted you to be able to get to know them more. And I mean know them more than what the internet is able to give you. More information about each member so you're able to become the most wonderful assistant manager they ever had," your dad said, he clearly sounded as he thought this through. "But dad, I can get to know them more by just being their assistant manager," you said trying to convince your dad to let you stay at your house, instead of living with seven grown men. "Honey can you tell me what you did when you were working with them yesterday?" Your dad asked in a tone in which it made him sound like he already knew. "I told them to take breaks and made sure they were eating a healthy lunch and dinner..." you answered realizing that you were completely busy filling out papers for BigHit, BTS and your dads company. "I was too busy to interact with them," you said in realization now. "Exactly, I know you'll still be busy trying to fill out papers even at the BTS house. But I think you'll have more interacting time than you'll have while being their assistant manager," your dad said. "Yea but that doesn't give me a good reason to live with seven grown men," you said. "Come one honey! Don't you have a favorite member? If you live with BTS for a month you'll get to know your favorite member more outside of BTS," your dad said, and you immediately thought of Taehyung. You sighed in defeat and placed your hand on your forehead, the place where Taehyung kissed your forehead. "Fine," You agreed, "When am I moving in...?" You asked, "Hopefully today," your dad said and you heard the door bell ring.

You stood up from your bed confused with your phone still pressed against your ear. You exited your bedroom and headed to the front door. You were about to check who it was through the door peek hole when your dad said, "Guess they're here...". You looked through the peek hole to see Lily, Josh, Mark, along with other of your security guards and body guards. "Dad what's going on...?" You asked as you backed away from the front door, "They're here to help you pack so you can move," your dad replied. You sighed, "I got to go then dad... I'll talk to you later," you said quite frustrated, "Goodbye sweetheart," your dad replied. "Bye dad," you responded before ending the call, and exhaled loudly. You reached for the door knob, grabbed it and twisted the door knob before pulling the door open. When the door was fully open, your security guards, body guards along with Mark, your secretary bowed to greet you. "Good morning Miss Y/N. I hope you are are aware that we are here to help you move," someone said it out loud in unison, while the others whispered it. "I am aware of this..." you replied and you moved out the way so they could get in. They walked by you like a stream, you watched as they walked by you in a complete blur. You didn't have to command anything, as they seemed to be prepared, more security guards entered with boxes and went into different parts of the room. "Wait I just realized how ridiculous this is! I can do it myself," you shouted and everyone turned their head to look at you.

"Miss Y/N please calm down... We are just trying to help..." Mark said trying to calm you down. "I am calm, it's just I don't get the point of all you being here. I'm not moving into the BTS house," you said before crossing your arms. "You're not...? Your father had told us you were going to," Lily said as she approached you. "What? He did? Unbelievable... I'm only living in the BTS house for about a month, well that's what I agreed to and that's also what he told me," you said. The security guards and body guards looked at you in shock. They all bowed, "Our apologies Miss Y/N, we must have misheard what your fathers instruction were," they all said apologetically. You rubbed the back of your neck, "It's fine... You all may leave..." you said and they nodded, some picked up the boxes and they all stared heading to the door. "Wait," You told them making some turn their heads to stare at you.

"Listen, you've all been wonderful... Since I'll be gone for about a month, I want you all to take a break. You guys work really hard, and don't worry because I'll inform you when the break will end. Until then please enjoy this break to your fullest," you said and all their faces lit up. "Thank you Miss Y/N," they said happily, bowed and left your house with excitement along with joy. You smiled slightly, "Break?! Omg! Josh we need to go on vacation!" Lily exclaimed. "Sure, after we help Y/N pack," Josh said laughing at his adorable girlfriend. "Guys it's fine I'm able to do this by myself!" You stated becoming expressionless once again. "No Y/N! I want to help, you're my best friend... AND you're literally living in the BTS house for about a month!" Lily shouted extremely happy for you. "Did you get that picture I asked for?!" Lily asked and you nodded remembering that you had asked them to take a quick photo with you. You unlocked your phone and showed Lily the photo, "Ahh! Send that to me! I want that as my phone screen!!" Lily screamed with excitement. You nodded and sent Lily the photo, "Okay guys I think it's time to start helping Miss Y/N pack," Mark said. You looked at him and nodded in agreement, "But... Won't it be uncomfortable wearing your uniforms and trying to move around to pack things...?" You asked and the three shrugged. "It's okay if it's uncomfortable... We've been wearing these uniforms for a long time, we've done so much wearing these. I mean we did sign up for this, so I think we'll be fine, right?" Lily asked as she looked at Josh and Mark, they nodded in agreement.

You hesitated for awhile, but you eventually shrugged it off and the four of you started packing things that you might need.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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