Against you

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~Two months later~

Two months of avoiding constant attention. You couldn't even go outside in peace, people kept surrounding you. You've been avoiding everything. Interviewers kept asking for you to do an interview. You didn't want to, so you would just ignore them. There are even people that pop up at your office just to surround you. Then the people, who work in your office, would kick them out immediately. You felt lucky to have those types of workers, they were loyal to you. They would have easily used this as your weakness and overthrow you. But here they are, protecting you from any destruction. Even so, those people kept coming. All eyes were on you now. If you mess up, they could use it against the company. They could press it against your dad. That's why, you've been avoiding going outside. If that's the only thing that could protect you and your family, then you were willing to do it. Plus, it wasn't that bad. You've been stuck in your house for some time now, it didn't hurt that much. Lily, Josh, Mark, and Eun were also willing to go shopping for you when you needed it. Again, another thing you appreciate about the people who care for you.

Today, was an important meeting. Due to previous meetings of people bursting in, you had more than ten security guards standing outside. Lily and Josh were sitting beside you while Mark stood behind you. He was writing down notes about the meeting. You were listening intently. "What do you think, Miss Y/N?" the person asked. "We can start off a small business of it. When it seems to caught popularity, we can expand it further," you said. They nodded, "That's what I was thinking as well. I think it'll be better to start off small before expanding. If we started off large than it'll most likely attract least people." You got up, "That's right, and that's why it's better to start off small." Then you started walking around the room. "What if it catches the interest of people quite instantly? Then the demands rise would we still start off small?" someone ask. "That's a good question, we would give the stocks as much as we think. We can't overflow it or else people will find it less interesting. People are easy to attract in but it's harder to keep them interested," you said. "Take memes as an example. People will make it, it will continue for two days or even a week. But then, that meme dies rather quickly. That's why we can't have it overflowing," you added. "But, isn't that the point of making new products?" someone asked. "That's correct. But, what's the point of releasing something and getting a better product? You'll be confusing the customer more than anything. That's why we need to make sure not to over exaggerate the product. We'll be making one promise and then bringing another product that potentially breaks that promise," you answered. The room started clapping. "That's why you're in charge," someone said. "My father is the one who taught me," you smiled. Then you made a roundabout, and went back to your seat.

When you are about to sit down, the door sprung open. Just then, a ton of interviewers ran in. They spotted you and ran towards you. Lily and Josh stood up and blocked them. But then, some other interviewers bursted in from the other door. Security guards were trying their hardest to block them. But they pushed through, and ran to you. It was the same with Lily and Josh's side. Mark was the only one who could protect you. But, he was eventually pulled back. "Miss Y/N," he made an attempt to get back. But he couldn't, they were like a river. They were pushing him away from you. A lot of questions were being thrown at you. You felt so much pressure, so many questions and eyes on you. So, many mouths moving at the same time. "Please leave me alone... please..." you said. They were too loud to even hear your pleas. You slowly felt your legs giving up on you, the pressure felt too much. Too much attention, too much happening around you. You started kneeling down. "Is she crying?" someone asked. "Miss L/N, what are you doing?" someone asked. "Please leave me alone," you said. You wish you could stand up but it was too much. "Leave me alone," you said. After a few seconds, Lily and Josh were finally able to push their way through; so did the other guards. They pushed the interviewers back. Then Mark went to you. "Please stand up, Miss Y/N. I know you feel the weight but please don't let them get to you. Stand up," he said. He grabbed your hands and started pulling you up. "What can you do with that image of me now?"

~At home~

You turned on the T.V. "What did they do this time?" you asked. You went to the news. "The daughter of Mr. L/N was having a peaceful meeting until interviewers bursted in. They pushed past security guards and made their way to Miss L/N. From these images," images of you crouching down was put onto the screen, "It seems like she has some weak points. Interviewers reported that they heard her begging for them to leave her alone." "What do two think about that?" she looked over at the male beside her. "If you ask me, it seems like Miss L/N can't handle the pressure. She can't be in the company if she can't deal with some interviewers. What kind of businesswoman is that? She shouldn't have entered the company if all she can do is crouch down and beg for them to leave," he laughed. The other news reporters laughed with him. "You're so right, this is just sad to see. Who would you even want someone to run a business if they can't handle that pressure? She should have known this was apart of the deal." You sat there, devastated by their words. Their laughter started to circle around you. Then you started questioning your actions. "They're right, I should be able to do this on my own. Why didn't I stand up and tell them to back off? It would have been more better. But, then they would criticize that. If I were to stand my ground but not say anything, they'll also think that's weakness," you thought. No matter how you looked at it, it would have gone against you either way. Now people will look down on you because of this. Your reputation will be tarnished because of this.

For the first time, you felt tears forming in your eyes. What could you do?

I hoped you enjoyed!

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