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~Two weeks later~

"That was a fun break," Josh stretched. "If you asked me, it wasn't technically a break," Mark said. "Oh come on, lighten up. You didn't do as much as you normally do," Lily patted his back. "Or is it because... you miss your girlfriend," she was ready for some more teasing. "We got an engaged couple now," Eun nudged Josh. He smiled brightly, "It was bound to happen someday." All you could do was smile brightly, it was was such a happy moment. When you stepped out of the airplane though, that was another story. You were immediately crowded by cameras and interviewers. They cornered you like no tomorrow. "Miss L/N, Miss L/N, can you confirm your involvement with Taehyung?" someone asked. "Are you really dating the idol, Kim Taehyung?" someone asked. "Can you please explain everything that happened?" another person asked. There was a lot of cameras flashing. "Is it true that you bribed him to be your boyfriend?" you heard. "What, when did that become a rumor?" you asked yourself. "I'm sorry but I would like to be on my way now," you used your arm to block the cameras from capturing your face. "Please move aside, Miss Y/N would like to walk," Josh and Lily got in the way. They ended up getting interviewed as well. "Do you know anything about Miss Y/F/N (Your Full Name) and Kim Taehyung's relationship?" someone asked. They didn't say a word, it wasn't their place to do so. "Is your silence confirming that they're actually dating?" someone asked. They continued to stay quiet. "Miss L/N!" they were partially chanting your name by now. You continued moving through everyone. Josh and Lily made sure no one could get pass. Soon, some of your other guards barge into the chaos. "Can you please confirm that you're dating the idol, Kim Taehyung?" a person popped in front of you. They motioned a camera person over. "I'm in a rush, I'm sorry," you said. A guard jumped in the way. "The world has gone into commotion ever since those images were released on the internet. Do you have any real involvement with Kim Taehyung? Maybe you're friends with benefits," they would ask a question before shoving their microphone past your guards. The guards would quickly push it away. You kept holding up your arm. Mark and Eun walk beside you just to block anyone who wanted to barge past your guards.

Finally, your guards were able to find a spot to block all of them. You walked out with ease. But then, you notice ten females. They were looking around, they didn't seem pleased. When they saw you, their face didn't give a welcoming smile. They were quick to rush over to you. "What the f*** do you think your doing? You think because you're rich you can steal our idol?" one female pushed you. "You better back off, b****," she held up her hand. When she was close to slapping you, you caught her hand. "I'm sorry, but I'm busy. Please move aside," you said. "You think you're better than us, don't you? Just because you're a rich spoiled brat!" one of them shouted. This caught the attention of the interviewers. Instead of trying to break through to ask questions, they recorded this instead. You had to be careful. "Who told you to take Taehyung from us?" "I can't believe you bribed him." "He'll never love you." There was so much going on. You felt the time was moving too fast. As you kept trying to move past them, one of them pushed you really hard. You ended up on the floor, your butt stung from the sudden pain. Then before you knew it, they towered over you. "This is what you get, you spoiled piece of s***," they uncapped their drinks and poured it on you. Eun quickly jumped in the way and pushed them back. "You better think twice before you mess with us, b****," they said. They threw their empty cups at you. Mark took off his jacket and placed it on you. "Are you okay?" he asked. You slowly nodded. "I'll be fine, let's just get out of here," you stood up. Your hair was soaking wet, and you could feel your clothes sticking to your skin. You were able to leave the airport in peace... kind of. There were also interviewers outside. They were more or less recording your appearance. This would be horrible for you. You sighed when you entered the car. "They poured all their drinks over her? What is wrong with these fans?" Lily asked. She was helping you dry off. "I'll sue them immediately," Mark started sketching every single one of them. You lowered your head, "I didn't think it'll be this bad." What was once a good mood turned into misery.

~At home~

You just finished taking a shower. When you finished putting on your clothes, you stared at yourself. Then you place a hand on the mirror. "This has gotten worse," you thought. It wasn't that bad when you were traveling around. The rumor was circling around but all people did was whisper. They didn't crowd you and ask questions, or push you around and pour their drinks all over you. Just then, the doorbell went off. "That must be Lily," she gave you her towel so you could dry off. She informed you that she'll be back to get it soon. You grabbed the towel and then headed to the front door. When it was open, to your surprise, Taehyung was waiting outside. He rushed in and grabbed your face. He started analyzing you. "What's going on?" you asked. "It was all over the news, you got attacked by my fans. They poured their drinks all over you and threw their cups at you," he said. So, he was just checking for any further injury. When he noticed that you were fine, his hands dropped to your shoulders. Then he tightly clenched onto them. "I'm so sorry... I know that ARMY can be like that at times. They're not always that bad. They have their times," he apologized on behalf of his fans. "It's fine, there's no way it could have been prevented," you said. "I really hate whoever put those rumors on the internet. In the end, they're blaming you. They say you bribed me but they don't know anything! Why aren't people attacking me as much as they're attacking you?" he seemed annoyed. You sighed and patted his back. "It's expected. I'm the daughter of a famous company. They're all waiting for me to break so they can take over. It's just how business runs," you replied. "But I'm a famous kpop idol, why aren't I getting attacked?" he asked. You shrugged, "Maybe because you won't earn as much. You'll lose your job and that's probably it. But when you overthrow a company, then you get power, fame, and money."

"It's the cruel truth of owning a big company, people want your power. They'll do anything to get it."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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