A Similar Mindset

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~The next day~

You stared up at the huge mansion presented in front of you. Your mom told you that Luke's family wanted to have dinner with the both of you. You were partially forced to wear a dress, and look nice. It seemed that Luke's family was a better company or something. "They only place in third place for best company," your mom said, as if reading you. "You're really good at reading me," you said, shocked yet impressed. She laughed, "You're like an open book for me, sweetie. After all, you're my child." "But you haven't seen me in so long, I'm shocked that you actually can read me so easily," you said. "It may have been a while since I've seen you. That doesn't meant I can't read your expressions," she replied. "How about we head in? We don't want to keep them waiting, now do we?" she asked, "After all, this is a nice break to have; especially since all we did today was visit various companies." You nodded in agreement, "We can't keep them waiting."

Soon you and your mom were at their front door, and your mom was quick to ring the doorbell. You patiently waited before watching the door open in front of you, revealing a young looking female. "Ah, you must be Mrs. L/N and Miss Y/N," the female said. "It's nice to see you, Lia," your mom smiled. The female gave her a shocked expression, like she was shocked that your mom knew her name. "I never introduced myself to you. How do you know my name?" Lia asked. Your mom gently smiled, "Well of course from your twin brother. Luke enjoys talking about his family members." Lia was quick to shy away, "I hope it's good information about me," she said. Your mom smiled. "Oh darling, no need to worry. Your brother never talks bad about his family," she assured. With her words, Lia was quick to beam with happiness. "Oh no! I'm sorry, please come in!" she quickly moved aside. You and your mom entered the house, the both of you looked around. "Please take off your shoes," Lia asked politely before lightly patting a shelf full of shoes. When you finished placing your shoes on the shelf, you quickly introduced yourself to Lia. After a while, she was leading the both of you to her parents.

You and your mom entered the living room, to find both parents relaxing on the couch. "Oh, you're here, welcome. Thank you Lia, dear, for allowing our guest to enter," a female said. "Mrs. and Mr. Johnson, it's a honor to officially meet the both of you," your mom said. The both of them got up from the couch before approaching the two of you. "I heard a lot about you Mrs. L/N," Mr. Johnson said before proudly shaking your mom's hand. "But I never heard a pep about you, my, you're a beautiful young lady," he smiled as he shifted to you, and you smiled back. "I'm new to this entire business trip thing. I don't think your son would know much about me," you said. "Ah, my name is Y/N," you said as you shook his hand. "What a beautiful name, it fits a beautiful lady like you," he winked. "I see that Luke and Mr. Johnson are very similar..." you thought. Mrs. Johnson was quick to kick him away from you. She happily took your hand, "I'm sorry about him, he can be an idiot when it comes to attractive young ladies, like you." "It's no problem," you laughed. "Luke has taken an interest in you. Ever since yesterday, he hasn't stopped talking about you," she said. You started to laugh nervously. "I hope not in a romantic way..." you mumbled. "He's has been trying to find a companion to work alongside him," she continued. "Mother," Luke's voice echoed through the living room, causing her to jump in shock. "Oh honey, you're finally downstairs? Come greet our guest," she said rather quickly, as if trying to avoid a disaster. Luke smiled. "Welcome to the Johnson's mansion," he said before making his way to you and your mom. "Please enjoy your stay," he added as he shook your hand.

~After dinner~

Your mom decided that she wanted to stay a while, so she can have a conversation with Luke's parents. Of course, you were left with Lia and Luke. The three of you are in the living room. You're currently looking down at your phone, and texting Taehyung. You felt relieved when Taehyung was okay with you being caught by another guy. "I would have save you from falling as well. I don't want your beautiful face getting bruised, it'll be horrible to see you like that," was his response to it all. All you could do was smile like an idiot as you continued to text him. "So you don't like showing off your wealth?" Luke asked, breaking your concentration. You quickly texted Taehyung that you had to go before looking at Luke. The both of you made immediate eye contact. "Yeah, I don't like showing off," you answered. "How come? I mean your dad owns a first ranked company, and you have a high status. Why not show off a little?" he curiously asked. "See... I don't like showing off because I know not everyone has what I have. It'll make me feel horrible to show off," you answered. "But then again, some people really like showing off their money without a second thought or hesitation," you mumbled. "I understand what you mean," he quickly said.

You tilted your head. "What do you mean?" you asked, curious. "We were never a rich family to begin with," Lia said. Through your analysis, Lia seemed the shy type. It seems this topic was important for her to be apart of. "Lia is right... we were never born with a silver spoon in our mouth. I had to work hard for this," Luke said. "Wait, wait, you own a company?" you asked, confused. He looked at you, "What do you mean? Of course, I do. I mentioned it yesterday." You sat back on the couch and traced back your memory. You were probably too worried yesterday, so it flew over your head. "I'm sorry, it looks like I didn't quite catch that," you apologized. He have a reassuring smile, "It's no problem. I understand what you mean by not wanting to show off your money. I don't even like dressing out of the ordinary." Now that you think about it, he didn't have an overpriced looking car, and he wasn't wearing expensive clothing yesterday. "Also, I'm sorry if you thought that I was romantically interested in you. I prefer to stay away from dating, since I'm afraid someone will use me," he said. "I can totally understand what you mean. The world is a scary place, especially when you have wealth. People try their hardest to take advantage of you, and manipulate you," you replied. He nodded in agreement, "I would like to ensure you that I only took interest in you because you're different. It was interesting to see the daughter of well known company not dress in a more... eye catching attire." You laughed, "I normally get criticism for not dressing in a 'more' appropriate manner. It's shocking to see someone who has the same mindset as me. After all, many rich people are ignorant." He smiled, "You're right, I wish more wealthy people would be considerate of others. I, too, have been judged for my attire."

At the end of the night, you and Luke got along pretty well, so did you and Lia. They both had a wonderful personality, something you can't always find in wealthy people. You got both of their numbers, and then you headed back to the hotel.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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