Do it

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~Five months later~

Taehyung invited you over to the BTS house. You looked around. "This sure brings back some old memories," you said. "When will you move back in with me?" he asked. You chuckled, "You know pretty well that I have a house that I live in. I can't just leave it behind." "You can live with me for a month again," he suggest, "This time in the same room." You softly slapped him in the chest. "Don't be silly. I would love that, maybe I can stay with you tonight, how does that sound?" you asked. He smiled happily at your words. Then he threw you over his shoulder. "Let's go read!" he said. When you and Taehyung were in his room, he threw you onto the bed. Then he threw himself onto the bed. He gave you his phone, "Read me a webtoon." You nodded and started looking through all the updated comics. Then you chose one that you knew about and caught up with. "Maybe I should read your own comic? 'Save Me,'" you suggested. "I don't mind. Whatever you want to read," he replied. He laid his head on your lap. You started reading him a comic, not "Save Me." When it ended, he asked for another one. "Do you want me to read you another one?" you asked after the second one. He stayed quiet. You thought he feel asleep. "Taehyung, are you still awake?" you asked. "Y/N, can we talk about our relationship?" he asked. You sat there, unsure what to say. "If someone ask that... doesn't that mean they plan to break up?" you asked yourself. You started to get worried. "What about our relationship?" you asked. "Well... I've been thinking. We've been together for about two years now. So I was wondering if you want to... you know... announce the relationship," he answered. "What, you want to announce it?" you asked. He nodded, "Why not?" "I would love to, Taehyung. But don't you remember what happened when those rumors ran wild? I was put under pressure," you reminded. "I know... it was just a question. It's just that I want them to know. I understand that you don't want to go through that again," he was understanding about how you felt. He was also disappointed that you didn't want to announce it. "Let me think about it," you said. He nodded, "I know that there's a a lot of things that will happen, but I plan to take care of anything that might get in our way.

~After a while~

You went to, what used to be, your old room. Your friends followed behind you. "What did you want to talk about?" Lily asked. When they came in, you closed the door and locked it. You also locked the bathroom door. "This place really brings back memories. I remember that long and relaxing break we had," Josh said. "It sure does," Lily agreed, "I enjoyed that long break." "What do you want to talk to us about, Miss Y/N?" Eun asked. "Taehyung asked me something earlier," you said. "What was it?" Mark asked. "He wants to announce our relationship," you answered. Lily turned to look at you, then she threw herself on you. "Really, and what did you say?" she asked, she seemed excited to hear your response. "I was anxious about announcing it because of what happened last time... so I kind of denied," you answered. She gave you disappointed face, before pulling herself off of you. "B-But, I also told him that I want to think about it," you added. "So do you want us to help you with this, or...?" Josh asked. "I need you guys to help me determine whether or not I should let my relationship with him go around," you explained their purpose of being here. "Alrighty, I think that you should let him announce it," Eun said quite immediately. "Wait no, we should talk about it in every corner," you quickly said. "Sure, what corner are we starting off with?" Mark asked. "The consequences this will cause," you said. "If we announce it then it'll look bad on Taehyung and me. People know that I'm his assistant manager. Plus if this got out, then it just shows that we were lying. That'll be put against me and then pushed onto the company," you said. "You're right, that is bad. But the manager approves of your relationship, doesn't he?" Lily asked. You nodded. "It wouldn't be considered a scandal if the manager is aware of it. Assistant manager or not, you have the right to love him. I've seen students and teacher date, so what?" she was trying to support her claim, but she used a horrible example. "Also, you don't have to tell them how long you've been dating. That's a personal business for you and him. If you don't inform people, then they'll never know that you've been dating ever since that rumor came out," Josh added. "If you're so concerned for the company, then just drop out. No one can really use a relationship or lie against the company. It's not likely that it'll work. Business fields strive to be on the top but they're not all dumb," Mark added on.

"Yeah, but what if they try attacking me again? I can't have them surrounding me-" Eun placed a hand on your shoulder. "We're here to protect you. Plus, since you were able to experience some things, you can build on it. You know what to do now. I trust- no, I know that you can overpower anyone. Especially with what you did that one time," he said. "He's right, you shouldn't worry. We're working hard so that never happens to you again. You're also growing. There's no need to worry, we're here to protect you," Lily smiled. The others nodded in approval at her words. "If you stay strong then you can do it," Mark said. "Now, you better announce that relationship," they pushed you on. You felt very grateful to have them.

~Night time~

You and Taehyung were turning in for sleep. "Taehyung, about what we were talking about," you said. "You don't need to feel like you have to agree. I understand that you feel pressure, I'm not pressuring you," he replied. "I want you to announce our relationship," you said. "That's fine-" then he stopped and looked at you. "You want to announce it?" he asked. You nodded. A big smile appeared on his face. Then he flew towards his phone. "You want to announce it now?" you started freaking out. "I can't wait any longer! It's been wandering in my mind for the longest time!" he replied. In the end, the relationship was approved.

I hoped you enjoyed!

Assistant Manager (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now