Fourth of July (Special)

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Hello everyone, welcome. I'm here to ask a serious question, a question I've been questioning for the longest time...

So is the Fourth of July on the fifteenth or sixteenth...?

Just kidding... I don't lack that much brains cells... Yet.

Anyways happy Fourth of July everyone! Who's ready to light up fireworks and pollute the Earth even more?! I am!

I hope you all have a wonderful Fourth of July with your family or friends. Please enjoy today as it's a day to pollute the Earth, :) also to have colorful sparks in the air.

If you don't celebrate, or you don't live in the USA then I hope you have a wonderful day either way.

We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year, since we think that July 4, 1776, is a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.

But why fireworks? Well I'm here to tell you, because I'm so smart. No I'm not but here you go:
Because John Adams wanted us to. So before the official Declaration of Independence was even signed, he envisioned fireworks as a part of the festivities. Also because the first fireworks set off to commemorate Independence Day was on July fourth.

Anyways there's your history, happy Fourth of July! Whether you're setting off fireworks (and help causing more pollution), or you're watching sparks explode in the air (to create more pollution). Have a nice Fourth of July (and think about how much you're actually helping with pollution by polluting the Earth some more with the smoke from the fireworks, and even breathing in smoke yourself)! Or if you don't celebrate/you don't live in the USA, have a nice day (where you're not actually polluting the Earth, while in America we are).

Okay see you all next week!

There will be another update when I wake up, just so you all know. ''


What about the special...?
What special? I don't have time to make a Fourth of July special...


Welcome to the Fourth of July special! (That'll I'll probably use for my other books as well... Readers who also read my other books, expect the same special... Sorry)

This special is a hundred percent not relating to the story and... Well it's a special between BTS and you (and me because I'm lonely).

~First P.O.V.~

I was excited for today, that's because it's the Fourth of July. Which meant only one thing, well two, one being I get to light up fireworks at night and two being that I'll be able to be with BTS (and XutieMiako). This excitement exploded like fireworks. I couldn't wait the entire day, but finally it was night time.

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