A New Chapter

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~The next day~

~Mark's P.O.V.~

Another day without Y/N. I slowly opened my eyes before seeing the darkness that was surrounding my room. Although it was early, this was normally the time I get up everyday. I rolled off my bed, tried and exhausted from work yesterday. It made me happy to see Y/N back in the office, but I had to constantly remind myself that she's no longer single. My heart ached so badly, knowing that the one I like was now dating someone else. Well, I had to start accepting the fact that I didn't have a chance with her in the first place. Even if I wanted to confess, she only saw me as her clumsy friend and secretary. But I guess from the beginning, I never had a chance with her. She didn't show emotions, and it was always hard to tell what she was feeling. Although I was able to make her smile once in a while, it seemed her boyfriend can make her smile brighter than the sun. I sighed as I walked to the bathroom before looking at myself in the mirror. "Will I ever get a girlfriend? I'm clumsy and I make a fool of myself. I can't even express my feelings without needing to hide," I thought while ruffling my hair. Once my morning routine was done, I put on my running clothes. I ate breakfast before running out of my apartment.

"Does it matter now?" I thought as I stared up at the sky. "I guess the world determined that I should be single forever. No one will ever like me," I thought. As I was thinking, I was too sucked into my world and I bumped into someone. "S-Sorry," I said before holding my hand out to the person. The female looked up at me. Her bangs fell to the side, and her big eyes glistened under the sun's early smile. "It's okay," she smiled, brightly, at me. She took my hand with hesitation. I quickly pulled her up, and soon she ran past me without another word. Without a thought, I also continued my run. "After that moment... when she told me those things, she's always been on my mind. Her smile could suddenly brighten my day, everything about her was so... mesmerizing to me in a way," I thought. With my thoughts crowding my head, I stared up at the faded blue sky being engulf by the sun's light. "But... I guess as long as she's happy, I can be happy," I smiled. "And then maybe one day, if time treats me well, I can leave my feelings behind. Then maybe then... I can find someone who will be fitting to me," I thought before picking up my pace.

~Office time~

I stared at myself in the mirror. The suit seemed quite unfitting for me, or, in a way, too fancy for me. Even if I have been wearing this suit ever since highschool, I still feel unusual in it. But I guess that's how it is, when I'm working as the secretary for the daughter of a big company. "Good morning," I greeted once I arrived at the building. Everyone gave me a welcoming smile before bowing, "I wonder if anyone talks bad about me..." "Well that definitely doesn't matter," I thought before picking up my clipboard. "What's the point of me being here if my boss isn't here?" I asked myself as I read through the list. Then I glanced over at Y/N's office, "She doesn't even get called in often... all that happens in her office is nonstop work." With that thought, I started to head to my office to do my part of the job. I sent out various emails to various people who attempted to contact Y/N. As time passed, the more I get bored. It was only exciting when Y/N was here, only then would it be an enjoyable time. "Hey Mark, it's time to take a break," Kris informed as he leaned against the doorframe. I waved him away. "Still troubled that your princess left you?" he asked in a teasing tone. "Kris, I already told you. If she's happy, I am as well," I replied as I furiously clicked the right mouse. He didn't leave. "Come on Mark, I can try to get you a hot date. Let's take a break," he insisted. I sighed before leaning back in my chair, "Do you really think a hot date will solve everything? Perhaps for you but not me. Plus, I'm not having problems because Miss Y/N has a boyfriend. I've been fine, thank you very much." "Don't you think that statement was a little harsh? I'm just trying to help you, you've been looking so down lately," he said. I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, like I said, everything is fine. It's just that I have to do all this work, and Miss Y/N isn't here. I just don't get why I need to be here if she isn't." Kris laughed, "You're kidding, do you not understand the role of a secretary? Without you Miss Y/N, you would need to do more work. You're useful even when she isn't here." I sighed before returning to the screen. "Suit yourself, man. If you're going to be like that, then that's probably why you're single," he said before finally leaving my workplace. I sighed, "It's okay to be single... I'll be too busy working to focus on anyone."

~After work~

When I entered my car, I quickly took off my tie. I sighed loudly before starting my car, and driving back home. Seoul's lights began to show its beauty as I past by it. My eyes were drawn to its beauty, and soon I was back home without even knowing. I got out of my car before slamming the car door. Once I was in my apartment, I dropped my keys onto the counter before plopping onto my couch. "Maybe if I'm distracted by my daily routine, I can forgot that I'm single," I thought as I stared up at the ceiling. Then I sighed. Lily and Josh are in a relationship, and now Y/N is in a relationship. What luck I have for being friends with people who are in a relationship. I got up from my couch before heading to my bedroom. "Maybe a midnight run will help me..." I thought as I started changing.

Running through the city lights was a great idea. A cold breeze past me as I ran. After a while, I stopped by a convenience store to get water. Soon I noticed the same female I bumped into this morning. "Oh, it's you!" the female said while approaching me. "Ah... yeah, sorry for bumping into you," I apologize as I wiped away any remaining water. She smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry about it! You must really like running, huh? You're even running at night." I stared at her. "My name is Ayeon by the way!" her smile seemed really enchanting to me. "I'm Mark," I replied as I took ahold of her small hand, that she held out to me after introducing herself. "Do you run often? Maybe we can run together," Ayeon suggested.

"Maybe a new chapter is beginning..." I thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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