His Jacket...

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"Oh don't act like you don't want to date her because she's pretty," Jimin said as he laughed clearly in disbelief that Taehyung wouldn't date someone as pretty as you. Taehyung shook his head, "I like her scarf," Taehyung said. The members of BTS gave Taehyung a disbelief look, "So you don't think that she's pretty?" Yoongi asked, "Oh no she is pretty, I just like her scarf," Taehyung said once again as if they hadn't heard him the first time. "So you wouldn't plan on dating her...?" Jin asked and Taehyung looked at the other members, "I would want to get to know her more to find out if I like her, you know how you should normally start wanting to date someone," Taehyung answered. The members stared at Taehyung, "He is right... It's not right to date someone because of their looks, we shouldn't want to date her because of what we see on the outside, but we should date her for what's inside," Namjoon said, "But she's got a nice body," Jimin stated pervertedly but in a quiet tone. The members of BTS, besides Taehyung, nodded in agreement at Jimins statement. They continued to follow Lily and you, as quietly as they could.

~To you~

You finally stopped singing when Lily had seemed satisfied with your voice. Lily and you just exited the building, "Babe over here!" Josh yelled as he honked his car, "I guess I'll see you later Miss Y/N," Lily said as she ran off before you could tell her not to call you in such a formal manner. You sighed, it seemed your driver hadn't arrive yet, probably picking up a snack for you. You grabbed your phone from your back pocket, you tapped on your messages since you felt your phone vibrate while you were singing. "I'm sorry Miss Y/N I'll be late... I'm picking up your favorite yogurt and the store seems extremely busy today making the line long," your driver had texted you, "Don't worry about it, take your time," you replied. You turned off your phone before putting it back into your back pocket, it was getting colder, you placed your hands on the opposite arm so you could warm yourself.

~To BTS~

BTS was in the building watching you through the glass door, "She looks like she's getting cold..." Hoseok pointed out concerned that you might get sick. "Aw... Poor noona, she should have brought a thicker jacket," Jungkook said sadly, "I mean apparently the weather changed unexpectedly," Namjoon said crossing his arms as he watched you. Just then Taehyung pushed the door open and started walking to you, "Taehyung! Get back here!" Jin commanded quietly so you didn't notice they were stalking you.

~Back to you~

You were standing in the coldness, you felt something being placed over your head, it was a jacket. You pulled the jacket down to your shoulder before turning to see who it was, it was Taehyung who was smiling happily. "Hey Y/N, I saw you were freezing, I came to warm you up," Taehyung said as he stood beside you, "Ahh... Thank you, but you don't have to give me your jacket, you'll get sick. And we know ARMY's will be unhappy knowing you got sick," you told Taehyung. "The thing is they won't know why I got sick... If they knew I got sick to make sure a lady didn't freeze to death outside then I think ARMY would understand," Taehyung said and you laughed, "Yea but most fans will get jealous," you stated. He shrugged, "So who are you waiting for? Also what happened to that girl that was with you before?" Taehyung asked as he placed his hands into his jean pockets. "I'm waiting for my uber driver that I called..." You lied because you didn't want him to know about your families status, "And if you're talking about Lily, her boyfriend picked her up," you answered the second question. "Is that so...?" Taehyung asked, just then a car that was very familiar to you parked in front of Taehyung and you, "Well my ride is here," you said as you took the jacket off your shoulder. "Thank you for the jacket," you said to Taehyung before handing back his jacket, you turned around and grabbed the car handle. You pulled the car door open, you stepped in and sat down, "Wait!" Taehyung said before you closed the door, "Yes...?" You asked confused. "Please text me and the BTS members... It'll be nice to talk to you and get to know you more," Taehyung said as he put on his jacket, "Will do," you told him before closing the car door. You rolled down the car window, you began waving goodbye to Taehyung and he waved back giving you his famous box smile. Soon enough Taehyung disappeared from your vision as the car moved away from the building. You rolled the window back up, "Your yogurt is in that bag," your driver said as he pointed at a bag near the gearshift. You grabbed the bag, untied it and grabbed out a healthy yogurt, it was the brand of yogurt you absolutely loved, "Thank you!" You said smiling happily. "No problem, I thought you might need it because you have to talk to your dad... It'll be good to show your dad that you have energy," your driver replied and you nodded in agreement.

You opened the yogurt, you grabbed the lid that contained granola oats, then poured the granola oats into the yogurt. You grabbed the spoon from the bag and started mixing the granola oats into the yogurt along with cut up strawberries. After you were done mixing it, you re-dipped the plastic spoon into the yogurt, filled the spoon with yogurt and you ate the yogurt. You continued to smile happily as you ate the yogurt. You were sad when you finished all the yogurt, you had saw that your driver also got your favorite tea. You opened the tea and drank out of the can as you grabbed your phone. You tapped on the phone app before tapping the plus button to add a phone number, you grabbed your backpack and took out your notebook. You opened it to the page where the BTS members had put their phone numbers, you for some reason just wanted to put Taehyungs phone number first into your phone. That's exactly what you did, you tapped Taehyungs phone number and you named it to show that the phone number belong to Taehyung, and then you proceeded to add the rest of the numbers in. You took another drink of the tea before adding all seven phone numbers onto your favorite list. You tapped on Taehyungs phone number and tapped on message. "Hey this is Y/N," you texted to Taehyung first and then texted the rest of the members the same thing.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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