"I Like..."

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You stared up at Taehyung in disbelief. "What?" you asked thinking that you heard wrong, or perhaps Taehyung misspoke. But the expression on Taehyung's face made you doubt your assumptions. "I like you too Y/N," Taehyung repeated himself as he approached you. "You like me?" you asked still in disbelief. Taehyung analyzed your expression before frowning, "Don't you believe me?". You didn't know what to believe, the guy you like actually likes you back. All you could do was stand there, staring at Taehyung in disbelief and shock. "Oh come on now Y/N. You were the one that you had confessed," Taehyung pointed out. "Well I know but... You actually like me?" you asked wanting Taehyung to confirm. Taehyung nodded, "Do you want me to prove it?" Taehyung asked. "How will you prove it?" you asked with confusion. All Taehyung did was tap his lips with his index finger, "A kiss?!" you thought. "I-I don't think t-that's a g-go-good way to p-prove something," you stuttered as your heartbeat started beating faster. "I mean it could be the only way to prove my true feelings. Or perhaps you want something else?" Taehyung asked. "What other way is there to prove your feelings?" you asked curious. Taehyung shrugged at your question, "But I really do like you Y/N". You stared at Taehyung, his words were so gentle and sweet. "What do you like about me?" you asked. Taehyung stared at you before smiling, "I'm glad you asked," was Taehyung's response. "Hmm... Where should I start?" Taehyung asked as he looked over to you thinking you'll give him an answer. All you did was stare at Taehyung, patiently waiting for an answer. "Okay. I like how cute you are, your personality is cute and don't get me wrong you're also cute in general. I like your smile, and your laughter. I like that you enjoy taking care of BTS and me, so I like that you're caring. I like that even though your expressionless, you can smile brightly. You're kind and loving. I like that you and I have some similar interest. I like how cute you looked in my hoodies, and I want you to wear more. I like you," Taehyung said.

You felt your cheeks heat up, "So what do you like about me?" Taehyung asked softly. You gulped before speaking, "I like how silly you are. How excited you are. The way you make me feel weird every time I'm with you or whenever I think of you. I enjoy seeing your smile. I like how you act like a little kid, it's really cute. I really like that you enjoy spending time with little kids. I like your deep voice, and your singing. Your dedication to making your fans smile. There's too much to be honest," you said laughing a little. You looked up at Taehyung to see him smiling, "I just have one question Y/N," Taehyung said. You stared at Taehyung with confusion, "Yes?" you asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Taehyung asked with an adorable smile. Your heart started beating fast, your cheeks heated up even more and you were unable to talk. "He just asked me out!" you thought with excitement. You opened your mouth to say something but you were unable to. "Cat got your tongue?" Taehyung asked holding in laughter. "I-I would lo-love to be your g-girl-girlfriend," you finally said. With that response Taehyung engulfed you into his arms. "I'm glad," Taehyung said, with a warm smile you hugged Taehyung back.

~After awhile~

Taehyung and you have been in your room messing around. "You know, I never thought I'll see you smile so much," Taehyung said happily. "Well... Maybe Lily was right. Dating a guy could make me less emotionless," you replied. Taehyung looked over to you, "I guess huh? I like this side of you better, it makes me like you even more," Taehyung states. You started feeling your cheeks heat up. "Ugh," you said out loud, "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked staring at you with confusion. "I don't know, every time I'm with you, my heart beats faster and faster. Whenever you say sweet things, I feel this sudden heat on my cheeks," you replied. You heard Taehyung let out a slight laugh, "You're so innocent, it's too cute," Taehyung said. "Huh?" you asked giving Taehyung a confused look. "Your heart is beating fast because you like me, my heart is also beating fast right now. Also that heat on your cheeks is called blush. It's normal for this to happen when you're with someone you like," Taehyung explained. You nodded as you started to process Taehyung's explanation. "Wanna watch a movie?" Taehyung asked, "Sure," you replied with a smile.

~After awhile~

~Living room~

Taehyung and you were in the living room watching a movie, until suddenly the doorbell went off. "I'll get it," you said as you stood up and went to the front door. You looked through the hole and saw a unfamiliar female standing at the door. "Who is it?" Taehyung asked, you turned around and shrugged. Taehyung stood up and went over to the door before looking through the hole. "Ah," was all Taehyung said before unlocking the door. When the door opened the female gave a warm smile. "Hey Taehyung," the female said before giving Taehyung a quick hug. "Hello, are you here for Namjoon?" Taehyung asked and the female nodded. You started analyzing the female: her hair was a dark brown to the point where it could be considered black and it was also in a ponytail, she was wearing a oversized white t-shirt along with black leggings, with black and white Nikes. Her cheeks were rosy and it also looked like she doesn't wear makeup, she didn't look Korean but yet she spoke Korean very fluently. She's carrying a black mini backpack, and it seems she likes the color black. "Who's this?" the female asked pointing at you. "Ah right. This is Y/N, she's the assistant manager of BTS. She's also my girlfriend," your eyes widened at Taehyung's last sentence. "Ah, so this is the chick Namjoon was talking about," the female says. "Hello, my name is Kim," the female said holding out her hand to you. You smiled before grabbing her hand and shaking it. "Anyways, where's Namjoon's studio. I need guidance incase I get lost," Kim said. "Oh yea, I forgot you have that habit," Taehyung said, "Come on," Taehyung signaled Kim to follow along. Kim and you started following behind Taehyung. "Lost habits...?" you thought confused on how getting lost is a habit. Taehyung stopped in front of Namjoon's studio. "Here we are," Taehyung said, Kim gave Taehyung a smile, "Thank you". As Kim was about to open the door Taehyung whispered something to Kim. You were able to hear it, but not as clearly, "Namjoon said that he'll date Y/N if he had the chance". Kim's aura suddenly became dark, "Oh really?!" Kim asked before opening the door in anger. "Babe?" Namjoon asked and like that the door closed behind Kim.

"What...?" you asked out loud. "Kim is dating Namjoon," Taehyung said. You looked over to Taehyung, "Last I check he was single". Taehyung nodded, "That's because Namjoon and Kim don't want their relationship public yet," Taehyung explained. "But why did you tell Kim I was your girlfriend?" you asked curious. "Because she's my best friend, and she's not the type to leak information that isn't supposed to be roaming around in the public," Taehyung explained. You nodded, "Shall we get back to the movie?" Taehyung asked. With a smile you nodded.


"Why are you trying to cheat on me?!" Kim asked punching Namjoon. "Babe! It's not what it seems!" Namjoon said trying to protect himself. "You said you would date Y/N, you're taken Namjoon. Taken!" Kim shouted trying to get her point across. "I know, I know! But who would resist such a catch?!" Namjoon joked making the situation worst. Kim immediately stopped punching Namjoon and left his studio. "F***, maybe I should stop," Namjoon thought feeling guilty as he started following Kim.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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