From Cute to Scary

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~Two days later~

In two more days, you will be returning to Seoul. That means you get to be reunited with Taehyung. The thought made you want to try your absolute best. Although you've been doing well, you wanted to finish off this business trip with excellence. You and your mom both left Indianapolis a few hours ago. Now you're in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. "Isn't it pretty?" your mom asked. She pointed all around. You nodded before returning to drinking your tea. Then you started looking around, hoping that no paparazzi was anywhere to be seen. "What's wrong, sweetie?" she asked, seeing that you were busy scanning your surroundings. "Oh, nothing. Just making sure we don't get surrounded by cameras and interviewers," you replied before bringing your attention back to her. She quickly responded with a light hearted laugh. "Don't be so worried, sweetie. After all, this is a private restaurant for famous people to relax at," she reassured. You sighed in relief, "I just don't want flashes, and microphones rapidly being stuffed in our faces." "Have you never been surrounded by paparazzi before?" she asked. In response, you simply shrugged. "I mean... maybe once in a while. But they're mostly a small amount of people, not like that huge group from a few days ago," you answered. She smiled, "Maybe it's because you never leave your house as often as your dad and I do. But that crowd of paparazzi, was a perfect moment for you to experience something you normally don't. So get used to it, since you'll be surrounded by many people once you take charge of the company."

You slowly nodded at your mom's words. Soon a voice called out to her. "Ah, you're finally here, Miss Melody," she said before standing up to greet the person. You were quick to turn around, so you can see who you would be meeting with next. A young lady, probably in her twenties, appeared in your sight. She was wearing a pink dress; various portions of the dress was wrapped in white lace. The white lace ran around the bottom of the dress, and sleeves. She was wearing white knee high socks, and black high heels with straps crossing over one another. Her hair was styled in a ponytail, and curled. From your analysis, you were quick to conclude that Miss Melody enjoyed having a cutesy image. "Miss Melody, this is Y/N, she's my daughter," your mom introduced as she guided her to you. You smiled before standing up to greet her. "It's nice to meet you," you held out your hand, but instead of shaking it she engulfed you in her arms. "I can't believe that I actually get to meet you in person!" she beamed. You swore the she was planning to kill you. You felt like your supplied oxygen was slowly being sucked out of your body.

"I haven't told Taehyung how much I'm grateful to have him by my side," you thought. "M-Miss Melody, you're preventing me from breathing," you stuttered as you gasped for air. She was quick to release you, "Oh how silly of me! I got so excited that I bear hugged you to death without knowing." You inhaled a large amount of air before giving her a smile of reassurance, "It's okay, Miss Melody." "Oh no, just call me Melody. After all, we're practically the same age," she smiled, "No need to be so formal with me. It'll be nice to hear you calling me by my name, instead of being formal." You nodded in response. Now that you listen to her voice, it was soft and calm. "She definitely fits the cutest image, or she enjoys being cute since she probably is complimented about her voice on a daily," you thought. Melody squealed, "I can't believe that I'm actually face to face with my idol right now!" You titled your head with confusion. "Did I miss something?" you asked. "Miss Melody became a singer because of you, since you've always been an inspiration to her," your mom explained. With the explanation, you smiled to see that you can inspire other people. "When I heard your voice, I immediately fell in love with it! It made me want to reach for the stars and be like you! Your vocals are so amazing, and meeting you is just a dream come true," Melody shouted. "Thank you so much Mrs. L/N, for allowing me to meet your daughter!" she took hold of both your mom's hand before happily jumping up and down. Your mom laughed, "Ever since you told me you were a fan, it would have been wrong if I didn't introduce the two of you." You happily smiled, "I didn't know I could make someone want to achieve so much."

~After a while~

"I can't get over your voice!" Melody squealed. For the last few minutes, she's been playing your songs over and over again. The songs you made, and the songs you've covered. Although they were old, she enjoyed listening to them. You never knew that you had such a devoted fan. "Sweetie, how about you sing for her, and let her record it?" your mom suggested. "Should I?" you asked yourself before glancing over to Melody, who was giving you puppy dog eyes. "Sure, why not," you smiled, seeing you couldn't deny a fan. Then you were hearing your own voice echo through the empty porch. Your voice bounced everything, and flew into the air as the breeze swooped it away. When you were finally done, Melody squealed once more. "I can't get over how amazing you are," you noticed tears forming in her eyes. She was quick to wipe it. "Oh my, how horrible," she laughed as she wiped her tears with her palm. She was smudging her makeup. "It just feels like a dream that you're right in front of me. I've been waiting to meet you for the longest time. Ever since I became a celebrity, I always dreamed of meeting you. Now here you are, in front of me, singing and enchanting me with your lovely voice," she sniffled. You smiled before standing up, "Let's head to the bathroom. I'll help you get rid of those makeup smudges." With that, she stood up and you lead her up the bathroom.

~After a while~

"I'm sorry for being a mess in front of you, how embarrassing," Melody said as the both of you left the bathroom. You laughed, "Don't worry about it, you don't have to worry about being a mess in front of me. It's amazing to see such a devoted fan like you. I'm happy that you were able to meet me, and I'm happy to have met you." She beamed with happiness at your words. Just then, a male approached the two of you. "Hey cutie, wanna go out some time?" the guy asked. The thing with the bathroom was... it was located near the restaurant but not in it. That meant many people can interact with you. Plus, you weren't protected by the safety of the private restaurant. This made perverted males capable of, well, being able to chat with you in an inappropriate manner. But it seemed Melody's mood was quick to change, she went from cute to scary in no time. "Can you leave us alone? We're trying to have a conversation here, can't you see?" she asked, a rather scary aura roamed around her. The guy smirked. "No need to be so harsh. I'm only asking you to be mines," the guy placed his hand on her shoulder. That was a bad decision since Melody grabbed onto his arm, and threw him behind her without any struggle. "Definitely scary... but cutesy at the same time," you thought, shocked. You looked behind you to see the male twitching in pain. Melody latched onto your arm. "Let's get back to Mrs. L/N! We can't keep her waiting!" she was now surrounded by flowers, as she returned to her cutest state. "Please remind me to never mess with you," you said following behind her. You were scared she'll break you. She laughed. "I won't do any harm to you. After all,you're my idol!" she happily said. "Plus, I only do it to males who can easily get on my nerves," she added before quickly changing into her scary mode. "But you won't get on my nerves!" she said, quickly changing back to her innocent and cute mode.

"I don't know whether to feel scared, or happy," you thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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