What do You Think About Her?

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You put on Taehyungs hoodie and walked out of BigHit studio. You noticed that the car you normally get picked up in wasn't there, so you waited outside, for your driver. For some reason he was late, probably busy. You exhaled out and saw your breath, "It sure is chilly," you said as you placed your hands into Taehyung's hoodies pocket. Just then you heard the door open, you turned around and saw BTS walk out, "It's cold!" Jimin stated as he placed his hands on the opposite arms. Taehyung walked out, "You're right!" Taehyung said copying Jimin, "Where's your hoodie Taehyung??" Seokjin asked looking at Taehyung. "I gave it to a pretty lady," Taehyung replied smiling as if he accomplished so much. "Who...? Do you mean Y/N?" Seokjin asked and Taehyung nodded. You couldn't help but feel bad for Taehyung, you walked over to him, "Hey Taehyung," you said as you approached him. Taehyung turned his head and looked at you, "Awe! My hoodie is so oversized compared to your mini figure!" Taehyung said before fan boying at how cute you looked. "You should take this back," you said to Taehyung as you took off the hoodie and handed it to him. Taehyung grabbed the hoodie before holding it up to where the other members couldn't see your faces. Just then he gave you a kiss on your forehead and you felt your cheeks heat up. "Don't worry about me... I think you should wear it, we don't want our assistant manager to freeze," Taehyung said as he handed you back his hoodie. "B-But you might freeze!" You stuttered avoiding eye contact with him. "I'll be fine! You can't get sick from coldness!" Taehyung stated and you nodded before putting on his hoodie once again. "Thank you, please take care," you said before bowing, "Okay bye Miss Y/N," Taehyung waved goodbye to you as you walked away. You placed your hand on your chest, your heart was beating fast once again. You heard a car honk making you look up and you saw a car. You ran over to the car before entering the car.

"I'm sorry that I'm late," your driver said and you nodded as you tried to calm yourself down. Your driver seemed to notice your cheeks were flushed, "Miss Y/N...? Did you freeze?" He asked concerned and you shook your head. "No not at all, I'm fine," you said trying reassure him. He nodded, he seemed as if he wanted to question you more but didn't want to make you feel forced to answer the questions. Your driver started driving you to your house.

~To the BTS car~

"Taehyung what did you do to Y/N?" Namjoon asked, "What do you mean?" Taehyung asked back innocently. "She was stuttering when she last talked to you," Jimin pointed out, "That's because she was freezing," Taehyung lied. "... Makes sense, I guess..." Hoseok said agreeing with Taehyung. "True... But can you believe the girl we met at a fan meet became our assistant manager the next day?!" Jungkook asked. "Yea... She must really be a huge fan of us if she wanted to become our assistant manager," Seokjin stated and the other members nodded their head in agreement. "What do you guys think about her?" Namjoon asked curiously, but he already knew the answer. "She's so hot!" Jimin stated, "She's kind and very pretty," Jungkook said. "She's emotionless... Just like me, and she's pretty," Yoongi said before yawning, "I think she's pretty, kind and unique," Seokjin said, "She's hot and sexy, I really wanna get with her," Namjoon said. "But don't you already have a girlfriend Namjoon?" Taehyung asked making Namjoon sink in his chair. "I think she's pretty and kind..." Hoseok said, "I like how cute she looks in my hoodie!" Taehyung said smiling. The BTS members looked at Taehyung, "What...?" Jimin asked, "What hyung?" Taehyung asked back confused. "So you don't think she's hot or sexy...? Just cute...?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung nodded, "In my hoodie, don't forget that part," Taehyung said. "There's no way you don't want to date her..." Jungkook said crossing his arms in disbelief, "Sure I'll date her! But I need to get to know her more and not judge her for her looks," Taehyung said. The other members looked at each other before bursting out into laughter, "There's no way you're still doing that!" Seokjin said mid laughter. Taehyung looked at his band members in confusion, "What...?" Taehyung asked. "Look Taehyung, if you like her for her looks then just be honest with us! We're like family," Jimin said wiping a tear caused by too much laughter. "I'm not lying!" Taehyung said crossing his arms and pouting like a child, "Right right and I don't wanna kiss Y/N on the lips," Hoseok said calming down his laughter. Taehyung sighed as he watched the members interact and talk about you. "She's cute... But I want to get to know her more, it's not right..." Taehyung thought as he blushed remembering that he kissed your small yet cute forehead.

~Back to you~

You finally made it home, you bowed to your driver and thanked him for the ride. You unlocked your door, walked into your house before locking the door again. When you finished locking the door, you took off your shoes. You had already ate dinner, because when you had your meeting with your dad he told you to be prepared for lunch and dinner, and that is exactly what you did. You entered your bedroom, grabbed your pajamas and headed to the bathroom. That was after your hung up your mini backpack, and placed your phone on your bed stand to charge it.

~After while~

After you were done showering, you laid on your bed. You stared up at the ceiling, replaying how Taehyung had placed a kiss on your forehead. You felt your cheeks heat up, "What is this called?" You asked yourself before placing your arm over your eyes. "Maybe Lily will know," you thought as you closed your eyes, and like that you were out like a light.

~The next morning~

You were awoken by the noise of your ringtone. You opened your eyes tiredly, rolled over to the side of your bed to check what time it was on your alarm clock. You blinked your eyes multiple times so you could make your eyes focus. You stared at your alarm clock, "8:30 A.M," it read and you groaned from tiredness. "Who is calling me at 8:30 in the morning?!" You asked yourself annoyed, you grabbed your phone and sat up. The callers ID was, "Dad," and that made you answer immediately. "Hello?" You answered tiredly, "Hey honey... Did I wake you up...?" He asked concerned. "You sure did but it's fine. Why'd you call?" You asked, "I wanted to tell you something that you should know..." your dad said. "What's that...?" You asked, "I want you to live in the BTS house for about a month," your dad replied.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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