Smiling Mess

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~A year later~

Last night, you stayed up all night in the office to finish before deadlines. This morning, you dropped your bowl of cereal. (Not the cereal!) "You're not starting off good, are you?" Eun asked. By now, you were just dozing off. Your head popped up. "Oh yeah, no," you yawned. "I wasn't able to get that much sleep," you started dozing off again. You still have to return to your office. This was getting so exhausting. Then you got a call. The ringing was quick to wake you up. You almost flung your phone out of the window. That was only because your alertness was low. So, your phone almost died. You grabbed your phone and stared at the caller ID. It took some time for you to recognize who was calling. "Hello?" you answered, sluggishly. "Honey, where are you?" Taehyung asked. You were glad to know that he had more energy than you. "I'm... heading to my office," you answered. "Are you okay? You really don't sound... normal," he asked. "I'm fine, just a bit tired..." you were falling in and out of consciousness by now. "Why didn't you just sleep for a few extra hours?" he asked. "I need to go in early and finish some business," you answered. "What are you doing?" he asked. Just then, you dropped your phone from you hand. Everything went black.

~After a while~

When you woke up, you were confused and lost all at once. "Where am I?" you asked. You sat up and started to look around. This place wasn't unfamiliar. It was your office. You were laying on a couch, the one located in your office. Just then, Mark walked in. When he saw that you were awake, he seemed relieved. "Good, you're awake. I made you some coffee," he walked over to you. "What happened? When did I get here?" you asked. All you remember was that you were talking to Taehyung but then the rest went blank. "Your driver informed me that on the way here, you passed out," he answered. "That's right," you thought. Then you remember your phone slipping out of your hand. "Mark, where's my phone?" you asked. He looked around the room and started thinking. Then he went over to your desk. He held up your phone. "It didn't crack when you dropped it," he assured. Then he started making his way to you. He handed it to you. "Thank you," you said. You got up in an instant after realizing that you have work to do. After you were done organizing paper, you started printing things. After you were done, you got up from your desk. Then you headed to the printing machine. Mark followed behind you. You had to carry about twenty prints back. Then you started filling them out. "I think that you should take a break," Mark said with concern. "I'll be fine. I got in some sleep so I'll do just fine," you assured. After ten papers, you started drifting off. "Alright, time to do some more errands," you got up and started walking off. "You're really pushing yourself, Miss Y/N," Mark said. "I'll be just fine," you assured. But at the same time, you could feel your consciousness being sucked out of your body. You returned to work at your desk. Then things went black, again.

~Time: 3:00 P.M.~

You woke up to the smell off food. That's when you sprung up. Eun was placing down a meal for you. "Did I wake you up, Miss Y/N?" he asked. You shook your head. "Ugh, did I fall asleep again?" you asked, frustrated with yourself. Then Mark walked in. "It's expected, you worked until five in the morning. Then you come here at eight," he said. "Here, eat up. You need it. I put in all my efforts to make it for you," Eun handed you a spoon. You pushed your papers aside and happily took the food. "I know you have to go to BigHit so I printed out everything... because your laptop was conventionally on," Mark informed. He placed a stack of papers down. "Thank you," you said. You started eating and filling out the remainder of ten papers.

~Night time~

You were still grinding through papers. BTS just finished with practicing. Taehyung sat down next to you. When you came here, he was talking about how scared he was because you stopped answering him. Also, because he heard the sound of your phone impacting with the ground. "Hey, that's enough," he grabbed the paper and pulled it away from you. "It's time for you to take a break. I heard that you feel asleep two times. Stop stressing yourself out. You still have tomorrow," he said. You stared at him. "I can finish it," you said. "Nope, I'm treating you to dinner tonight. Stop working, go home and get dressed," he said. You agreed after he kept taking away your papers- he also took the pile of papers and threatened to throw them away. When you were dressed, you crammed in some more papers as you waited for him. After a while there was a knock on your door, you got up and opened in. He looked at you and shook his head. "Did you get dressed in the dark?" he asked. He helped you out before bringing you to the restaurant. After a while, the both of you sat down, but all you could do was worry. You were worried about the workload you had. Then he took your hand. "I know the owner of this restaurant. Everything will be on a discount so order whatever you want. Just stop worrying about work. Pay attention to me for tonight," he said. You smiled and nodded. It was more fun to pay less attention to work. After you were done eating, Taehyung ordered dessert for the both of you. Then he retreated to the bathroom. He returned in time for desert. Even with dimly lit light, you saw a sparkle in your cake. "What's this?" you thought. When you looked closer, you noticed a ring. You looked up, shocked. Taehyung got up and grabbed the ring- it was still covered in frosting. He kneeled down, "Our beginning was weird but we still became friends. It was awkward at first but I can't believe you fell in love with me. But, I also fell in love with you. You may be my assistant manager but you're also my girlfriend- now you can be more than that. You've been through a lot: in a coma, looked down upon, judged, seen differently, and more. We've been through it together. I'm here, standing strong because of you. I hope that I'm the reason you're standing strong as well. Let's be stay strong together, and be together forever. Will you marry me?"

You felt tears, like normal. "Yes," you nodded. This was his plan all along. Maybe to release some stress but also for this proposal. He got up and wiped the frosting off. Then he put in on your finger. The restaurant cheered loudly. You were a smiling mess when eating that cake, and you kept looking at the ring.

I hoped you enjoyed!
That's the end of this story!
Thank you so much for sticking around to read!
I appreciate it!

We here.
Edited: 4/27/19

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