Him of All People

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It was another day of working. You were carrying papers around the hotel room. Then you dropped them onto the table, provided in the hotel room. "Sweetie, I can take care of those if you'll like. I think you should take a break," your mom said. She looked through all the papers placed on the hotel bed. You smiled, reassuringly. "It's no problem, mom. All I have to do is organize them by companies and dates," you assured. Little did you know that it'll be a lot more work than you anticipated. You thought since it's only organizing them, you wouldn't have a single problem. Well you were wrong, there was a lot more piles than you thought there would be. Your hands clasped onto the next papers. W held the two papers in different hands before looking at the company name and date. Soon you placed one paper on a small pile, and the other on a medium pile. "How's it going, sweetie?" your mom asked. You turned, "It's going okay, there's just... well, there's a lot more papers that I need to sort through." She laughed, "We have a ton more." Then she pointed at more piles that were placed nicely on a nearby table. With that, you sighed loudly before returning to work. "We were invited by one of your dad's friend to have dinner with them. I think you'll have a fun time," she informed. Without batting an eye, you continued to scan through the papers, "Really? I'll see about that." "I think your dad mentioned something about you knowing their son. I think you'll like seeing your friend again," she said. Without further question, you continued to organize the pile. You completely zoned out, and started to be more engaged with organizing.


You carefully walked around, watching everyone as they worked. "You don't need to look like a hawk, who's searching for the next prey," your mom said. "Do I really look like I'm doing that?" you asked. Ms. Walton nodded, "Indeed you do." You never knew a old lady had the guts to tell you the things you didn't think you'll need to hear. You laughed light heartedly. "Really? Well I'm trying to adjust to all of this. I mean, I don't really get the point of it all," you said. "Well, you see... when you keep a close eye on your employees, you can take care of them. Even when they don't know you are, you can tell the difference of their work patterns. It'll give you a better understanding of how their day is going, without actually asking. Say if they're catching a cold, you can see that before it happens because their pattern changed," your mom explained. "It also gives you another way of learning more about the workers," Ms. Walton added. You nodded, "That makes sense. I guess I would need to keep an open eye." You've been learning so much lately. Not only were you experiencing new things, but you were being taught different things as well. Your mom thinks that this will help you be a successful company owner, once your dad retires. You had to admit that learning things you knew little information to no information, was enjoyable. After all, it taught you something you'll use in the near future. Even if you weren't sure you wanted to take your dad's place.

~At night~

"You could have just told me that it was a dinner party," you stared at all the cars pulling into the driveway. Your mom quietly laughed, "If I told you, you would have been against going to the party, sweetie." You sighed, "I mean, I would have gone since it's normally apart of these business trips, right?" "Right," she nodded. You patiently waited for the driver to park the car so you can get out. "I'll be introducing you to a lot of people, okay? I mean after all, you'll be working with them soon," she said. Once the car was parked, the two of you thanked the driver, and your mom payed. Then the two of you were heading to the entrance. "Please state your name," the person at the door said. "Y/M/F/N (Your Mom's First Name)," your mom said before watching the person scanned through the list. "Ah Mrs. L/N, and her daughter Miss Y/N. You're allowed to enter," the person said before using their hand to direct the both of you to the door. You followed behind your mom. As soon as you stepped into the mansion, you were shocked at how many people were here. It was so crowded, and, at that, noisy. Although the noise didn't quite compare to a BTS concert, you had to admit that this mansion was full of noises. "Come on, sweetie," your mom said before grabbing your hand, and leading you somewhere. Then you stopped in front of a male, he seemed to be in his fifties. "Mr. Kim," your mom bowed, and you copied. "Ah, Mrs. L/N! I'm so glad you made it," Mr. Kim happily said. He kissed her hand. "Weirdo," you thought. "This is my daughter, Y/N," she introduced. You smiled, "It's nice meet you, Mr. Kim." He smiled back, "It's so good to see you again, Miss Y/N." You gave him a confused expression. "We met before...?" you thought as confusion took over. He smiled before motioning someone to come to him.

You turned to see who he was signaling, something you started to regret. The person who was approaching you was the guy you hated- well, disliked would be a more appropriate word to use. He smirked as he saw your presence, showing that he remembered you. You, well you unfortunately remembered him. "Y/N, it's been a while hasn't it?" he asked, smirking like an idiot as he approached you. "Why him of all people?" you thought, dreading ever being here. Your mom smiled, "It seems he remembers you. How about you go and chat with him for a while?" she asked. You didn't want to, but you knew that you needed to. If you denied, it'll make your family's company look bad. After all, you were surrounded by a lot of people. The news could catch up so easily. So uh the end, you nodded. "Shall we find a place to talk then?" you asked in a miserable tone. He nodded with a grin appearing, ever so vividly, on his face. Oh how much you hated him face, if only you could erase it. If only his entire existence could be... erased.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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