Valentine Special

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Authors Note: I would like to say some things before this Valentines special starts~!
This chapter will have no effect on the upcoming chapters, but I may or may not add the presents into the upcoming chapters!
This story will be in first person point of view!
And this story may or may not be longer than the original chapters...
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Also there will be errors!

I woke up to my phone dinging, I opened my eyes completely tired as I attempted to grab my phone. As I sat up I grabbed my phone from my bed stand. I tapped on the home button and checked the time, it was 10:30 A.M. I sighed before looking at who the message was from. I thought the message would be from Lily since she normally freaks out on Valentine's Day, but instead my eyes widen in shock. The message was from Taehyung.

Hey Y/N are you awake?
Wake up lazy butt!
Today's Valentines Day so wake up!
The day of love! ❤️❤️❤️
Hey Y/N wake up, I broke my leg and I need your help...
I was kidding on the previous message... I thought if I texted something dramatic you'll wake up, guess not.
Wake up Y/N!
Aish Taehyung, I'm awake.
Geez you need to calm down with all the spamming.
I'm an impatient alien...
I can tell...
Anyways did you need something?
I mean it was so important that you had to wake me up by spamming my phone.
Sure is important.
Look outside your window.

With confusion I crawled to my window and pulled one curtain to the side. My eyes widen as I saw Taehyung outside, he looked up and smiled at me.

What the heck Taehyung?! How'd you find where I live?
Don't worry about it!
Are you stalking me?!
No... But can you let me inside...?
I've been kind of standing outside for ten minutes now...
Why didn't you just text me in your car...?
Oh... That would have been a better idea.

I face palmed myself.

Okay... Give me a few minutes, I'll let you in.
But can you wait in your car instead of freezing yourself?
Yea okay...

I immediately rolled off my bed and headed to my bathroom. When I entered my bathroom I quickly did my morning routine.

When I was finished doing my morning routine, I rushed to the door. I didn't know what it was but I was really happy that Taehyung was outside, although I had no idea how he found my address. My happiness over threw my confusion. I quickly unlocked the door before I swung the door open. I watched as Taehyung looked up from his phone and smile at me. I smiled back at him. Taehyung got out of his car and made his way to the front door. When he approached me he gave me a brighter smile, "Hey" Taehyung said with happiness filling his voice. "Hey," I replied as I let him enter my house. As Taehyung entered the house he took of his shoes and started looking around. "Nice place," Taehyung said, "Thanks," I replied as I closed the door. "So why are you here?" I asked as I followed Taehyung to the living room, "Well... I thought maybe we could spend the day today, since I have a break today," Taehyung answered. He plopped onto the couch, "Plus today is Valentines Day... Everyone is busy today, so I wanted to hang out with you," Taehyung added and I nodded my head. "So go get changed," Taehyung commanded, "Huh?" I asked with confusion. "We're gonna go outside and roam around," Taehyung said, "But I don't want to go outside where people are being romantic with one another. I've rather stay home and hang out," I replied. Taehyung sighed before standing up and grabbing my hands. I blushed, "Listen I can be romantic with you if it makes you feel better about being outside with couples. I'm fine with pretending to be a couple as well," Taehyung said. I felt my heart beat faster and faster at his words, part of me wanted to say yes to his option. But I held back, "Fine I'll go change," I said and Taehyung smiled as he released my hand before falling onto the couch once again.

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