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~A week later~

It's been a week ever since you've gotten sick. Your sickness went away quite fast with Seokjin and Kim's help. Normally when you're sick it would take up about a week, but the sickness went away in two days which is fast for you. And in no time, you were back to being an assistant manager.

"Take a break!" you heard as your voice echoed throughout the room. You also heard as the members of BTS sighed in relief. With one glance, you saw as the members of BTS nearly swallow their entire water bottle. Within a matter of seconds you were back to filling out papers. As you were in the middle of filling out one of the papers, your vision became dark because someone was covering your eyes. "Guess who," the voice whispered into your ear. "Taehyung stop, I need to fill out these papers," you said which made Taehyung remove his hands from your face. Taehyung pouted as he sat down next to you. "Why don't you come take a break with us?" Taehyung asked making you immediately shake your head. "Oh come on honey," Taehyung begged, "Remember how you got sick last time? Stress!" You looked over at Taehyung before giggling a little. "I know how I got sick, and that was my mistake. This time though, I'm planning to be more careful and be less stress," you reassured. "But you know, you were also a reason why I was stressed. So I guess that because I'm dating you I'll be less stress," you added. Taehyung stared at you in disapproval, "Let's go, break time!" Taehyung exclaimed before dragging you out of your seat.

You quickly followed behind Taehyung, "Stop Taehyung, I need to work!" You didn't want to have to fill out papers at home, so it'll be best if you did all the paperwork now. "Nope, I'm going to prevent you from leaving me. You need to rest honey," Taehyung replied. Taehyung sat down onto a chair before pulling you on top of his lap. "Taehyung!" you shouted at Taehyung's sudden action. All Taehyung did was place his chin onto your shoulder without a word. Soon Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist, and you sat there in silence. You could feel as your cheeks started heating up. Suddenly the sound of the door slamming open made you jump. You turned your attention to the door, soon seeing Kim standing there. "Namjoon!" Kim shouted before stomping over to Namjoon. Kim looked angry, but when she approached Namjoon, she immediately flew into his arms. You could feel as Taehyung was glaring at the two of them.

~After awhile~

Soon you were back to filling out papers, and BTS was back to practicing. Kim was sitting in front of you, playing on her phone. You stopped to take a break before looking at Kim. "What are you playing?" you asked curiously. "SuperStar BTS," was Kim's reply, her attention was completely glued to her phone. With curiosity you stood up and walked over to Kim. You watched as Kim's fingers tapped the screen super fast as yellow, blue and purple dots appeared. Soon it ended, Kim sighed in relief, "You're good," you said making Kim laugh. "I've been obsessed with the game ever since it came out, honestly," Kim replied, you saw as three stars appeared on the screen along with all combo, all perfect, and cleared. "Wow!" you exclaimed impressed, "You're really good." "Have you played?" Kim asked turning to you, you shook your head. "Wanna try?" Kim asked and you hesitantly shook your head again. "Come on, just once," Kim said as she changed the mode to normal, you sighed in defeat before taking Kim's phone and sitting beside her. Kim smiled as she tapped on BTS DNA, and soon the round was starting. "Yellow hold, blue and purple tap," Kim explained quickly. You were completely bad at the game, when the round ended you had only gotten one star. "That's hard!" you exclaimed which made Kim laugh, "Don't worry, I also had the same problem," Kim reassured. You giggled a little with Kim before standing up and returning to your work.

~Time : 10:49 P.M.~

As you finished with the last paper, you looked over to BTS who were also finished. You turned your attention to Kim, soon seeing her fast asleep on the table. She looked so calm and peaceful, "Namjoon," you called which made Namjoon turn his attention to you. "What's up?" Namjoon asked approaching you, in response you pointed at Kim. Namjoon turned his attention to Kim, within a matter of seconds he was taking pictures of her. You watched Namjoon completely confused, but soon Taehyung was standing in front of you. "Are you done?" Taehyung asked letting out a yawn. You nodded as you collected all the paper and straightened them out. With the papers in hand you stood up, "I need to give these to the manager, and I'll meet up with you guys later," you informed. Taehyung stared at you, "I'll come along," Taehyung insisted and you shrugged. You honestly didn't care if Taehyung followed along since you were just giving papers to the manager. Soon you and Taehyung were out of the practice room after informing the members of BTS. You and Taehyung walked to the manager's office in silence. "Hey," Taehyung said breaking the silence and you hummed in response. "Do you ever want to have a relationship like Namjoon and Kim?" Taehyung asked. You froze in your spot, which made Taehyung also stop walking. "A relationship like Namjoon and Kim?" you asked wanting clarification. "Yea, like how their lovey dovey and all that," Taehyung further explained. You immediately shook your head, "I like how we are right now Taehyung, we need to take things slow... Namjoon and Kim have been dating for about..." you paused. "About two years," Taehyung said helping you out. "Right, two years... And we've been a couple for a week. I prefer that we take it slow and just be us. As time passes we'll have changes in our relationship, and we'll probably experience more," you said.

Soon you were in front of the manager's office. "Stay out here, I'll make it quick," you told Taehyung before entering the room. "Excuse me, I have the papers..." you said looking around the room in order to find the manager. "What do you mean they're dating?!" the manager asked furious. "How will the fans reac-" the manager stopped after noticing your presence. "I'll call you later," the manager said before quickly ending the call. "Hello Miss L/N," the manager said before smiling, but slight annoyance appeared on his face.

"Did he figure out Taehyung is dating me?" you thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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