Hiking and the Past

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~The next day~

Of course, your mom was able to convince the manager without any real effort. She simply asked nicely, and he was quick to agree. You weren't so surprised; more or less, you were used to it. Well actually, she extended the time to a week. That meant you had a break from being an assistant manager for a week. But your mom had some things she wanted you to do as well, and that was to invite your friends- not BTS. But your other friends, as in Josh, Lily, and Mark. You willingly agreed, since you didn't see how it'll effect your time with your mom. When it was morning, she woke you up by rapidly shaking you and calling your name. "What time is it?" you asked as you rolled around your bed. "It's morning," she replied as her hand latched onto your leg, seeing that you were trying to escape and head back to sleep. "Sweetie, get up. It's time for you to spend time with me. After all, I'm here for a month; time will fly by quite quickly," she reminded. You opened your eyes slowly, it was still dark. "Isn't it a little too early to go hiking?" you yawned. "Well... I haven't been to Seoul in a while, and I wanted a grand tour. I was thinking that perhaps you'll provide me with that," she explained. With those words, you sat up on your bed before rubbing your eyes. You were still drowsy. It seemed really early to wake up. "We could do that when the sun is actually alive, and beaming down on the Earth," you pointed out.

Your mom nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we could. But, I found it more intriguing if we do this when the sun isn't crushing us in it's glare. Plus, think of all the nice breeze passing us, and the little darkness engulfing us in it's presence," she said. "Mom, why are you being so descriptive all of a sudden? It feels like I'm located in a room full of bright and intelligent poetics," you asked. She let out a short laugh at your words. "This is how I normally am, sweetie- or perhaps you don't remember because it's been ages since I last visited you," she replied. "I guess so. I mean, normally dad gives me a brief description on how you're doing from time to time. But, I guess he never went into detail with how you talk," you shrugged before getting up from your bed. "Okay, sweetie. I'll make us breakfast. We'll we walking around Seoul in no time. Just make sure you change before we head out," she informed before leaving your room. You smiled faintly, "She still thinks that I'm a ten year old. I guess she doesn't see me as an adult, who can take care of myself. It's nice to see that she hasn't completely changed."

~After a while~

When you and your mom were done eating, you headed out as your mom had said. You introduced her to various places, and she seemed like she was attached to them. She kept wanting to enter all the stores. Although it didn't bother you too much, you kind of felt like she would draw attention to herself if people were out at this time. It wasn't that early, but it wasn't early enough- not a lot of people were out and about. "You feel that, sweetie?" your mom asked as she latched onto your arm. "It's the nice breeze that the Earth has laid upon us, so we can feel the morning air," she happily said. You couldn't help but feel like you needed to be as poetic as she was being. "Shall we stop by a morning restaurant, and retrieve a delightful drink to enjoy this beautiful morning?" she asked. "Mom, you're really the type to be poetic in one way or another," you replied, laughing lightly. She smiled, "Sweetie, it's my choice of words that makes you assume that I'm the poetic type. Although I wouldn't disagree, I have worked with many poetic people. Maybe they rubbed off on me." Your laughter relaxed into a gentle smile. It was nice seeing she was comfortable, and not constantly stressing over work. It gave you a sense of happiness to see that you constantly being at her for checking up on work, was taking ahold of her. She seemed to be less worried than she was two days ago. "You're no longer attached to your phone," you pointed out. She simply nodded, like she noticed the quick change as well. "I thought that if I spent my entire time on my phone, I would miss the opportunity to spend time with my lovely daughter," your mom replied, quite happy she changed her actions.


"Let's begin now, shall we?" your mom asked as she adjusted her backpack. You smiled and nodded. "How far up does this trail lead us?" Mark asked as he followed beside you. "From my knowledge, I'm sure it doesn't take us as far as it seems," Lily replied as she held hands with Josh. "Everyone brought enough water, right?" you asked as you started analyzing your environment. "The birds are singing a beautiful harmony, what a gentle song to my ears," your mom said as she started walking faster. "Is this her idea of a break?" Mark asked, interested. You simply shrugged. "Perhaps it's a old hobby she liked doing. But since she's more busy, she can't enjoy herself," you replied. Mark nodded to show his understanding. You looked at your mom, she looked like she was enjoying her time. She was scanning the surrounding, like she was intrigued by every biotic and abiotic factor. Along the way, you talked to everyone. You started to enjoy climbing up the steep hills, and going down the steps provided. Hiking was never a thing you thought you'll be doing, but it was enjoyable when you had people, you like, surrounding you. "I wonder if Taehyung would enjoy going hiking with me one day," you thought as Mark held his hand out to you. You happily took his hand, and he pulled you up. "Thank you," you said as the both of your released one another's hand.

~End of the trail~

You stared at the beautiful sky presented in front of you. Your mom had really good timing, that or she knew how long it'll take to reach the end. By the time everyone reached the end, the sun was making it's way to set. You walked over to your mom, who was leaning against a tree. "You know, your father and I used to go hiking when we were a couple. This brought back so many memories. We would laugh and talk, and the only thing we heard was our voices, it was so fun. But nowadays, the both of us have been so busy. I haven't seen your father in a very long time," your mom said as she watched the sun set slowly. You felt your heart ache at her words, "That's right... My dad is an owner of a wide known company, and my mom is his wife. I never thought much about it but... they never get a break unless they're visiting me." You felt the urge to want to provide your parents with a break.

"My parents haven't seen each other in person for a long time, and I'm going to use all my power to provide them with what they need. I'll reunite us as a family, and let them have a break from all the stress in their lives. I just need to plan everything after my mom leaves," you thought as you glanced over to your mom. She was smiling brightly, like everything was so peaceful. Even though she hasn't seen her husband in ages.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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