Check Your Facts

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~Two weeks later~


"This took two weeks to prepare for so it better be worth it," someone said. "Don't worry, dad. We don't plan to fail this time," the first person said. "It was all because of her parents that we couldn't overthrow them!" the second person bit down on their finger. "They hacked the program so we will as well," the first person said, "Now let's get this started."

~Your P.O.V.~

You were busy filling out papers after papers. Just then, Kim bursted into the room. "Bad news," she came running over with her phone. "What is it?" you asked. Her hurried state was quick enough to get the others to stop. They went over to you and Kim. "I was watching a video while making my way here, then this suddenly popped up," she replayed the video. You immediately recognized them. "Hello world, I am here to talk about Miss L/N and Kim Taehyung's relationship. I have all the information on them. How can you trust me? Well, I'm one of Miss L/N's friend," she was holding up a script and kept looking up. You knew what she was doing. "We've talked about this various times. But as of now, I need to tell you everything. She has been dating Taehyung for more than two years now. You may be thinking that it's bad because she's his assistant manager. But, they're deeply in love and we shouldn't interfere with that," she looked up again. "I'll answer the questions... is Miss L/N and Kim Taehyung dating? Yes, I can confirm that. I've seen them together many times. Did she bribe him? This may just be a theory but I think so. He doesn't seem happy around her whatsoever. So, I believe that this relationship was forced on him. Poor guy... she also bribed her parents to protect her. Whenever I come over, she's always abusive towards them. I'm here to spill the truth. Miss L/N should not be trusted as a businesswoman. She'll only abuse her rights. I remember this one time that-" you had enough so you paused the video. "I can't believe she's telling all these lies," Kim sighed loudly. "Do you know her?" Taehyung asked. You nodded, "She's a rival of my parent's company. They're well known for this." "Apparently they plan to do another one of these videos to answer questions," Kim scrolled to the end and played it. "If you have any questions for me to answer, I plan to record a livestream tomorrow," she said. "She'll just spit out some more lies. People will be convince by it because she says that she's your friend," Hoseok said. "Did you see what happened in the video?" Namjoon asked. They looked at him, confused. He grabbed Kim's phone and started scrolling back. "Look, she's holding up a script, but not one she's reading off of. It's like the 'script' is a threat. Also," he played the video. "You see how she looks up, and gives a frightened face?" he asked. "It'll make it more convincing. She looks like she's being threatened by someone behind the camera. This makes it seem like she's telling the truth because she's fearing for her life. One false information can get her killed," he added. "Or so it seems. They really got this down," Kim shook her head. "That's the twins for you. They play dirty," you sighed. "Many businesses have been threatened by them. They climb their way up to the top by making false rumors. All they need to do is disguise themselves," you said. "So, this isn't anything new," Kim concluded, and you nodded.

~At home~

Byung-Hee was calling you. You were currently making a plan. "Hello?" you answered. "Listen, I know you're going through a lot at the moment. But, I know you can do it. You've shown me multiple times that you're a strong, and independent individual. When I saw that video, it made me mad. They were spreading lies. So I hope you have a plan to stop all of this," he said. "I'm thinking of one at the moment. If they want to play dirty then I will too," you replied. You heard a chuckle. "That's Y/N for you," he said. "I wish you luck. You got this," he added. Then the call ended. You sighed loudly, you had it all planned out. Now, you just need to make sure it'll fall into place.

~The next day~

"We're heading to their location right now," Lily said. "Good, I'll see you in a bit. Make sure you keep an eye out for their video," you said. "Alright, you better finish this up," she replied. "I don't plan to let this slip again," you said. Then the call ended. "Miss Y/N, they're online," a person informed you. You nodded, "Put it on the big screen." They nodded and did as you told them to. "Now, hack into those programs," you instructed. There was a lot of typing. Then the door opened; BTS and their manager walked in. "Good, you made it," you smiled. "I'm calling your parents at the moment," Mark informed. "I'm calling Byung-Hee and Melody," Eun said. "We're ready!" one person informed you. "Good, let's get started," you smiled. You watched the rest of the video at night so you know what you needed to defend. It was more or less repeating the same thing and making it sound worse.


"Hello, I'm back," the first person glanced up, "I will be answering your questions now." Not even a second later the livestream was forced down. "What's going on?" the first person asked. "I don't know, it looks like someone hacked into it. But we're still live streaming..." the second person showed the first person her laptop. It was split into two. "Hello world, I am the person you painted as a victim and the one that 'stole' your precious member," Y/N said. "Damnit, she's interfering," the second person started grinding their teeth together.

~Your P.O.V.~

You smiled when you noticed that both were on the screen. But they were muted, that's because you didn't want them interfering. "My name is L/N, Y/N, and I have been wrongly accused. How so? After all those rumors and my 'friend' appearing on screen to tell you 'everything,' why should you trust me? Well first off, my parents have confirmed that I am the assistant manager of BTS; that Taehyung and I are close. So you can trust those, but the minor mistake my 'friend' made was so hard to see. Only someone who knows about my job and interaction will know how long I've know Taehyung. That was your mistake, I haven't known Taehyung for a more than two years. I've known him for a year, and here's the proof," you held up a application paper. "You see? The date can't lie. It's all written in pen. A pen that will smudge if you try to erase it. I also asked the manager of BTS to confirm this date," the camera turned to the manager. "It's true, she's been here for a year," he said. You pointed the camera back to you. "But Y/N, how do we know that you don't bribe people? I have your answer here," you signaled someone. The call with your parents went up. "Mom, dad, have I ever bribe anyone?" you asked. "Of course not," your dad answered. He made sure it didn't seem rush or forced. "You haven't abused us either," your mom added. Then the call transitioned to Melody and Byung-Hee. "I've known Y/N for the longest time. She hates making people do things they don't want to. Plus, she doesn't like showing off her money. If any business owners have met her, they know she doesn't dress to attract or impress," Byung-Hee kept his claim strong. "I just recently become her friend, and she hasn't pressured me to do anything," Melody added on. Then the calls transitioned away. "I have also brought the members of BTS. If you don't believe my words, my parents words, or my friends words, then you'll surely trust your idols words," the camera moved over to BTS. They laid their case, and provided you support. Then the camera turn back to you. You signaled again. Then in the livestream (with person one and two), your security guards barged in. Lily was the first to pull of the disguise. "You may not know her but she's the daughter of a low company, Yoong-Ha," the camera was taken away (from person two). Then it turned to reveal another person. "Yoong-Ha and Yoong-Ah, twins of the low company. Their acts are to ruin companies. How do I know?" you signaled another person. Then past videos were shown. When the montage ended, you held up your hand. "You see? They all inform themselves as a close person. Now, what happened to those companies they attack?" you signaled again. A screenshot of accused companies were shown. "That's right, they were overthrown," you said. "So let me make this clear. If you so desire to make a rumor about me again, please confirm with me. I don't like doing this personally but if I need to, then it'll be an embarrassment on your part. Make sure you check your facts," you smiled. "Oh yeah, what friend calls me 'Miss L/N'? If we were friends, especially as close as you made it seem, you would simply call me by my first name. That's another one of your mistakes," you waved. Then it was all done. You smiled. "Hey, I didn't know you were that good," Namjoon smiled. "It was easy because they didn't have solid proof," you smiled.


"She got us," Yoong-Ha pulled her legs to her chest. "I hate her," Yoong-Ah started chewing her thumb. "Her proof was too solid and good. How can we get to the top now?" Yoong-Ha asked. "We're in prison! We can't do anything! Dad can't even bail us out!" Yoong-Ah grabbed her sister's shirt. "W-We'll get her soon, calm down," Yoong-Ah threw Yoong-Ha across the cell. "If you didn't make up that stupid nonsense then we wouldn't be here. We would be rich, rich!" Yoong-Ah said. "It's your fault! You didn't want to search up anything to prove it!" Yoong-Ha's eyes welled up.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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